"Crazy warrior?" Xue an couldn't help saying.

"Well, it can also be described like this! So although you have temporarily suppressed them with your tenacious state of mind, over time, these heroes sealed in your body will make trouble!"

At this point, Xue an finally understood why this Xingtian family was named the God of war in ancient legends.

Because this belligerent gene has been deeply engraved in their bones.

Xue an's expression could not help becoming serious, "what should I do?"

"I said, this is the price you have to pay, but it is also your opportunity. Do you know why I want to live on this white bone throne?"

Xue an's heart moved.

"Yes, because I and the white bone throne under my feet are actually the strongest weapon to suppress and command them!"

Hearing this, Xue an finally understood everything.

Xing Tian continued: "I engraved the spirits of these old guys into your body to see if you can bear all this. As a result, you did it. Then next, I will hand over all the power to you!"

Xue an was shocked, "what about you?"

"Me?" Xing Tian smiled, "don't worry, as the God of war, I will only die on the battlefield and never end myself, but now if I want to go out from here, I can only rely on you, so next, I will also become your vassal!"

Xue an's mouth opened slightly, "vassal?"

"This word is not exact, but there is no better word to replace it. Just know that I will be part of your back tattoo next. That's enough!"

"But before doing all this, I have to teach you what I can teach you. After all, your strength is too weak now!

Only then did Xue an understand Xing Tian's overall plan.

"Er... This..."

Before the words fell, Xing Tian already punched Xue an, "let's start with this fist technique!"

Xue an is used to the habit of doing things like Xing Tian, so he doesn't get much flustered. He sidesteps away from the punch, and then the two fight together.

A moment later, Xue an was knocked down by Xing Tian's fist.

"Is that all? Get up and fight again?"

Xue an didn't say a word. He turned over and fought with Xing Tian again.

Then there was a long and boring fight.

In short, Xue an kept being knocked down and then stood up.

In this process, Xing Tian has been mocking with words, but Xue an didn't refute.

Because the world is based on strength. Now I can't beat Xing Tian. It's useless to say anything.

So he just clenched his teeth and got up to fight again

I don't know how long it has passed. Anyway, xue'an has been knocked down thousands of times.

Finally, at the moment, Xue an has been able to fight with Xing Tian. Although he will still be knocked down, he can sometimes knock Xing Tian to the ground.

Although Xing Tian didn't mention this growth rate, he was extremely satisfied.

After all, I have practiced for countless years, and with the addition of the blood of the Xingtian family, I have such a powerful fist technique.

How old is Xue Ancai?

All his years of practice add up to only 3000 years, and when he plays against himself, he can play with himself only thousands of times.

This growth rate is terrible.

Finally, Xing Tian nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, now your fighting skills are barely qualified, but now you are still superficial, because you don't have the blood blessing of the Xingtian family, so you lack the fierce fighting spirit!"

"And this is the root of my invincibility!"

Xue an smiled bitterly. "What should we do? Should we go back to the furnace and rebuild it?"

"Of course not. After all, since I said I wanted to teach you, I would teach you without reservation!"

With that, Xing Tian took a deep breath, and his body, which had been reduced to facilitate communication with Xue an, stood tall and straight in an instant.

Then he stretched out his hand and gently touched Xue an's eyebrows with his tall white finger.

In an instant, countless lights rushed in. Even if the mind was as huge as Xue an, he felt great pressure in an instant.

"Throw out miscellaneous thoughts and try your best to absorb everything I pass on to you!" Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice.

Xue'an immediately clarified his state of mind and began to try his best to absorb this complicated information.

It was a long time. Finally, Xing Tian passed everything to Xue an.

Looking at Xing Tian at this time, his body size has shrunk to a point smaller than Xue an, and his face is full of fatigue.

When he released his fingers, he was shaky and almost fell over.

Xue an opened his eyes to see this scene and immediately came forward to help him.

"Lord Xing Tian!"

Xing Tian smiled, "how is it? Can you feel something?"

Xue an nodded, "I have a lot of feelings!"

"Well, in that case, all my tasks have been completed. Now you can engrave the white bone throne and me into your tattoo!"

Xue an hesitated for a moment.

Xing Tian's tone sank, "why? Don't you start yet?"

Xue an took a deep breath, then nodded, "yes!"

Then he saw his hand pinching and printing.

For a moment, the white bone throne rumbled and began to shrink, and then turned into white brilliance like the sea of skeletons before.

White Guanghua flew to Xing Tian's body, crushed him, and then rushed into Xue an's body.

For a moment, the brilliance was swirling.

There was no expression on Xue an's face.

This time even longer than the sea of skeletons before.


The white light dissipated. Looking at xue'an at the moment, there was a white bone mountain on the tattoo behind him. At the same time, a giant dancing with dry hands stood on the mountain and gave orders to these thousands of troops and horses under his feet.

The void became empty again.

Xue stood quietly in the dark, feeling the sting from his back.

After a long time, he breathed out.

"Xingtian war formula... Lord Xingtian, you really took great pains for me!"

In addition to the countless years of combat experience, the most important information just transmitted by Xingtian to Xue an is a Xingtian war formula that condenses the wisdom of countless generations of experts of Xingtian family.

It can be said that this is the most mysterious and powerful secret skill Xue an has encountered so far.

Originally, this war formula must be combined with the blood of the Xingtian family to cultivate, but this problem was solved after the Xingtian family turned into heroes and attached to Xue an.

It can be said that Xue an is the only descendant of the Xingtian family in the world.

At the same time, Xue an also knows that as long as his Xingtian war formula can be cultivated to a certain level, these tattoos on his back will be lit one by one and used for himself,

But that's not what Xue an cares about. He cares about.

As long as you cultivate Xing Tian's war formula to a great success, you may see the sun again, including Lord Xing Tian and these heroes who died in the war.

Thinking of this, Xue an's heart moved, and then the huge mind in his body began to run wildly according to the formula of Xingtian war.

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