Xue an entered the cultivation world at the age of 22. After wandering for 3000 years, he finally achieved immortality.

This achievement is impressive!

It can even be said that Xue an's talent and cultivation speed are the first person in the cultivation world of the heavens since ancient times.

But xue'an's path of cultivation has not always been smooth.

In the early days of cultivation, there was no pulse and no background, so Xue an could only pick up garbage skills that others despised to practice to build a foundation.

Although in the later stage, Xue an covered this defect through his outstanding talent.

However, the impact of not laying a good initial foundation has always been, but the performance is not so obvious.

Later, with the growth of Xue an's strength, the cultivation methods and resources he can contact rise with the tide.

But this brings a very serious problem, that is, Xue an's practice does not have a clear route.

Unlike those disciples trained by the school, Xue an's practice system is very complex.

Maybe Xue an will practice his mind if he gets a spirit refining skill today, and he will turn to body refining if he gets a body cultivating skill tomorrow.

Although with the blessing of talent, he can practice well in everything, this way of practice has buried a great curse for his future growth.

This is also a major inducement for his failure to attack the sage realm with immortal cultivation.

Although Xue an was reborn, this disadvantage still exists.

Because there is no unified route for all his skills, he can only improve them by relying on his own talent and intelligence, and practice while groping.

It can be imagined that in this case, the true yuan spiritual power in Xue an's body is not pure enough.

This is why Yue Shifang and other experts said that Xue an's strength is not worthy of his state of mind.

It's because the skill has dragged Xue an down.

But now, when the spiritual power contained in Xue an's body with divine knowledge operates according to the cultivation method of Xingtian war formula.

The original slightly complex spiritual power was shocked, and then it quickly decomposed and dissipated, and was digested and absorbed by Xing Tian's war formula.

In the blink of an eye, the psychic power in xue'an's body disappeared like a bleeding ball.

In the empty meridians, only a strand of Xing Tian's true power as thin as hair is running.

Xue an's strength fell back from the sage to the immortal statue in an instant, and then fell from the immortal statue to the Immortal Emperor. Finally, she stayed in the early state of the Immortal Emperor and didn't fall into the realm of the fairy king.

But in the face of such a sharp drop in strength like a high platform diving, Xue an was not in the slightest panic. Instead, he smiled calmly and waved.

The giant snake man who had been balled by him reappeared in front of him.

"Sir, the matter has been solved... Eh, sir, what's the matter with your strength?" The giant snake man was acutely aware of the sharp decline of Xue an's strength and asked strangely.

"Nothing, just an adventure!" Xue an said faintly.

While he was talking, the real power of the constantly running Xing Tian increased slightly.


Xue an's momentum soared, and then he entered the middle period from the early days of the Immortal Emperor.

This kind of promotion speed is unheard of. If it is spread, it will cause huge waves.

But Xue an looked indifferent at this time, without the slightest surprise or shock, as if all this had been expected by him.

"Let's go!"

After that, Xue an strode to the depths of the void.

The giant snake man stayed where he was until xue'an had gone far. He trembled all over, and then hurried to follow him.

To tell the truth, just now, when he realized that Xue an's strength had fallen sharply, a evil thought flashed in his heart.

But soon, this evil idea was shocked by Xue Anna's promotion as relaxed as breathing.

In particular, others also found that although Xue an's strength is only the realm of Immortal Emperor at the moment, the power emitted by his actions is much more terrible than before.

Therefore, he was very wise to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart and chose to follow up.

At this time, Xue an was still naked, and every step he took implied a unique rhythm.

As he strode, his muscles trembled like water, and the tattoo on his back seemed to come alive.

The giant snake man just looked at the tattoo and was so frightened that he lowered his head and dared not speak again.

The countless fighting souls were dizzy for anyone to see. More importantly, the giant dancing above the crowd made the giant snake man feel that his body was collapsing at a glance.

This made him secretly swallow saliva.

What are these?

And what about the strength of Lord Xue?

Could it be that these soldiers were defeated by Xue an and then forcibly sealed?

While the giant snake man was thinking, Xue an, who strode ahead, burst again.


This time, Xue an stepped into the later stage of Xiandi from the middle stage of Xiandi.

It is estimated that no one will believe the promotion speed.

The giant snake man was also shocked. More importantly, he found that the tattoo on his back seemed to have changed after Xue an was promoted.

At the bottom, the images of these soldiers become more and more vivid, and some people's eyes are lit up, just as they can live in the next moment.

The giant snake man just looked at it, and then bowed his head in infinite awe. He didn't dare to offend any more.

At this time, with the lighting of the tattoo behind Xue an, a wisp of Qi suddenly appeared out of thin air and integrated into Xue an's body.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and immediately a strange color appeared on his face.

Because the Qi machine just now is actually a wisp of willing force.

When she was integrated into her body, xue'an heard a prayer like a whisper.

"Blessed by the great sage of bones, may my father change his mind and not marry me to the Wanxiang Gaoliang of the general's family, and may I find a good husband..."

Then the female voice talked about many trivial things.

Xue an could hardly laugh or cry.

Because through the narration of the female voice, Xue an knew that the unknown girl's father should offend the rich family because of what, so he had no choice but to marry her to the son of a powerful man.

The son of a powerful man is a fake dandelion with a very bad reputation. Therefore, the girl was very unhappy, but she did not dare to disobey her father's orders, so she had to come to the temple to worship and make a wish.

But who is this great white bone Saint she calls in her mouth?

Is it... This day of torture?

Xue an's heart just moved.

Listen to the female voice again said: "butterfly picking, put up the sacrifice I prepared!"

"Yes, miss!"

Sacrifice? What sacrifice?

When Xue an was wondering, a brilliant Qi machine suddenly appeared in front of him.

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