This Qi machine contains a strong will. As soon as it appeared, it wrapped Xue an and the giant snake man behind him.

Xue an just wanted to resist, but immediately a message came to mind.

Xue an was stunned by the news, then smiled faintly and let the Qi machine drag himself away from the place with the giant snake man.

A moment later, the Qi dissipated. When we looked at the scene again, Xue an and his two figures were gone.

This is a rocky wasteland.

The ground seems to have been fiercely bombarded by something. There are broken pits everywhere, and the edges show a glassy form.

That's because the sand and gravel melted and solidified at high temperature.

As for those standing strange stones, they are even more strange in shape and have all kinds of shapes.

Even those powerful beings in the surrounding star regions will stay away from this wasteland, because it is shrouded in a fierce spirit all year round. It is very difficult for friars to be contaminated at all.

But in such a harsh environment, in the center of this wasteland, there stands a temple.

The temple is small and its color is pure white.

The whole temple is actually made of thick white bones, and exudes a fierce spirit, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

But right now, in front of the temple, there was a convoy.

The motorcade is luxurious and advanced. Even the horse pulling the car is a first-class rare animal.

In the small temple, a young girl was kneeling on the futon, muttering to herself and praying to a huge bone enshrined on the shrine.

The servant girls who followed behind all knelt down and dared not make the slightest sound.

After a long time, I saw that the woman with white veil finally opened her eyes.

These eyes are clear and bright. Although they can't see the specific facial features because they are covered with white yarn, they alone can know that they are definitely a beautiful woman.

At this time, the woman turned her head and said, "pick butterflies and present the sacrifice I prepared!"


After death, a servant girl immediately took off her baggage, approached her and handed it to the woman.

The woman picked up the baggage. The baggage was not big. It was bulging. She didn't know what it contained.

The woman stood up, respectfully came to the shrine, put the burden on it, and then gently untied it.


After the baggage was opened, a pile of bone fragments overflowed from it.

These bones are strange in color and are by no means human. However, when they appear on the shrine, the small white bone Temple blows a gust of wind out of thin air, and then rolls up the bone fragments on the shrine and disappears.

The strong wind dissipated and everything was calm.

The woman blinked, but the huge bone on the shrine didn't respond at all.

Her face was filled with disappointment.

"The white bone saint, can you say that I don't have enough sacrifices? Why don't you respond? But that's the most evil bone fragments I can collect!"

There was still no response above the shrine.

The disappointment on the woman's face gradually turned into despair.

The body trembled slightly.

"White bone saint, if you don't even help me, I really have no way! So please show your spirit!"

The silence in the small temple is terrible.

Suddenly, the woman laughed.

But her smile was full of despair, which was unbearable.

"Miss!" The servant girl called butterfly picking couldn't help shouting.

The woman waved her hand, and then said in a very low tone: "I should have thought of it. Even if the white bone saint is as effective as the rumor? It's a general who suppresses a star region! Even if it comes in person, it's estimated that it can't do anything!"

"But I'm still a little unwilling, so I want to have a try! Forget it, let's go!"

The woman turned and spoke in a bleak tone.

Caidie nodded and was about to tell people to prepare the team.

But just then, the shrine was suddenly full of brilliance.

This made the woman turn around and just wanted to talk.

The huge bone broke, and then all the fragments quickly gathered and turned into a figure.

The woman's eyes were wide open and looked at all this in front of her unbelievably.

The figure came out slowly from the flying bone debris.

When he appeared in front of the crowd, many people couldn't help but brighten their eyes.

What a teenager this is!

He is as tall and straight as a sword and has picturesque eyebrows. Although his upper body is naked, he can show his perfect figure.

At least many servant girls blushed at that time.

The woman was also a little stunned, and then turned into ecstasy.

"Bai... Are you the white bone saint?"

Xue an smiled, "it's true!"

At this time, the Guanghua dispersed, and the bone debris also fell down.

But the joy on the woman's face receded a little, replaced by infinite despair and confusion.

Because at this time, she finally found that the boy or the white bone saint in front of her was simply weak and terrible.

Let alone compare with the general on the side of the town, he is a little worse than himself.

Such strength is the top power that is rumored to have fought with the ancient commander and even the strong at the level of Wu Shuai for many years?

Xue an naturally saw her loss and doubt, but he didn't explain, just a faint smile.

"What? You seem disappointed?"

The woman shook her head, sighed and said, "whether you are a white bone saint or not, it doesn't matter now. I won't ask your origin, so you can leave by yourself!"

Then the woman turned and left.

At this moment, Xue an said lightly, "what? Are you in a hurry to go back and marry the Wanxiang Gaoliang you hate?"

The woman stopped, turned around and stared at Xue an.

The smile on Xue an's face did not change at all, and even shrugged, "I heard your prayer just now!"

"Are you really a saint of bones? But how can your strength..."

The woman didn't say the following words, but the meaning was already obvious.

"How can your strength be so weak? Hehe, what you see is just fur, but I don't blame you. After all, you prayed to me piously and offered rich sacrifices. I'll solve this for you!"

When Xue an said this, his tone was understated, as if he were talking about an ordinary little thing.

It seems that she was infected by the strong self-confidence shown in Xue an's words. The woman was a little stunned.

At the same time, xue'an walked outside the temple. As he walked, his body was full of brilliance.

When he came to the door, his naked upper body was covered in white.

"Why? Haven't you left yet?" Xue an asked back.

Although the woman wanted to ask more questions, she nodded in the face of the shallow smile on Xue an's face.

"Go... Go!"

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