When the woman and her party walked out of the white bone temple, the people waiting outside couldn't help but be surprised.

When did a strange man come out of the temple?

And so close to the lady?

Among the crowd, a man with a turmeric face was shocked, and then he strode forward.

"Where is the madman who dares to get close to my miss?"

While talking, his hands were filled with blood, and the next moment he planned to kill the young man in white on the spot.

This person is the leader of the team and the escort of the woman.

Before the rich and noble woman came to the Baigu temple to worship, the man had cleared the nearby place three times to ensure that everything was safe before allowing the woman to enter.

But I never thought that under such careful arrangement, things still went wrong.

A strange man appeared in the empty white bone temple and walked side by side with the young lady.

If this is spread, it will not only be a blow to the young lady's reputation, but also die.

So without hesitation, he wanted to kill the boy directly.

But just then, the young man in white seemed to feel it, raised his eyes and glanced at him faintly.

It was this understatement. The Guard commander was shocked, and then he froze in place.

Up and down, all the muscles and joints have lost control. At the moment, he even blinked his eyes.

Suddenly, the Guard commander's heart was occupied by infinite panic and despair.

Because there is no difference between yourself in this state and the fish on the chopping board.

But what made him more frightened was that he didn't even know what means the boy in white used.

Just a glance, I can't move like wood carving and clay sculpture.

Just then, the young man in white walked slowly down the steps and came this way.

The pupil of the Guard commander suddenly contracted to the size of the tip of a needle, and a dense cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Few people can face death without fear.

Especially the boy in white is so mysterious. God knows what terrible means he has.

While the Guard commander was thinking, he saw the young man in white walking past him without squinting.

The whole process didn't even look at him.

For a moment, the Guard commander's heart stopped for half a beat, and then he was surprised that he could play.

At this time, the woman stepped up.


The woman shook her head, but did not speak, and then quickly followed up.

The Guard commander turned his head in amazement.

Everywhere the young man in white passed, all the servants subconsciously retreated to both sides.

Then he came to the middle of the motorcade, where there was a luxurious carriage, which was the eldest lady's car.

The young man in white was not polite either. He stepped up the steps and went in.

The woman stood outside and hesitated for a moment, then she also picked up her skirt and followed in.

Everyone in the audience fell into a dull state.

No one knew what was going on, so everyone turned their eyes to the Guard commander.

His face flushed.

If in accordance with his duty, he should now raise his knife and rush into the carriage to protect the eldest lady.

But what had just happened had already frightened him.

He really didn't want to try the feeling that he couldn't move a finger and was slaughtered.

That is, when he hesitated, the little servant girl named Caidie quickly walked to the carriage, listened to something, nodded, and answered yes in a low voice.

Then she turned around and said in a deep voice, "just now the young lady said, the worship is over, and return immediately!"

As an absolute confidant of the eldest lady, the words of picking butterflies are actually equivalent to the meaning of the eldest lady in many cases.

Moreover, at this delicate moment, no one will have any objection to her words.

All the people present, including the Guard commander, only hesitated for a moment, and then got busy one after another.

A moment later, the luxury motorcade began to set off and return.

Because of the special structure of this wasteland, even if the animals in this team are rare rare birds and animals, they still have to walk honestly.

You can't fly until you get out of the wilderness.

But what they don't know is that they have just turned a huge stone. The history behind them is so long that they don't even know who built the small white bone temple. They tremble slightly, and then turn into bone powder all over the sky and disappear in the wind.

If there is anything more exciting than a Baoma fragrant car, it must be that there is a beautiful woman on the Baoma fragrant car.

Especially on this bumpy and rugged road, although the carriage under the seat is extremely luxurious, it still needs a little shaking, but this will not affect people's mood, but add a little more interest.

At least that's what this rich woman thinks at the moment.

She stared at the boy sitting by the window.

The light outside the window shone on his face through the white gauze, which painted a faint halo on his side face.

This picture complements the atmosphere in the carriage and breeds a smell called ambiguity.

Of course, all these things were secretly imagined by her.

At the moment, the rich and noble woman gave full play to her specialty of being good at wishful thinking. Her head was full of all kinds of messy pictures. When she thought of the emotional place, her cheek covered by the veil couldn't help feeling a little feverish and her breath was a little short.

Just then, Xue an, who had not spoken after getting on the bus, suddenly said, "what's your name?"

The woman trembled and an idea flashed in her heart.

Finally started!

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth under her veil could not help raising slightly.

Sure enough, I can't help it!

Since I got on the bus, I deliberately attracted my attention with silence. I wanted to arouse my curiosity and deepen my impression in this way. I saw this trick when I was three years old.

But shall I tell him?

After struggling for a moment, the woman finally said softly, "my surname is Ren, wayward Ren, my name is Ren Ning!"

"Ren Ning..." Xue an repeated, and then fell into silence.

Ren Ning secretly glanced at Xue an and saw him sitting there. In an instant, her brain made up more than 10000 words of psychological activity.

Was he too excited to say anything after he knew my name?


It must be!

Oh, man.

But Ren ninggen, the playwright, didn't know that Xue an was actually thinking about something irrelevant at the moment.

That is how many causes and effects were involved in this world.

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