The day of ausca is here.

The whole Hollywood is boiling.

The streets are packed with tourists and fans from all over the world, including movie stars from all over the world.

In Shen Kang's words, this is a grand film feast all over the world.

Xue'an and his family are all in Shenkang's car and are driving to the meeting hall.

An Yan will look back from the outside, some doubts asked: "husband, why does the dream snow to now have no contact with us?"

These days an Yan has been wondering about this matter.

Fan Mengxue invited his family to Hollywood, but why hasn't he appeared?

Xue an faint smile, "may be because more busy!"

Anyan nodded and said nothing more.

Xue an's heart also raised a trace of doubt, but immediately, he shook his head to eliminate the idea.

Maybe you're really busy.

When she gets outside the ausca venue.

The nightmares stood in front of the hotel mirror, looking at the woman in the mirror.

The woman looks extremely gorgeous, but in the eyes that a touch of light black gas, let her appear very strange.

The night demon empress slowly closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes had recovered.

And the momentum of the whole person also quickly converged and disappeared, and finally became the same as ordinary people.

Until this time, the night demon empress just satisfied nodded her head, stretched out her fingers and touched her in the mirror, with a faint smile.

"For the sake of this secret skill, I even consumed most of my spirit power! Now even Jinxian is here, I can't see who I am! Xue an, I hope you like this gift

At this time, Han Yao also came in.

At the moment, she has no evil spirit, and normal people are no different.

This is also the means of the night devil empress, in order to let everything become flawless.

"Lady, it's about to start. Let's go." Han Yao said.

The nightmare woman nodded and walked out of the hotel room just to go downstairs.

A voice came from behind.

"Is that Miss Fan, please?"

The nightmare turned and looked.

A handsome, well-dressed, blonde man was standing not far away, smiling at himself.

The night demon empress was slightly stunned.

The man's eyes flashed with a touch of amazement.

As expected, it is a unique creature from the East!

Thinking about it, the man stepped forward and said politely, "nice to meet you. I'm Williams from Los Angeles, m country. You can also call me William!"

The nightmare laughed, and then she put out a hand and gave William a light shake.

"Nice to meet you!"

Williams shook fan Mengxue's catkin. Although it was just a touch, it was still a swing in his heart.

At the same time, his heart was full of excitement and joy.

All said that fan Mengxue did not enter the oil and salt, and kept all men at a distance. Now, it seems, it is not so.

It seems that those people are not attractive enough!

Thinking of this, Williams smiles. "First of all, congratulations to miss fan for winning this year's film queen award!"

The night demon empress shook her head, "now it's too early to say this! And I'm sorry, I have to go now! "

Then he would leave.

Of course, Williams didn't want to let the duck fly away, so he quickly said, "it's just that I'm going to the meeting hall, let's go with you."

With that, William looked at fan Mengxue uneasily.

The beauty of this woman made him tremble.

After a moment, the night demon empress nodded, "OK!"

William was ecstatic and thought he had hope!

They walked in front of them laughing and talking.

However, William didn't notice that Han Yao, who was walking behind, was full of sarcasm and killing in his eyes.

There is no film shortlisted in ausca this year, so there is no seat for Shenjia in the main venue.

Shen Kang is very sorry for this, and plans to find some ways to let Xue an and others in.

Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "no, it's not bad here. You can see the red carpet."

As he was saying this, he saw a commotion in the crowd not far away.

A black Mercedes Benz stopped and a big nosed Chinese actor stepped down from it.

The actor is not young, his face is full of vicissitudes, but his eyes are still sharp and bright.

"Mr dragon!" An Yan exclaimed excitedly.

Xue an also smiles.

This Mr dragon is famous throughout the Chinese world.

As one of the earliest Chinese male stars to Hollywood, he supported the status of Chinese films in Hollywood almost by himself.Such a person, Xue an also has some admiration.

The flash crackled, and many media asked after Mr long.

"Mr. long, what do you think of this Chinese actress, fan Mengxue, who has been shortlisted for best actress in ausca and is likely to win the championship?"

"It's Mr. Ailong. It's said that you are not very cold about this rising Chinese actress?"

In the face of such questioning, Mr long, who has been smiling, can't help but stop and look serious.

"Originally I wanted to talk about it at the press conference after the award ceremony, but since you are so eager to ask, I will tell you now!"

Hearing his words, the surrounding media were all overjoyed and thought that there was going to be a breaking news.

Mr Long solemnly said: "after so many years of hard work in Hollywood, many media friends, especially those in M country, have already regarded me as a thorough Chinese man!"

"But what I want to say today is that no matter how it changes, I am a Chinese! This is the biggest premise! "

"When I came to Hollywood, I didn't have any fame or background, so I had to work hard on my own. When I finally got some fame, I found myself out of date!"

Mr. Long's words made some people laugh, and then gradually quieted down.

Mr Long went on to say, "I'm old. I'm not going to get into ausca in my life. At most, I'll get a lifetime achievement award! But I can't, it doesn't mean the Chinese can't! "

"So when I learned that Miss Meng Xue came to Hollywood and was shortlisted for ausca, I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night!"

"I have only the most sincere blessing and deepest joy in my heart! Because I'm really old, I'll leave the way to young people like Miss Meng Xue! " Mr. long said that, his eyes were slightly red.

His remarks also brought tears to the eyes of many Chinese media reporters present.


This man, who has been fighting on the screen for many years, is finally getting old.

Since ancient times, famous generals like beauties are forbidden to see white heads in the world.

Before ausca was opened, Mr Long's words had already spread to the Internet.

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