Xue an also heard Mr Long's words in the distance, and he couldn't help sighing!

At this moment.

A luxury limited edition Rolls Royce slowly drove into the venue.

A lot of attention was drawn to the expensive car.

A lot of people are talking about it. They don't know which star is coming.

At this point, the door opened and Williams got out of the car first.

In the astonished eyes of all, he quickly walked to the other side, opened the door, and showed his hands.

A slender, slender catkin reached out and gently touched Williams' hand.

Then, a beautiful woman slowly walked out of the car.

Her beauty makes many people hold their breath.

These reporters were stunned and then all went crazy.

Fan Mengxue!

Here she is!

And still in a man's luxury car.

Who is this man?

What is their relationship?

These question marks hover in the minds of many journalists, making them all excited.

Williams enjoyed the moment.

The beauty is on the side, attracting attention.

Many reporters gathered around and yelled.

"Miss Fan, what do you think of ausca this time?"

"Miss Fan, what are you going to do if you don't win the prize this time?"

But more questions are directed at Williams.

"Miss Fan, is this gentleman your boyfriend?"

The crowd quieted down.

Many people look at fan Mengxue and want to know her answer.

Fan Mengxue smiles and shakes his head, "no!"

"Why did you come in his car? Are you dating? " The reporter did not give up.

Williams frowned and was upset.

In his opinion, the reporter is simply too uninteresting.

But when he was about to speak out, he suddenly felt that the beautiful woman was leaving quickly.

He was stunned at first, and then ran after him.

These reporters are also in a daze. What is Miss Fan going to do?

However, as a reporter's sensitivity, let them also follow up.

At this time, fan Mengxue has quickly walked to the red carpet next to the crowd.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

A lot of people are so excited that they think fan Mengxue is looking for himself.

However, fan Mengxue stopped and swept her hair, smiling.

"Ann, you are coming!"

This group of reporters have their cameras on the crowd, want to see what kind of person fan Mengxue is so disrespectful.

When they looked at it carefully, they found that the man whom fan Mengxue called affectionately was still with his wife and children.

For a moment, the whole audience was slightly distracted.

Williams was more somber, his eyes full of anger!

But in front of many eyes, Xue an just gently nodded and said with a smile, "here you are, and I've come to congratulate you!"

Fan Mengxue smiles, full of happiness.

Then he turned to an Yan and said, "sister an, I've done too many things these days. As a result, I forgot to pick you up. I'm really sorry!"

An Yan smiles, "it's OK!"

Fan Mengxue looks at two little girls again.

"Think about it. Have you ever thought about Aunt fan?"

Xue wanted to and Xue Nian's small face flashed a bit of doubt, and then just a little strange nodded, but did not speak.

Then fan Mengxue looked around, "an, how are you here?"

"Because I can't get into the main venue." Xue an said lightly.

Fan Mengxue frowned, "don't worry about them. I'll inform them for a while. You can go in with your thoughts and thoughts."! I'll go first and we'll have dinner together in the evening

With that, fan Mengxue nods to Xue an and turns away.

Seeing her go, Williams took a deep look at xue'an and quickly followed her.

After she left, Shen Kang and Shen Nan said with envy, "Mr. Xue, Miss fan is really beautiful and has no pride in handling affairs. It's really admirable!"

Xue an smiles and does not agree.

Those reporters wanted to come to interview Xue an, but just by mistake, Xue an and his family had already entered the main venue.

However, they had no choice but to stamp their feet and sigh. They were ready to stop xue'an when they finished.

And in the main venue, it can be said that the stars are shining!

A lot of faces that can only be seen on the big screen are gathering here right now.

Xue an with an Yan and others, came to a corner and sat down.

Among the numerous Western faces, Xue an and others naturally attracted the attention of many people.There is curiosity and prying in these eyes, but more arrogant.

No matter what kind of achievements the Chinese have made, these m people are always full of pride and prejudice for no reason.

But Xue an didn't care about them. He was looking at fan Mengxue's back in the distance, his eyes twinkled and he didn't know what he was thinking!

Just then, a generous Chinese male voice came.

"Can I sit by the side?"

Xue an turned around and found the iconic big nose.

After a slight Zheng, he nods and smiles.

"Help yourself

After Mr Long sat down, he looked at Xue an curiously and said, "you don't seem to be an actor, do you?"

Xue an smiles, "of course not!"

An Yan is very excited at the moment, "Mr. long, can you sign for me?"

Mr. long laughed, "of course."

Said, he wrote away the dragon snake, to an Yan signed a name, and then found the side of Xue want and Xue Nian, can not help but envy asked.

"Is this your daughter, sir?"

Xue an nods.

Mr. long sighed, "sometimes I wonder, what am I doing living so tired all day? It's better to accompany the family well! Nice to meet you. You have an enviable family

With that, Mr long extended his hand to Xue an.

Xue an a smile, stretched out his hand to hold for a while, then light way: "Mr. long why not sit in the front row?"

Mr. long shook his head and grinned bitterly, "you may not believe it. In fact, I hate to appear under the camera. I'm so tired! And... "

Mr. long looked at the shining fan Mengxue in the distance and said with a smile: "this meeting place tonight belongs to her! I don't want to go up and have fun

Xue an indifferent smile, not to say yes!

And when the oscca awards ceremony officially began.

Griffin walked out of the house with a big, big dog in his arms.

The yard was full of men in black dresses and cold faces.

When they saw Griffin, the men all nodded slightly.

These people are Griffin's best men, and they are also his years of hard work.

Dark disciples.

It's just that when I ran away from the city of sin, I lost half of it.

Otherwise, the scene will be more grand now.

Griffin took the big dog carefully and got into the car, then waved his hand.


Old black cars began to drive out of the villa and head for ausca.

At this time, Griffin quietly bent down and said in a respectful tone, "your honor, it's coming soon."

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