"Next, the most exciting moment of the evening! Of course, I know that everyone is impatient to wait. After all, after all, we can go to eat after the award is awarded! " The black host said with exaggerated expression.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Mr. long was not satisfied with his lips. "For so many years, I have been used to the diet and life of M country, but I can't appreciate the humor of M country."

Xue an did not speak.

He has been looking at the stage thoughtfully.

"It was... Who won the oscca best actress of the year." The host lengthened his voice and deliberately sold a pass.

“oh,mygod! Mr Long's compatriots have once again entered Hollywood. This is a Chinese female star from China, fan Mengxue! "


Although the results had been expected, there was a huge commotion on the scene.

It's the first time that many people have heard the name, and they can't help but wonder who can win the oscca queen this year.

At this time, Williams also excitedly went to fan Mengxue, bent down to lead by hand.

With a smile, fan Mengxue stood up and stepped onto the platform.

The momentum of walking is like the queen of the night.

The whole scene was quiet, and many people were surprised by fan Mengxue's momentum.

In particular, many of the stars who have cooperated with fan Mengxue are twinkling in their eyes and frightened in their hearts. How can they not be seen for a period of time and have such amazing momentum?

Fan Mengxue went to the podium, picked up the trophy and said to the microphone.

"I can achieve this result, just want to thank one person!"

The whole room was quiet, and everyone listened quietly.

"And today this man has also arrived at the scene. I hope he can come to the stage now and share the honor with me!"

Fan Mengxue said and looked at Xue an in the distance.

But Xue an just leaned on the chair and said nothing.

After a long silence, the people in the hall began to whisper.

"What's going on?"

"Who is fan Mengxue talking about?"

"And it's still on the scene. Who is it?"

In the public discussion, Mr Long was also a little surprised, "who is this Miss Fan talking about?"

Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "I don't know!"

At the moment, the night devil lady on the stage looks a little ugly.

Why didn't he come on stage?

Do you see something?

No way!

Just now his mind has been sleeping, his speech and behavior are controlled by the subconscious of noumenon.

How could he have noticed?

When she was in doubt.

Williams stepped up to the stage, smiling triumphantly.

"Miss Mengxue, I'm glad you can say that. It's my honor to help you win the prize."

There was an uproar at the bottom.

But Williams was outstanding in appearance and well dressed.

This makes many people believe it is really him.

Fan Mengxue's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, but nodded.

Thank you

Only a few people know what happened.

For example, now, an Yan asks quietly.

"Husband, why didn't you come to the stage just now?"

Xue an sighs slightly, "I am thinking!"

"Thinking about what?"

"Think about how to save Meng Xue without hurting her body for a while!" Xue an said lightly.

An Yan is surprised, "husband, do you mean..."

Xue an nodded. "Don't worry. I can feel her presence. It's just blocked."

At the same time, Xue an's eyes grew colder.

Xue an seldom gets angry.

This thousand year Taoist heart is not honed in vain.

Sometimes he was decisive, but his heart remained clear and clear.

But at the moment, he suddenly wanted to kill!

Because he felt a strong sense of despair and pain.

It filled him with anger.

"Take the house? Ha ha Xue an whispered to himself.

The award ceremony is over.

And then there's a big dinner.

Numerous female stars competed with each other and appeared on the banquet in all kinds of expensive dresses.

The men, on the other hand, came together in groups and began to talk.

The topic is nothing more than the quality of this year's film, and this year's female stars!

Xue an is not involved. He is leading two girls to eat in the dessert area.

Seeing Mr. Long's glass of red wine, the crowd gathered around him."You don't seem to like talking very much?" Mr Long laughs.

Xue an sipped the red wine and said, "it's not that I don't like it, but I have something to do tonight."

"Oh?" Mr. long just wanted to ask what to do.

The door of the hall crashed.

Then a large group of men in black dress swarmed in, all armed with fierce guns and even a few carrying rockets.

The scene stunned everyone at the party and the women began to scream.

But soon the screams stopped.

Because Griffin came in gracefully and fired a dozen shots directly at the ceiling.

The sound of the gun was deafening, and it struck everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to disturb your dinner party!" Griffin bent slightly, perfectly like a gentleman.

"You What do you want to do? " A strong man asked angrily.


As soon as his voice fell, his head was smashed with a shot.

Dead bodies fall to the ground.

A lot of people screamed, and then came the woman's sobs.

Griffin shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't like people talking to me in a questioning tone."

At this time, Williams whispered to fan Mengxue: "miss Mengxue, you will follow me later, and I will take you out safely!"

Fan Mengxue frowned and gave him a cold look.

At the moment, the night demon empress was so angry that she almost had to vomit blood.

Her original idea was to get close to xue'an, set out the formula of heaven's fate potion, and then kill him!

But I didn't expect that Griffin would be so impulsive that he hijacked all the people present.

Williams thought fan Mengxue was afraid and whispered, "don't be afraid. These guys are supposed to ask for money. I have enough money. I can pay the ransom!"

"You seem to be familiar with this?" The night demon queen asked.

Williams laughs, "Hey, I was kidnapped several times at the beginning."

Just saying this, Griffin slowly came over and laughed at fan Mengxue.


Fan Mengxue frowned and indicated with severe eyes that he should not be garrulous.

A little, then Griffin nodded to one side!

"Boy, what were you talking about?"

Williams stood up arrogantly. "Sir, please relax. I will not resist. I know you are going to ask for money, and my family will certainly pay me a price that is enough to satisfy you! And miss Mengxue, I'd like to pay the ransom as well! "

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