As soon as the words fell, Griffin raised his hand and shot Williams in the leg.

Williams flopped and fell to the ground. First, his face was incredible, then he cried out.

"Asshole Why did you shoot me

Griffin blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun and said, "Sir, you seem to have made a mistake. We don't want money! But I can give you a chance, as long as you are willing to give your life, then this beautiful lady can survive! "

"Of course, you can let me kill her, so I can let you go! What do you think? " Griffin pointed his gun at fan Mengxue.

In the distance, Mr Dragon God, who was squatting on the ground, said solemnly: "this guy, whatever you choose is dead!"

Sure enough!

After hearing this, Williams did not have any tangle. He pointed to fan Mengxue and said, "kill her! And I can give you a lot of money, just let me go

Williams's words caused a low uproar.

A lot of people are cold to him.

But Williams didn't care.

In his opinion, beauty is gratifying, but the premise is that he must have a life.

Now I'm going to lose my life. What else do you want to talk about!

Griffin chuckled. "Good!"

He raised his hand and hit Williams in the head.

There was joy in Williams' face, and he thought he could live.

From the moment he came in, Griffin killed two people and acted strangely, which made many people feel cold.

At this time, Griffin said with a faint smile, "let me introduce myself first. My name is Griffin!"


A lot of people's faces were filled with horror and despair.

Even Mr long such a tough guy, at the moment is also a face of dispirited.

"My God, it's him! Now we are all dead! "

Why does Xue an say so

"You don't know, this Griffin is the dark giant of the city of sin, known as the eviscerator. He is extremely cruel. I didn't expect him to come here!" Mr Long said out of his wits.

Then he gritted his teeth and whispered to Xue an: "if he kills a lot later, I will go up first. You and your wife and children will run out first. After all, the two children are innocent!"

Xue an took a look at Mr long, whose face was full of seriousness. Suddenly, he laughed, "how do you feel like making a movie?"

Mr Long grinned bitterly, "it's not like that to make a movie, alas! What is the dark giant like him doing here? "

At this time, Griffin came to fan Mengxue, the pistol gently sliding on her face, eyes full of fun.

There was a flash of anger in the eyes of the demon queen. This guy, come on purpose to take advantage of it!

But his face was full of panic and trembled: "you What are you going to do

Griffin laughed, "what am I going to do? Can't you guess? "

A lot of people look miserable.

The night demon empress secretly looked at Xue an in the distance. Seeing that he was squatting on the ground, he was not moved, so she could not help biting her teeth secretly.

This guy, how can you be so calm?

With his character, it shouldn't be like this!

Griffin suddenly grinned and put his gun against fan Mengxue's head.

"It would be a pity if such a beautiful face was smashed by a shot!"

No one dares to speak.

Mr. Long's face flashed with humiliation.

Fan Mengxue is a Chinese actress, but now he has been humiliated. As a Chinese male star, his heart is naturally full of anger and reluctance.

"No! Please, let me go The night demon empress tried her best to suppress her anger and begged for mercy.

"Let you go? Good! But only if someone is willing to die for you Griffin said lightly.

There was a dead silence.

Just the body is still lying there, who dares to go up and die?

Mr. long took a deep breath. He decided not to be patient any more.

Although he knew very well that there was only a dead end to rush up at this time.

However, Chinese men have never seen their female compatriots humiliated and not moved by the cowards.

Even if it's death, he'll try it!

But just when he was ready to get up.

Someone patted him on the shoulder. "I'll do it."

Mr. long is stunned, then stares at Xue an to stand up and stride forward.

"You..." Mr. long was stunned.

He wanted to say, you have a wife and children!

At this time an Yan whispered: "Mr. long, don't be afraid, my husband can solve this matter!"

Mr. long smiles bitterly, but he doesn't believe it at all.

After all, the other party is the dark devil who has been famous for a long time, and still has so many claws and teeth! He has only one person. How can he retreat?If you can't, I'll go up later! Mr dragon gnawed his teeth secretly.

At this time, all people's eyes are focused on Xue an.

Griffin's eyes were full of fun.

In his opinion, Xue an's momentum is very ordinary, not like a strong man.

Those legendary stories are actually from such a man?

And the night demon empress is a happy face.

You're finally on the hook!

At this time, Xue an walked up to Griffin and gave a faint smile.

"A beautiful shot!"

Griffin was a little stunned, and then with an elegant smile, "thank you for your compliment."

She shook her head. "But people are stupid."


Everyone was shocked.

Many people, including Mr long, think that Xue an must be crazy.

At this time, how dare you make a provocation?

Griffin's face darkened. "Oh? Do you think I dare not kill her

With that, he aimed the gun at fan Mengxue's forehead.

Fan Mengxue looks at Xue an with tears in her eyes.

Xue an light way: "you can pull the trigger now."

Mr. long is completely confused.

This guy What are you going to do?

Griffin was furious and aimed his gun at xue'an.

"You let me shoot and I'll shoot? Believe it or not, I'll kill you now

As he spoke, the dark disciples raised their weapons and aimed them all at xue'an.

In the face of such a situation, Xue an turned his head to look at the night demon empress and said in a cool tone.

"You disguise well! But at the first glance, I saw you were not her

This sentence made the night demon empress feel shocked, but the expression on her face did not change, "an What did you say? I don't understand! "

Xue an smiles, full of murderous spirit.

"For example She never cares my name is Ann

"I really don't understand what you're talking about. I'm really a dream snow..."

Xue an stepped forward and said coldly, "it's just the art of taking away the house. Do you really think I can't see it?"

This startling reversal has stunned everyone.

A flurry flashed in the eyes of the night demon empress, and then gradually calmed down, the corners of her mouth rose, revealing a sneer.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, but you think that even if you know What can we do? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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