With the voice, the momentum of fan Mengxue's body suddenly increased, and her eyes turned into a strange dark red.

A charming datura flower gradually appeared on her long neck and cheek.

Xue an looked quietly, with anger in his eyes.

Griffin slightly bent down, decent and elegant said: "dear lady, welcome back!"

With a cold smile on her face, she said to Xue an in a condescending tone.

"Xue an, you kill my demon Valley disciple! I'll calculate the account with you today

Xue an looked up at fan Mengxue, who was floating in the air like a demon, and said faintly: "the night devil Valley? So you are a member of the hermit immortal family? "

The night demon empress sneered, "yes, you don't really think that the hidden immortal gate only has that little strength? To tell you the truth, the real immortals are all in Kunlun. If any ancestor comes, he can crush you with one finger! "

Then the night demon Queen's eyes flashed greedy, "but this matter is not not non-negotiable, as long as you are willing to tell me the secret of fate, then I can consider letting you go!"

The night demon empress got a bottle of destiny by chance, and was surprised to find that the potion had aura fluctuation, which could improve cultivation.

She was ecstatic at the discovery!

In Kunlun, any pill that can enhance cultivation is sky high!

I didn't expect such things in the secular world.

So she took great pains to get close to xue'an by taking away fan Mengxue, so as to set out the secret of fate.

After hearing her words, Griffin understood why the night devil lady would spend so much time approaching xue'an.

He also knew the effect of fate, so he was full of greed.

"Xue an, the empress has already made concessions, and I promise that as long as you hand over the formula of fate today, I will release all the people!"

Griffin's words caused a great commotion.

A lot of people started to clamor.

"Tell them!"

"Yes! Or we'll all die today

This is the tone of supplication.

Some people simply pointed the spearhead at xue'an, believing that he had caused the current situation.

"You're the one who did it!"

"Speak up, or we won't let you go!"

The meeting hall was in a mess.

Pleading and hurling are mixed together, but the target is Xue an.

Mr long looked at one of the most exciting people around him, and couldn't help but say, "have you made a mistake? Now it's Griffin who is holding us hostage, but you are abusing Mr. Xue. What's the reason? "

Mr. Long's words made some people shut their mouths, but more people still glared at Xue an.

At this time, the night demon empress sneered, "Xue an, have you seen it? If you don't say it today, not only I will not let you off, but also these people here will not let you off! "

Under such pressure, Xue an, standing in the center of the storm, slowly raised his head, looking sad or not.

But the night demon empress is suddenly in a tight heart.

Because she found that Xue an's eyes are too calm, calm is almost frightening.

"When I went to school, I promised her that if anyone dares to bully her in the future, I will certainly take the lead for her."

Xue an slowly said, the tone is not happy.

"Since her parents died when she was a child, she had a hard time in her childhood. After going to school, because of her beautiful appearance, she provoked countless disputes."

"But even so, she did not abandon herself! Those people bully her, she will only secretly hide to cry! Because she said, no one in the world loves her any more

In the distance, Anyan, who was worried about her face, suddenly turned red in her eyes.

"In my eyes, she is like my sister!"

"And you dare to imprison her soul and torture her every day?"

At the end of the day, Xue an's tone is full of killing intention!

At the same time, a fierce momentum rose from him.

"No matter who it is, today You are all dead! "

And the night demon empress was like seeing a ghost and exclaimed, "immortals? incorrect! How can Sanxian have such a strong momentum? Griffin, fire

The night demon empress was frightened and roared.

Griffin was a little confused at the moment, and his elegant posture was gone. He yelled at those dark disciples behind him: "fire! Blow him to death

The sound of gunfire was like rain, and countless bullets went towards xue'an.

But at a distance of more than ten meters from Xue an, these bullets all stopped.

Then it gradually disintegrates and shatters!

This scene shocked everyone.

Xue an shook his head, "I said, you are all going to die today!"After that, Xue an took a step.


The whole meeting room rocked violently.

Countless swords rose from the sky, like the God of death in the dark night, devouring all the dark disciples.

The night demon queen and Griffin are in a mess to avoid this attack.

Then, Griffin was shocked to see that his dark disciples were just like being chewed by a giant beast, all turned into blood and died on the spot.

"Three dogs, help!" Griffin yelled!

A big dog walked slowly into the meeting hall and said haughtily, "I see, you lower demons are really a bunch of rubbish!"

After that, his whole body began to soar and soon turned into a huge three headed dog!

"Hell's watchdog!" Someone exclaimed.

"God, is Satan coming tonight?" Some people tremble and shout God!

"Mortal, your cultivation is good, but I am the devil under the throne of the underworld. Today, I will let you know what is God!" Said the three dogs with a grim smile.

Xue an's face was indifferent. He took another step forward, and the whole person disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he had already come to the front of the three vicious dogs.

Speed, let this three dogs are one Leng.

Then, Xue an grabbed the dog's head and said in a cold voice, "even your Lord Hades is here, you must kneel down for me today!"

After saying that, Xue an's arms were strong and he swung the dog.

The three headed dog still wanted to struggle in the air, but when it saw Xue an's eyes, he was suddenly stunned, and then he screamed with fear.

"Forgive me, my Lord! My Lord, spare your life! I didn't know it was you

But it was too late. Xue an smashed the bones of the three dogs.

But the three headed dog did not even dare to resist, paralyzed on the ground and looked at Xue an with awe.

"My lord..."

"Do you know me?" Xue an stood in the air, looking at the dog.

"Zeng We have heard from Hades

The three dogs are full of remorse at the moment.

It never thought it would be him!

Isn't this man missing?

If you know it's him, you can't come!

Because this man, but let his lord Hades, kneel down to meet the existence of ah!

Xue an nodded, "in that case, you go to die!"

After that, Xue an pointed out.

A powerful sword goes straight through the dog's three heads.

The three dogs didn't respond, they turned into a group of evil Qi, disappeared.

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