a blow.

Three dogs, one of the hells, died on the spot!

Xue an turned to look at the night demon empress and said faintly, "it's your turn now!"

By Xue an's eyes, the night demon empress subconsciously retreats half step.

After the reaction, she bit her teeth and said, "I admit, your cultivation is strong in the secular world, but you don't know one thing!"

On the face of the night demon empress appeared a touch of pride, "we are good at the night devil Valley is to seize the house and the spirit of these two secrets! Now her body is occupied by me, unless I want to go out myself You can't help it! "

Xue an gazed, as if thinking something.

The night demon empress was more and more proud, "ha ha, seriously, I'm very satisfied with this body, so I won't go! Or you'll kill me! Ha ha ha

The nightmares burst into laughter.

At this moment, Xue an shook his head. "You also made a mistake!"

"Well?" The night demon empress stops laughing and looks at Xue an in doubt.

"You have been unable to subdue her soul, don't you know why?"

The night demon empress was startled and was about to speak.

Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a divine thought: "ponytail, I'm coming!"

Little ponytail.

At school, fan Mengxue often wore a ponytail!

Xue an secretly gave her such a nickname.

But this nickname, in addition to fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner know, other people do not know.

Hearing this name, the night demon empress some disdain a smile.

"That's funny. Do you think a name will wake her up? I tell you, since she won't give in, I'll roast her with magic fire every day, and I'll see how long she can last

Xue an didn't pay attention to the clamor of the night demon empress, just stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

In the spiritual world, fan Mengxue, bound by the chains of divinity, had always lowered her head.

Her soul was covered with huge wounds that could hardly be healed. It was beyond description to be covered with black and blue.

It's like a porcelain doll that is broken and glued together.

The pain of touching the soul is unimaginable.

This is also the reason why the night demon empress has been so frightened and angry.

How strong is the girl's willpower to endure such pain?

At this time, Xue an's little horse tail came.

Fan Mengxue was shocked and raised his head slowly. His empty eyes gradually showed a look.

"Is that you?" Fan Mengxue whispered to herself.

The words of this smile come out of Xue an's mouth.

Sure enough, you didn't let me down!

Xue an passed a message again, "don't worry, I'm here to save you!"

At this time, fan Mengxue laughed, and then her whole soul was burning at a very terrible speed.

She's burning her soul.

And this It is also the only way to break the chain of mind!

The night demon queen noticed the strange things in the spiritual world and couldn't help crying out in horror, "you What are you going to do

At this time, a dull sound, the mind chain was burned by life!

Fan Mengxue was already scarred, but after burning his soul, he became more and more weak.

But even so, she still did not fear to break through the cage used to trap her spirit.

All the movements of the body were stagnant, and the color of struggle appeared on the face.

And in the sea of knowledge, the spirit of the night demon queen is full of screams of panic. "No way! If you burn your soul like this, you will die! Aren't you afraid? "

Fan Mengxue said with a cold tone: "originally afraid, but now he came, I am not afraid of anything!"

Said, fan Mengxue's soul with the momentum of death, straight to the night demon empress.

Both of them start fighting with the ghost of the dead.

On the power of the spirit, she is thousands of times stronger than fan Mengxue.

Can be helpless, fan Mengxue is the soul of noumenon, but also so intrepid and fearless to death, so for a time, it was hard for her to resist.

All this is not known to the outside world, can only see fan Mengxue's face white and black for a while, and his expression is also changeable!

Xue an step forward, fingers virtual grip, "pro!"

The night devil lady in the sea of knowledge felt a huge and incomparable attraction. Before she could scream, she was pulled out by Xue an.

A black fog appeared in Xue an's palm, and the voice of the night demon empress was startled.

"No way! How could you have such a powerful mind? "

Xue an said lightly: "nothing is impossible here in me! Now I'll let you have a taste of what it's like to be burned by fire! "With that, a white flame rises and envelops the black fog.

The night demon empress issued a very tragic cry, "ah ah ah! Xue'an, I tell you, this is just a distraction. If you dare to kill me, my body will never let you go! "

Xue an faint smile, "don't worry, we will meet again soon!"

What does he mean by that?

Xue an then said, "don't you all belong to Kunlun? Then I will step out your Kunlun! "

After that, the pure white flame is more boiling.

The ghost of the night demon empress screamed bitterly.

But after a few breaths, they are silent.

I'm so scared out of my wits!

At this time, fan Mengxue slowly opened his eyes.

Xue an looked at her with a smile, "these days, you suffer!"

Fan Mengxue's tears fall, but she smiles and shakes her figure for a few times, nearly fainting.

These days of torture, her soul has been extremely weak. The power of the soul has just been burned again, and now the oil is almost exhausted, and the lamp is dry,

with a wave of his hand, Xue an passes through the pure spirit left after the demon spirit is burned.

These are the spirits of the night devil lady! Good for the soul!

So just a few rest time, fan Mengxue's face was ruddy, especially in his eyes, which was full of glory!

Vaguely, there is a trace of strong breath.

Xue an smiles.

Then he turned his head and looked at Griffin who was slipping out quietly and said, "do you think Can you still go? "

Griffin froze, then turned around and said with a flattering smile, "big adult! This matter has nothing to do with me! Everything is the work of the night devil

"I can swear in the name of Lord Satan, I am forced to do it!" Griffin's face of righteousness!

Xue an shook his head and suddenly said, "what's the matter with the old spring?"

Griffin's smile froze and his eyelids beat wildly.

How can this man know anything?

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