"Is it strange how I knew that?"

Griffin shivered and quickly said with a flattering smile: "no, no, adults certainly know everything."

Xue an didn't pay attention to his flattery, and said faintly: "people will lie, but the soul will not!"

Griffin swallowed hard and didn't dare to speak.

He understood Xue an's meaning, if he dared to lie, he would make himself like a night devil.

"Are you the devil of the dark race?" Said Xue an.

"Yes Griffin said respectfully.

Xue an nodded and waved. A black seal script was printed on Griffin's forehead.

Griffin felt a sharp pain in his head and looked at xue'an in horror.

"I planted a curse seal in your soul. If you have other thoughts, your spirit will be burned by the fire of karma."

After listening to Xue an's words, Griffin's legs softened and flopped down on the ground. There was despair in Xue an's eyes.

Xue an looks around the venue.

By this time, people had recovered from the initial shock, but no one dared to come forward.

After all, Xue an's performance just now was too shocking.

It's like magic.

An Yan with Xue want and Xue Nian came over.

"Auntie Mengxue, you are back!"

Two little girls did not have the initial conflict, full of smile asked.

Fan Mengxue nodded and then looked at an Yan with some shame.

An Yan a smile, "can come back good! These days, you have suffered too! "

"Thank you very much, sister Ann." Fan Mengxue murmured.

At the moment, Mr Long hesitated to look at the distance, but did not dare to come over.

Xue an said with a smile, "Mr. long, it seems that the banquet here can't be held tonight. Why don't we change places! By the way, it's a celebration for Mengxue

Mr Long was slightly stunned, and then nodded with a smile, "well, anyway, I've been in this place for a long time! Especially the words and deeds of some people just now are disgusting! "

His words, let a lot of people feel ashamed to lower their heads.

Xue an smiles, "OK! Gone

He doesn't care about these people yet.

Waiting to walk out of the venue, Xue found that Shenkang and his daughter were anxiously waiting in the distance.

They also heard that something had happened in the meeting hall, but they did not dare to go in, so they had to wait outside.

Seeing Xue an coming out safely, the two men took a breath and rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Xue, if you're OK, you're scared to death!" Shen Kang sighed, and then he saw fan Mengxue and Mr long.

"Miss Fan, Mr. long!" Shen Kang exclaimed in surprise.

Xue an smiles, "the dinner here is not good, it's better to go back to your place to eat again!"

Shen Kang's great joy, "it's a great honor!"

When they're gone!

People in the meeting came out one after another and began to tell the delayed police officers of M country what happened.

After the information was collected and reported to the FBI, the head of the intelligence department looked at the report and was in cold sweat.

Most of the celebrities of M country were hijacked by the dark giants of sin city, and then the most dangerous person in China also appeared at the meeting.

If anything happens, he can't take the blame and resign!

So he picked up the phone and scolded the security department.

When the fire is over, the safety supervisor asks carefully.

"Head, what are we going to do next? Do you want to find a way to keep this xue'an in M country? "

"Fart! Is your head full of shit The intelligence chief is angry again!

"Didn't you hear the news? What does xue'an say when he subdues Griffin, the eviscerator? "

“……。” The security officer on the other end of the line was embarrassed.

"God, if you are in front of me now, I will strangle you! It means that Xue an must be going to the city of sin

"It's said that a precious thing has come out of the city of sin. Those dark big men are ready to move. Isn't Xue an right to go? Let them dog bite the dog

The head of the intelligence said here, feeling a little happy, "also, remember to close this matter up and give all witnesses a password! I don't want to wake up the next day and turn on my mobile phone to find that the news is full of gods, demons and monsters! This is the land of choice, m country! It's not the land of the prodigal

"Yes The safety supervisor yelled.

When he hung up, the intelligence chief prayed in silence.

God, please let this murderer leave the country of m as soon as possible. If he stays on this land for one more day, I will have to live a year less!

When this sad intelligence magnate prays silently, Xue an and fan Mengxue are enjoying a warm dinner party.In fact, it should be called night snack.

During the dinner, the people drank and talked happily.

Mr. long is indeed an old man who has been living in Hollywood for many years. He knows a lot of anecdotes, and a lot of things come out of his mouth very funny!

The atmosphere is very active, even fan Mengxue, who has not completely come out of the depression, can't help but smile.

Only Griffin, who was squatting in the corner and gnawing at the dry bread.

Not deliberately abusing him, but now that he sees Xue an, that kind of suppression from the soul, he can't help but kneel down to the ground.

Lord Satan, please be merciful and let me get away from this guy! Griffin prayed in his heart.

But obviously, when his Satan heard that the other side was Xue an, he hid as far as he could!

Mr long is ready to leave.

Xue an comes out to see you off. In any case, the character of this person makes Xue an admire!

"Mr. Xue! You Is it an immortal? "

Xue an smiles, "Mr. long also knows this?"

Mr Long nodded, "if you live a long time, you will always encounter some existence that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. However, Mr. Xue is as powerful as Mr. Xue, I have never seen him before!"

Mr. long paused and said, "actually, I would like to advise you not to go to sin city! But after thinking about it, don't say it! "

"Oh? Why? "

"Because I know that it's not worth saying it!" Mr long a show of hands, helplessly said.

Xue an laughed.

This Mr dragon is really a wonderful man!

After returning to the house, Griffin was kneeling in the corner, thinking about his mistakes.

"You seem to be afraid of me?" Xue an said lightly.

Griffin was afraid to speak.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate well, I will not kill you, but help you to ascend the throne of sin city!"

Looking up, Griffin's eyes flashed.

"My lord..."

Xue an waved his hand. "But you have to make clear what's going on in sin city."

Griffin quickly nodded and said yes, and then gave a detailed introduction to the city of sin.

Sin city is a common name for many people, because it is located on the edge of the desert in M country, and the environment is so bad that no one wants to go there.

Since then, it has gradually become a gathering place for wanted criminals, and has grown stronger in recent years.

Now it seems to be a huge city.

There, darkness is everywhere, and sin is commonplace.

There is no law, no moral restraint!

Everything is naked!

Among them, three are the most powerful.

Speaking of this, Griffin laughed, "I'm one of them! They're called bone pickers

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