Kunlun Wonderland.

Night devil palace.

The night demon lady suddenly opened her eyes, and a terrible evil spirit swept the whole palace in an instant.

"Xue an How dare you destroy my distraction! I'm going to tear you to pieces, so that your soul will never exceed life The night demon queen roared.

In her fury, the whole night demon palace trembled.

The disciples of the night demon palace all knelt down in silence.

"Sister night devil, why are you so angry?"

A woman in light gauze and elegant like a fairyland stepped in.

Seeing this woman, the night demon empress can't help but stand up.

"It turns out that the snow fairy is here!"

Snow Fairy smile, "night devil sister, just why angry?"

The night demon empress told the story with a gloomy face.

When it comes to xue'an's killing her distraction.

The thousand snow fairy, who had always been indifferent, could not help turning pale.

"Xue an?"

"Yes! Do fairies recognize this man

The snow fairy gritted her teeth and said with a sneer: "of course, I do. A few days ago, I sent half plum to the secular world to look for people with fairy fate. But I didn't expect to go there a few days ago, but I died and disappeared! And the one who killed her is Xue an! "

Finish saying, thousand Snow Fairy looks to the night demon empress, "younger sister, this son does not remove, cannot eliminate my anger!"

The night demon empress nodded, "but you and I are bound by the rules, noumenon can't enter the secular world at all, how to do?"

"Don't worry about this sister. I have my own arrangement. I will let Xue an fall into the net! As long as he enters Kunlun, it will be easy for me to kill him! "

The night demon empress nodded and asked, "the fairy is here. What else can I do for you?"

"After a while, it will be a trial meeting. My disciple Wen Banmei is dead. I'm afraid qianxuemen will lose at that time!" Mention this, thousand Snow Fairy face dew melancholy.

The trial meeting is related to the resource allocation of each sect in the next year, and it is a crucial trial competition.

If you lose, then Reiki resources will be reduced, then you will be in trouble!

"The fairy means..."

"I want one of my disciples to practice on my sister's magic test ground, so as to improve my strength as soon as possible!"

"This..." The nightmares are in trouble!

"Don't worry, sister. I will never treat you badly."

With that, the snow fairy took out a pill.

"This is a good thing that can improve the cultivation of mind and cultivation."

The night demon empress just showed a smile, "fairy this is visible!"

Even so, she couldn't wait to take pills.

In Kunlun, there are more and more immortal practitioners, but the resources are constant, so there will be a shortage of resources.

Therefore, even a spirit grass is extremely valuable for a sect!

What's more, it's a panacea!

And now.

In the city of sin.

Deep in a cluttered street, there is a very humble bar.

The owner of the bar is a Chinese. At the moment, he is sitting in the lobby, enjoying Erguotou.

It's sunny outside. There won't be any people on the street at this time.

Only wait until the evening, the street will appear all kinds of ghosts and monsters!

Just as he was drunk.

Come in from the door!

He woke up with a start and frowned, "the bar is open at night!"

A leading man took off the cap of his cape and said with a smile, "old stone, it makes me happy to see that you haven't drunk yourself to death!"

At the sight of this man, old stone's eyes were wide open, and he could not believe his own eyes.

"You You... "

Even said several words after you, the old stone quickly got up and closed the shop door, and then said with horror on his face.

"Griffin, are you going to die? How dare you come back? "

Griffin laughed. "Why don't you come back? The city of sin has my share

The old stone sighed, "after you were driven out, your chassis had already been torn apart! No one remembers you in the city of sin now

Griffin's face darkened at the words.

"Even Carter?"

Old stone wryly smile, "your loyal dog Carter, now occupies the most territory!"

"This damned thing!" Griffin had a murderous look in his eyes.

"I advise you not to try to recapture the territory. The city of sin is not what it used to be! There are a lot of new people who are highly skilled in cultivation, but they are also very cruel! For example, Carter's men have some very good masters"You can have a meal here, and then I'll try to get you out of here!" Said the old stone.

Griffin laughed. "My friend, you are the one who has not betrayed me in the end! But I will not leave this time! For I will sweep away everything and ascend to the throne of the king of darkness here

The old stone frowned because he thought Griffin was bragging.

At this time, Xue an took off the bamboo hat, looked around and said, "is this the safe place you said?"

Griffin quickly bowed his head respectfully and said, "yes, my Lord, this old stone is my close friend for many years, and no one knows our relationship. You can rest assured."

Xue an nodded noncommittally.

He originally wanted to drive directly to the city of sin, and then subdue all the strong men with peerless cultivation!

But he was dissuaded by Griffin.

He said very clearly that these guys walking in the dark will not bow their heads easily!

If you want to get the old spring, only through other ways!

Xue an is also interested in the spring because it is said that it can make people live forever!

But Xue an always felt that it was like a spiritual spring!

If it is, it will help Xue an's cultivation!

"Chinese?" At this time, the old stone was surprised.

In this place, Chinese people are very rare!

Xue an took a look at him, then whispered, "all right, take off the bamboo hat!"

With Xue an's words, I saw that the people who followed also took off the bamboo hat.

The old stone looked silly at that time.

Because this man is a woman.

Moreover, she is a stunning beauty

and two extremely delicate and lovely girls are also following her!

Two little girls are enjoying a bucket of ice cream!

What combination is this?

Is it a holiday?

Old stone looks at Griffin in doubt!

Griffin laughed. "This is my adult! This time I come to sin city, I am ready to help me ascend to the throne of the dark king

Old stone couldn't laugh or cry, and then said to Xue an helplessly.

"Young man, I don't know what you are, but you dare to lead such a beautiful woman to the city of sin! This is nonsense. It's looking for death

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