Xue an faint smile, "Oh? Is it so good? "

The old stone sighed, "you and I are both Chinese. I really don't want to harm you. This city is different from other places. There are no laws and rules here! Griffin should know that better than me! So you can do it yourself

Xue, who is eating ice cream, wants to raise his head and say, "grandfather, my father is very good."

Xue Nian also quickly agreed, "that's it!"

Griffin said impatiently, "old stone, you don't have to worry about these things. Adults have their own decisions! We're going to live here first! "

The old stone shook his head and turned away.

He has met too many high spirited young people who have entered the city to achieve something.

But often in the next day, it will be found that these people have been humiliated to death in the sewer.

After the old stone left, Griffin turned his lips and said, "my Lord, this is the way this guy is. His courage is smaller than that of a mouse. Don't pay attention to him!"

With that, Griffin took Xue an and others to the third floor of the bar.

There are several rooms here.

Griffin had lived here for a few days, so she arranged for the Sheehan family to live here.

After Griffin went out, an Yan was a little nervous and said, "husband, what the old man said is so frightening?"

Xue an smile, "he is also kind, but with me, no one dares to do anything to you! Stay here and I'll take you home in a few days

Xue an settled down, and an Yan, mother and daughter, turned around and went downstairs.

Griffin, who lives on the second floor, is now dressed in a dirty jacket and stubble. He can't see the gentle gentleman before.

"My Lord, I think the most important thing now is to take back my territory first!" Griffin said in a garrulous voice, his eyes full of cruelty.

As you can see, this guy is a little bitter about the betrayal of his men.

Xue an smiles, "don't worry about this! I want to see what the city of sin looks like first

At night.

The bar began to liven up.

Gang kids with tattoos on their faces are drinking slowly at the bar.

The enchanting dancer began to sway on the stage, with the confused music, people can't help but begin to get intoxicated.

He's making his own cocktail at the back of the bar.

At this time, those Gang children said impatiently, "old stone, are these rotten goods today?"

The old stone laughed and didn't speak.

"Well, why didn't that hot girl come some time ago?" One of the gang's children asked with a bright face.

"Who knows, I'm afraid you're scared!" Old Stone said with a smile.

He is the only one in the street who dares to talk to these lawless people.

Just then, Sheehan and Griffin came down the stairs!

The appearance of these two new faces attracted many people's attention.

Especially Xue an.

Well dressed and indifferent, he was out of place with the dim and confused atmosphere of the bar.

The children of several gangs frowned slightly and were about to say something.

"This is my nephew from afar who has just come to me from China!" he said with a smile

"Old man, do you still have a nephew?" These Gang children relaxed their vigilance and said with a smile.

Xue an took a seat and sat down.

The old stone hesitated for a moment, poured him a glass of wine, and then lowered his voice and said, "you'd better go quickly! This place is too messy

Xue an a smile, "chaos? I just want to meet you! "

Old stone was so angry that he was not happy. He thought Xue an was a guy who didn't know the height of heaven and earth, so he turned around and left.

Griffin whispered: "my Lord, these Gang children who are talking and laughing should be the motorcycle party around here!"

There was a trace of disdain on his face.

"At the beginning, the leader of their locomotive party had to kneel down when he saw me!"

Xue an gave a faint smile and then took a sip of wine.

Spicy with a hint of sweet wine in the mouth fried. The taste surprised Xue an slightly.

Griffin said with a smile, "I'm very surprised. Although this old stone is cowardly, this mixing skill is excellent! There are a lot of great people who come here to taste the wine made by himself

While talking, the door of the bar was pushed open.

The crowd turned to look, and then they were all stunned.

I saw a woman in a miniskirt with a pair of straight legs coming in.

The woman's clothes were exposed and her figure was extremely hot.Dyed in Lavender hair, it is actually a beautiful oriental face.

In such a small bar, her appearance naturally caused quite a stir.

Especially those motorcyclists, they all screamed.

By so many men covetously looking at, this woman is not flustered.

But swaying to the bar, very skillfully took out a slender lady's cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath, and then faintly said: "a cup of Twilight love!"

The old stone was a little nervous, but he quickly mixed up the wine and handed it over. At the same time, he whispered, "Why are you here again?"

The woman smiles, "you open a bar, can't I come?"

Old stone was said a Zheng, and then helplessly nodded, "of course you can come! Please use it slowly

Then he turned and walked away.

Those motorcyclists laughed, and their eyes became more and more bad.

A strong man with a poisonous snake tattooed on his face said with a smile: "old stone, this little girl, did you invite me to stimulate consumption on purpose? How else would you come so often? "

This woman is the hot girl they just mentioned.

This woman occasionally appears in the bar, which makes the motorcyclists salivate.

Old stone wryly smile, "how can I afford such a woman?"

"In that case, this little girl came here to show off on purpose?" The strong man said with a grim smile.

Old stone's heart sank and he just wanted to say something.

The strong man stood up and approached with a cheap glass of beer.

"Girl, are you a little lonely? Brother, I'm very fierce. Let's meet you! " The strong man sat beside the woman, leaning against the bar, and asked with silver evil on his face.

The woman put down her glass and turned her head to look at the strong man. A sneer of disdain appeared on her face.

"Go away!"

The strong man's face suddenly became gloomy. He slowly drank the beer in his glass and said in a cold voice, "do you know who you are talking to?"

The woman took a puff of smoke and vomited out smoke toward the strong man. "I'm not interested to know, but I'm very upset now. Get out of here!"

The strong man suddenly turned pale and said with a grim smile, "well, tonight I will let you know how powerful I am!"

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