With that, the strong man raised his hand and fanned over.

This strong man has a big body and his palm is the size of a leaf fan. If the fan is hit, the woman's head will be broken!

The old stone gave a cry of surprise.

But in the face of such a slap, the woman did not panic at all, but coldly looked at the strong man, even with a trace of ridicule in the corners of her mouth.

Just then, a silver lighter flew directly from behind like a streamer, and hit the strong man's face.


It was as if the strong man had been hit by an elephant and flew out directly.

After he was finally stopped by the table, the strong man's face had become intolerable.

Not only were the bones broken, but the teeth in the mouth fell out.

This time, the whole bar was shocked.

The rest of the motorcycle party all stood up, "young lady, how dare you beat our locomotive party?"

The woman did not look at these people at all, but turned around and looked at Xue an with great interest. She laughed and got up and came near.

Thank you Said the woman.

Xue an swept a woman's eye, and then dropped his eyes, light way: "don't thank, just raise your hand!"

But is swept by Xue an's sight, the woman slightly one shock.

This man's eyes are so deep, just like the deep pool of water!

People can't help but fall into it!

At this time, the motorcyclists understood who was fighting, so they took out their pistols and came over.

"Boy, you are so brave that you dare to beat the people of our locomotive party?"

With that, the guns were all aimed at xue'an.

In the face of this scene, the old stone was shaking with fear, and said in a loud voice, "no, I don't want you. He may be rushing for a while..."

"Old man, go away!" One of the motorcyclists yelled, then turned to look at Xue an and the woman.

"Hehe, do you want a hero to save the beauty? Well, take them both away. Tonight, we'll take turns playing this woman in front of this guy The scarred man said insidiously.

Hearing this, the woman's eyes are slightly cold, but did not say anything, just looking at Xue an.

Xue an eyebrows slightly raised, light drink a, "roll!"

This sound sounds ordinary to others, but in the ears of these locomotive party members, it is like a bomb blast, which directly breaks their eardrums.

One was even shaken and died on the spot.

This time, these locomotive party all counselled, and ran to the door, still did not forget to look back and said with a grim smile: "boy, you have the seed, if you really have the ability, you will wait here!"

Xue an faint smile, "good! I'll give you ten minutes! "

These guys ran away in a hurry.

The other guests in the bar looked at each other, and then they all quietly left.

As residents of the city of sin, they are used to this scene.

At the same time, it is also clear that those who left must have gone back to move soldiers.

This bar is going to be a bloody place soon!

The old stone, pale with fear, stamped his feet and sighed.

"You You Oh! Just, it's too late to say anything. Let's go! Leave from the back, otherwise after a while, the locomotive party members will come and you will not be able to leave if you want to! "

Xue an chuckled and shook his head? Why should I go? "

The old stone glared round his eyes, and finally sighed helplessly, "well, this is your own death. If you don't go, I have to hide quickly!"

Then he ran to the back room and locked the iron door.

So big bar, now there are only women and three people, Xue an Griffin.

Griffin was used to all kinds of big scenes and didn't care about it.

It was the woman who had a calm look. She even sat aside and looked at Xue an with a trace of surprise.

"Aren't you afraid?" Said the woman softly.

This time, she is using standard Chinese.

Xue an faint smile, "then why are you not afraid?"

"Because I am used to such scenes! And at the most, I will be taken back by them, but you may really die! "

Xue an smile, did not speak, but took up a cup and then drink.

The woman looked at it with great interest and suddenly approached and said, "Hey, to tell you the truth, do you want to soak me?"

Hearing this, Xue an's mouth almost spouted wine. After a slight cough, he shook his head.

"Then why did you help me? You know what happened just now has nothing to do with you! " The woman asked curiously.

"Do you need a reason to help someone?" Xue an asked."No need?" Said the woman.

"No! But if you have to find a reason, it may be because you are also a Chinese! " Xue an said lightly.

The woman looked at xue'an for a long time, and then shook her head and said, "you are not from the city of sin!"

"Oh? Why? "

"Because the people of sin city never do that! What they are most likely to do is to watch me being taken away by those guys, and then follow me to pick up a bargain

The woman said, sighed, and then raised her glass, "for your damned kindness, I'll give you a toast!"

Xue an smiles, then also held up the cup.

After drinking, the woman's eyes seemed to be confused. Then she approached Xue an and said, "if If you can't die later, I can accompany you all night! Don't worry, it's free! "

Xue an was surprised and shook his head.

"What? Do you think I'm dirty The woman's face grew colder.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "no, and I have a wife

At this time, Griffin said with a smile: "yes! Our adult's wife is beautiful and beautiful. Can't you compare it with such a vulgar powder like you? "

Then Griffin turned to look at xue'an, and said with some pride, "how are you, my lord? I can speak Chinese well

The woman was stunned.

Have a wife?

The woman's eyes twinkled and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Just then, outside came the deafening roar of the locomotive.

Then someone yelled, "that's it! Some of our brothers died here

Then, I heard someone carrying a stick smashed the glass of the bar, and the door was kicked open.

Then a group of motorcyclists swarmed in.

These big men were all shaved, dressed in leather clothes, with cold faces and all kinds of guns in their hands.

In such a situation, Griffin was slightly stunned, and then whispered to himself, "Damn it, I haven't seen you for a few days. The strength of this small motorcycle gang has improved by leaps and bounds?"

At this time, the group of people split a road, a naked, revealing the scars of the giant man slowly walked in.

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