"Boss, this guy killed our brother!" The motorcyclist who just escaped pointed to Xue an and said.

Giant Han disdains cold hum a, and then cast his eyes to the woman standing on the side, eyes some amazing.

Especially when he saw the woman's long straight legs, his face was full of greed.

"Hey hey, this girl is good!" Giant Han salivated.

"Boss, take it back!"

"Of course After that, the giant Han pointed to xue'an and said with a grim smile, "but you have to kill him first!"

The motorcyclists aimed their guns at Xue an.

A big war is on the verge of outbreak.

Just then.

"That's enough!" the woman said suddenly

The crowd is slightly stunned, see this woman to Xue an a smile.

"You are a good man, but in this city, kindness is the real sin."

Then she looked up and said to Juhan, "don't you want me? I'll go with you

The giant Han was stunned slightly, then said with a grim smile: "it is quite sensible, but he killed my brothers. How can this account be calculated?"

Woman light way: "I can calculate for him!"

"Good! That's what you said! Go Ju Han sneered.

He is not a fool, Xue an can kill his own people, it can be seen that he has some skills.

Now women are willing to follow themselves. Why fight for the dead?

You know, in the city of sin, there is nothing but the dead!

At this time, the woman leaned down and whispered in Xue an's ear: "my name is wensinan. I'm glad to meet you."

With that, she rose with a happy smile and left with the motorcyclists.

Xue an looked at the distant back of these people, his eyes twinkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Griffin smiles. "My Lord, the women of sin city don't care about these things! What's more, she's right. Goodness is the biggest sin here

Xue an smiles and says nothing.

After a long time, the old stone sneaked his head out of the back door.

"Everybody's gone?"

Griffin said with a smile, "you old man, you're very strict! They're all gone

The old stone breathed a sigh of relief before he dared to come out.

"If I hadn't been timid, I would have died that year!" Said the old stone.

Xue an stood up and said faintly, "go! Go back to bed

Then he stepped upstairs and left.

The old stone approached Griffin and said, "man, what's wrong with him? How can I see that he is not happy

Griffin drank up the wine and gave a smile. "Those guys are the ones who survived! Well, I'm going to bed, too

With that, Griffin got up and left.

Xue an returns to the room on the third floor and finds that her two daughters have already fallen asleep. Only an Yan is still lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

Seeing Xue an coming back, she sat up.

"Why don't you sleep?" Asked Xue an.

"I can't sleep. It's so messy down there. What's the matter?" An Yan asked.

Xue an smiles, "it's OK! Just a few guys are drunk

An Yan nods.

After xue'an lies down, she habitually hugs xue'an's waist and buries her head in xue'an's chest.



"I just had a video call with Mengxue!"


"She and Han Yao went to Europe and said they were going to make a film there!"

Xue an smiles and says nothing.

That day, the spirit that killed the night demon empress, and the night demon attached to Han Yao disappeared.

But before he left Hollywood with an Yan, fan Mengxue took Han Yao first.

I didn't say anything when I left.

Now listen to an Yan's words, is to go to Europe to film.

Thinking of this, Xue an sighed slightly.

He understood that fan Mengxue was hiding himself as much as possible.

"Well, go to bed." Xue an doesn't want to think about it any more. She turns over and hugs Anyan and gently touches her hair.

An Yan body that light fragrance, let Xue an's heart gradually quiet down.

And outside, the wind is rising!

Wensinan obediently sat in the back seat of Juhan's locomotive and followed the motorcyclists back to their station.

This is an abandoned factory building, but it has been transformed into their base camp by these locomotive gangs!

After getting off the train, members of the locomotive Gang stationed here also came out.

However, many people's eyes are focused on wensinan.

Juhan smiles at wensinan with pride on his face, "girl, you are very sensible, so I won't kill you, but I will let you spend an unforgettable night!"Hearing this sentence from Juhan, all of them burst into laughter.

Hearing Juhan say this, wensinan's face appeared a hint of an unknown smile and said in a cold voice: "it's a pity that although you don't intend to kill me, I won't let you go!"

Wensinan's words, let these locomotive party members are stunned.

After a while, they began to clamor.

Are you scared, mother

"Boss, do you want to teach her a lesson first?"

Giant Han's face was gloomy, and said with a grim smile, "very good, but I'm curious. Why don't you want to let me go?"

With a faint smile, wensinan whispered something in Juhan's ear.

Juhan's face changed greatly. His pride and arrogance disappeared. His face became pale as paper. He looked at Wen Sinan with a look of horror.

"You You... " He was so scared that he couldn't even say what was behind him.

This scene also shocked those locomotive party members.

The boss was just fine. How did he suddenly become this?

At this time, the strong man fell to his knees at the foot of the woman, shivering all over.

Wensinan's face was cold and said in a soft voice: "now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late!"

The voice just fell, in the surrounding darkness, out of the full of hundreds of women in black.

They've got huge, scary guns in their hands!

But if you look at wensinan, she doesn't know when she has a mask on her face.

A very terrible snake mask. There is a red scorpion in the snake's mouth!

See this scene.

The motorcyclists were all stunned, and then someone screamed.

"The queen of scorpion!"

This appellation, let everybody present be frightened.

Because this is the most mysterious and terrifying dark giant in the city of sin, the scorpion queen!

Almost no one has seen her true face. She seems to have countless faces.

But when she appeared in front of people, she always wore a mask of terror.

"Kill them all!" Wen Si Nan says in a cold voice.

These women in black all come forward in silence, anyone who stands in front of them will be crushed!

They are like black waves, directly devouring these people.

The scream lasted less than three seconds.

The once powerful locomotive party disappeared.

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