There was a sickening smell of blood in the air.

Among the blood and corpses, wensinan stood aloof, his purple hair swayed by the night wind.

"Your Majesty, what will be done with these bodies?" Asked one of his men.

Wensinan said faintly: "cut off the head of the head and put it in front of the bar!"


Wensinan looks in the direction of the bar, the corner of his mouth under the mask rises slightly.

"I hope this gift You can like it

The next day.

In accordance with the Convention, the old stone opened the door of the bar early, but then, he gave out a deafening scream.

After being woken up, Griffin went downstairs and said impatiently, "what the hell are you calling?"

Old stone's face turned pale and sat on the ground, trembling: "dead, dead!"

Griffin quipped, "dead man? When was the city of sin short of dead men

Then he turned his head and looked, and then he was stunned.

There was a head in front of the bar.

Bareheaded, ferocious, with a deathbed fear on his face!

It was the leader of the locomotive party who came here yesterday!

Griffin took a cold breath.

Who did this?

At this time, Xue an also went downstairs.

"My Lord, look at this..." Griffin had a dignified face.

Xue an said lightly: "if you die, you'll die. Anyway, he should die! Is there anything strange? "

"But I always think it's strange. Did that woman kill it? " Griffin muttered to himself.

Xue an faint smile, "is she, should soon know!"

In the evening, news came again.

The locomotive party has been completely eliminated. It is said that the scene is terrible!

The news shocked everyone in the bar.

A lot of people who were there yesterday began to talk.

"Gee, the motorcycle gang is gaining momentum recently, but it was knocked out overnight."

"Ha ha, what's so strange about this? The big trees attract the wind. Recently, the motorcycle gang is too arrogant! It's not surprising to provoke enemies! "

"And who do you say it will be?"

"I guess it may be old bell!"

Old bell!

At the mention of the name, the whole bar was quiet.

The dark three of sin city, Griffin the eviscerator, vensinan the scorpion queen, and this old bell.

But now Griffin has been driven away, scorpion queen is mysterious, only this old bell is still very active!

In particular, his son, little bell, is a dandy known throughout the city of sin!

Many people turn pale when they hear the name of old bell.

But some people still disagreed and sneered, "I don't think he did it! Old bell has been steady in his work these years, and seldom destroys the door! "

"Who do you think it is?" Someone said unconvinced.

"You Have you forgotten the woman last night

When it comes to that woman, it's quiet in the bar.

"Hehe, how can it be? It's just an ordinary woman. Maybe she's a seller! " Someone laughs.

"Yes Many people agree.

While these people were arguing, Sheehan and Griffin were drinking at the bar.

Old stone's mixing technique is really good, at least Xue an is satisfied with it.

After hearing the public's comments, Griffin murmured angrily, "the old bell, the old man who didn't die, I wouldn't have been driven out if it hadn't been for him!"

Xue an did not speak, still slowly drinking wine.

When the bar became very busy because of the collapse of the locomotive party.

The door was pushed open.

A pair of straight long legs first stepped in, and then the familiar miniskirt, or the lilac hair.

Quiet down in the bar.

Everyone was staring at the woman.

Some people even took a hard swallow and were ready to slip away.

It's wensinan.

She stepped forward to Xue an, sat on one side, and said to the stunned old stone, "have a cup of Hellfire, it's too tired last night!"

"Ah Oh, oh The old stone hurriedly started mixing wine and looked at Wen Sinan from time to time with frightened eyes.

Even Griffin was a little pale because he couldn't see through the woman.

Only Xue an had been drinking slowly.

"Aren't you curious?" Asked vensinan.

"Curious about what?" Xue an put down his glass and turned to look at her."Wonder what I went through last night?" Asked vensinan, blinking his big eyes.

Xue an smile, "the road is your own choice, and I have nothing to do with it?"

Wensinan was said to be speechless, angry straight teeth.

She came here to see the reaction of people, especially Xue an.

She also had a strong curiosity about the man.

Wensinan appreciates his decisive character.

But I didn't expect that Xue an didn't really talk about it.

This made wensinan a little annoyed.

"Well, I should have thank you last night." Wensinan suddenly whispered.

Xue an a smile, "I said, do not thank!"

"Well, you stupid fellow Wensinan was a man with a bad temper, but now he can't help it. He throws down a word and turns around and walks away.

When I got to the door of the bar, I couldn't help turning around and saying, "would you like to join me for my birthday tomorrow?"

Xue an shook her head. "No interest!"

"You..." Wensinan eyebrows stand up, immediately restored calm, a cold hum, turned away.

After she left, many people looked at Xue an with surprised eyes.

Some people are so jealous.

Wensinan's performance just now clearly implies Xue an!

But Xue an was not moved by it.

This is simply pushing away the woman who comes to the door voluntarily!

Griffin was not surprised.

Compared with an Yan, wensinan is no different from an ugly duckling.

But he said curiously, "my Lord, this woman is very mysterious! Are you really not going? "

Xue an shook his head. "I'm too lazy to go. Besides, as soon as possible, I can find out the exact news of the spring. I don't have time to spend here all the time."

Then he got up and went upstairs.

And outside, Wensi gets on the car with a fierce look on his face.

All the people in the car were shaking.

They all know their Queen's temper, but she is ready to kill!

"Your Majesty, do you want to destroy this bar?" Said one of wensinan's valet.

Unexpectedly, Wensi Nanyang slapped the servant.

This slap would fan the servant's mouth full of blood, but he did not dare to lift his head.

"Dare to say such words again, I will throw you into the snake pit, let ten thousand snakes bite the heart!"

"Yes The attendant trembled.

Wensinan took a deep breath and suddenly became calm. A proud smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"None of the men I like can escape from my palm! Even if you have a wife! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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