"My Lord, when the spring of youth was first discovered, it was in an abandoned mine cave in the city of sin. It belonged to me! But I didn't expect that old bell and scorpion queen joined hands to drive me away Speaking of this, Griffin's eyes were full of malice.

"As for how the latter two men distribute the spring of youth, I am not quite sure! But I know that this spring is not always available, it has a regular pattern of time

"And the next time, three days later!"

Griffin said what she knew, and Xue an nodded.

"So I think the most important thing now is to recover my former territory and weaken the strength of old bell and scorpion queen as much as possible." Said Griffin.

Xue an looked at him.

Griffin's heart was cold, and quickly lowered his head. "I'm just making a suggestion. It's up to the adults to decide everything."

Xue an said lightly: "don't worry about it. If the spring doesn't appear three days later, I can feel it! When the spring comes to hand, kill these people again

"Yes Griffin said respectfully.

And in the heart of sin city, there's a black building.

In a spacious office on the top floor.

Old bell was leaning back on his chair, enjoying the night view of the city outside the landing window.

He likes the feeling.

It's like being in the cloud and stepping on everyone's feet.

And it's true.

Now his reputation and power have become the dark king of sin city.

Griffin's gone, and now there's a scorpion queen left.

Old bell frowned slightly at the thought of the woman.

Then the door of the office was opened.

Old bell didn't have to look back to know that it was his only son, little bell.

Because except for him, no one dares to push the door directly without asking for instructions.

"Father, I think I need to report something to you." Little bell and his father are very much alike.

The same deep eyebrows, the same gentle.

But little bell was more rebellious than old bell.

Old bell looked at his son as if he were appreciating a work of art.

"Oh? What's the matter? "

"Last night, a motorcycle gang near the bar street was destroyed!"

"Is there anything strange about it? My child, you know, there are more guilds destroyed every day in sin city than my white hair

"But father, this is different!" With that, little Baer put some pictures on the table.

Old bell took it up and looked at it, and suddenly he frowned.

The factory building in the photo is full of blood and bodies.

"This is..." Old bell was slightly stunned.

"Yes, father, this should be the work of the evil scorpions!"

Evil scorpions!

Scorpion Queen's men!

Old bell's eyes twinkled.

"And I've found a lot of interesting things," he said with a smile! Like this... "

Little Baer takes out a picture, the scene is obviously in a bar.

It's the side face of a man and a woman.

The woman has lilac hair.

"My father, this scorpion queen is very secretive and never shows any clues. We don't even know what she looks like for so many years!"

"But this time She finally showed up! "

Old bell frowned. "You mean, this woman may be the queen of scorpion?"

"It's not possible, it's certainty!"

Old bell looked at his son with approval.

"What are you going to do?"

"My father, the spring of youth will appear soon. This should have belonged to our bell family. Why should it be given to a crazy woman?"

Old bell nodded! Do it

He understood what his son meant. He was the dark giant of sin city.

Killing, alliance and betrayal are common things!

"Good father, at this time tomorrow, I will present this woman's head!"

From the beginning to the end, neither the father nor the son had ever seen the indifferent man in the picture.

In their opinion.

Except for the scorpion queen, everything else is unimportant!

The next day.

When the lights are on.

The old stone's bar became lively again.

Many people like to come here and have a cup of wine made by old stone.

Especially recently, the motorcyclists have been eliminated, and it has become a lot more peaceful here.Xue an also sat in front of the bar and drank wine.

At this moment.

The door of the bar was pushed open, and then wensnan came in with a huge cake.

Her move, let a lot of people are slightly stunned.

Wensinan went straight to the bar, put the cake on it, and began to insert the candles.

Xue an slightly frowned, "what are you doing?"

"Birthday, of course! Don't you see that I'm inserting a candle Wensi South light road.

"Birthday here?" Xue an asked.

"Can't you?"

With that, wensinan smiles at the old stone, "tonight, all the consumption is on my account!"

Her words drew cheers from many people, whose fear of vinsinan faded. Some even held up their glasses and cried, "happy birthday, my girl!"

Wennan was in a good mood

Light the candle.

The music in the bar stopped very wittily.

Those dancers are also not far away smiling at.

In this small bar, the atmosphere actually became a little warm.

"Don't you even say happy birthday?" Said vensinan.

Xue an's expression restored calm, a faint smile, "Happy Birthday!"

Wensinan laughed, then closed his eyes, made a wish, and directly blew out the candle.

A lot of people began to cheer.

Wine and water generally come up.

This night is not deep, already let a person infatuated.

Vinsinan drank a lot of wine and attacked a lot of people with cakes.

Of course, she was also smeared with cake by many people.

Some people even take advantage of it.

But even so, she was not angry.

Outside the bar, women in black sit on top of several refitted trucks like black beasts.

They are wensinan's personal guards, evil scorpions.

I heard the exaggerated laughter from the bar.

These women in black can't help but look at each other. Some people can't help saying, "it seems that her majesty is very happy tonight."

"But I remember that her majesty has already had a birthday this year." Someone whispered.

"Hush! Remember, these words should never be said to the queen unless you want to be eaten by a thousand snakes Someone warned.

While they were chatting together.

Innumerable black shadows fly through the sky!

The night seemed to be boiling.

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