Little Baer stood on a tall building and leaned over to look at the black beasts in the distance.

"Those Are they the evil scorpions in the legend Said little bell lightly.

"How can you travel with such a few people? Yes, it's bold enough

There was a little excitement on little Baer's face, and his mood became restless.

After all, the other party is a dark giant as famous as his father.

If I can behead him tonight, my reputation will soar again, and the bell family will become the real king of the city.

"Shadow arbiter, go out!" Said little bell.

"Yes From the shadow came a promise, and then countless dark shadows passed through the sky.

As the only son of the bell family, little bell is naturally favored.

Even in this mission, the family sent him the most elite shadow arbiter!

In the city of sin, the dark three have their own elite.

Griffin's dark disciples.

The evil scorpion queen!

But even more famous than them, the most powerful is the shadow arbiter of the bell family.

Rumor has it that these people are the bell family took decades of hard work to cultivate, each of the strength is extremely strong.

Standing on the roof of the building and looking at the arbiter, he was filled with pride.

From then on, the city of sin will only be my bell family!

At this time.

Outside the bar, members of the evil scorpions are still chatting.


A dark shadow passed by.

On the seat of the driver's throat, the voice of the driver's blood.

And this slight noise also startled these women in black.

"What sound?" There was a cry of surprise.

Close to the door, open the door immediately.

It was a dead silence outside.

Several women in black looked at each other and frowned.

There was a tinge of foreboding in the silence.

But as a soldier who wanders on the edge of life and death all the year round, death and blood are common food.

So, although knowing that things must have changed, everyone was calm.

They quietly picked up weapons, and then rely on each other to get off the car.

The night was dark and abnormal.

Even the moon is gone.


Just as the women in black walked into the middle of the street, ready to enter the bar.

Countless shadows came from afar.

Without hesitation, the women in black raised their guns and were ready to fire.

The shadows came near.

In this way, two black torrents collided in the street.

The sound of broken limbs, the gushing of blood, and the clash of metal tips mingled.

It constitutes a cruel movement.

But there was no scream.

The silence on both sides was terrible.

Even death can't make them groan.

As the soldiers who come out of the dark purgatory, no matter who they are, they have already been fearless of life and death.

Even little Baer, who was watching from a distance, could not help admiring.

"Indeed, he is an admirable dark warrior."

However, compared with the overwhelming number of shadow arbiters, the number of evil scorpions is very small, and they lose a lot in a hurry.


Most of the women in black have fallen.

The rest are also injured, each other back-to-back stand together, vigilant at the sky's shadow.

"The arbiter of shadows!" Someone whispered.

"The bell family has made a move. Please inform her majesty as soon as possible!" Another man said in a deep voice.

"I just tried, this street has been blocked by shadows, all news can not be sent out!"

At this time, little bell walked slowly down the street and said with a smile, "although you are women, you are respectable. If you lay down your arms now, I can think about letting you go!"

"Little Pearl!" Cried the remaining members of the evil scorpion swarm.

Then they looked at each other and slowly raised the guns.

"I'm sorry!"

Little Baer was not surprised by the result, so he just bowed his head slightly, and the shadow arbiters flew past him.

"All for the queen!" The members of the evil scorpions finally called out and pulled the trigger.

The gunfire flickered a few times and was engulfed by the shadow arbiter's shadow.

A burst of creak, let a person tooth acid sound to come.It's like a monster chewing flesh and blood. It's creepy.

Then, the black shadow dispersed, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground, not even the bones.

"What a pleasant evening Little bell sighed.

"Do you think it would be very sad if the scorpion queen found out that her men had died outside, but she was still celebrating her birthday inside?" Said little bell, playfully.

No one responded.

These shadow arbiters have always been silent fighters.

"Well, surround this bar, and I'm going to have a heart to heart talk with our queen!"

Little bell was in a good mood.

With that, little bell pushed the door into the bar.

By this time, everyone in the bar was drunk.

Only wensinan and Xue an are still drinking slowly.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are drinking the juice specially made by old stone for them!

When little Pearl came in.

A lot of people don't pay much attention to him.

Then little Baer looked at vincenne and said with a smile, "Your Majesty? Happy birthday

This sentence did not arouse any reaction from wensinan. She was even drinking with a smile.

Only Xue an, the corner of his mouth, showed a meaningful smile.

"I should say I'm sorry, because I just accidentally killed the Queen's men!" This sentence of little bell finally attracted the attention of wensinan.

She turned to look at him, her eyes getting colder.

"What do you say?"

"You can try to summon and see if your people are still there!"

Wensinanliao felt it, his face changed. Then he put down his glass and stood up slowly. A majestic momentum gradually emerged.

"Little pearl?"

"It's me!" Said little bell with a smile.

"Good! Your bell family has succeeded in angering me! Be ready to bear my anger Wensinan cold channel.

By this time, all the drunk people in the bar had come to their senses.

Because a lot of people finally heard the conversation between them.

This man is the famous little bell!

And this woman.

"Queen Scorpio, I'm sorry about that, but I don't think you need to be angry again, because this bar tonight is your burial place!"

Scorpion queen!

The name made everyone in the bar scream.

Griffin in particular, his face did not change greatly.

This woman is the queen of scorpion? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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