"Xiaobei Er, it seems that you don't understand. Although you are very strong now, you are still far from me!"

Wensinan said in a cold voice. Under the change of her expression, her appearance also changed greatly.

Just beautiful face disappeared, replaced by a face like a demon.

"The blood of God?" Xue an said in a low voice, then smile, "it looks like, but the momentum is too weak, it should be a hypocrite!"

His whisper did not catch anyone's attention.

At this time, people in the bar are eager to escape.

There are a few smart people, simply began to climb out of the window quietly.

But as soon as they climbed out, before they could be happy, they heard a few screams, and then the whole person was swallowed up by the darkness.

Wensinan frowned and said in a majestic voice, "the arbiter of shadows? No wonder I was just able to hide from my eyes and ears! In order to deal with me, you bear family's capital is not small

Little Baer said with a smile, "how can you kill the queen and just a few arbiters?"

At this moment, vensinan suddenly turned into a black light and went straight to little bell.

The speed, even with the sharp wind.

In the face of this fierce blow.

Little Baer's face was cool, but he stepped back.

The flood of darkness came out from both sides of him and went straight to wensinan in the air.

Wensi Nan snorted angrily, "just mole ants, get out of here!"

After that, wensinan waved his hand, and countless snake shadows went straight to these shadows.

Now Griffin was pale and wanted to get under the table.

"Shadow arbiter, my God! So many more have been sent out! Is the bell family crazy? "

In the middle of the sky, these snake shadows finally face the black torrent.


There was a dull noise.

All the glassware in the whole bar was smashed.

More than half of the black current was wiped out at that time.

This makes the little Beier behind see the eyelid twitch, heartache all want to drip blood.

This is all the efforts of the bell family!

But wensinan was also uncomfortable. His body was stagnant in the air, and his face showed a look of pain.

"She's hurt!" Exclaimed little bell in surprise.

Sure enough, wensinan's momentum began to become obscure, and the whole person was also tottering.

"Kill her!" Bellowed little bell.

As long as she's dead, the fountain of youth, including the city of sin!

It's all mine!

But at this time, a timid voice came.

"Husband? What's the matter? What's the matter? "

The voice is very clear and beautiful.

They turned their heads.

I saw a beautiful woman standing on the stairs.

Although it is such a dangerous situation, there are still many people can not help but be crazy.

In the city of sin, there are more showy exposed girls.

Where have you seen such a cold and moving beauty?

Even little Baer couldn't help but stare.

He is the most beautiful person.

But what was she shouting?


Who is her husband?

At this time, an Yan is also quite nervous.

Upstairs, she heard the clattering below, and she didn't know what was going on.

Although she is very confident in Xue an, the two little girls are also below.

Later, she was really worried, and then she came down.

I didn't expect so many people down there.

And they all look at themselves with straight eyes.

At this time, Xue an stood up and said with a smile, "nothing. It's just that some people are playing with each other."

Xue an's words caused an uproar.

The old stone, shivering behind the bar, was crying.

Thinking in my heart, this guy is really looking for death!

In the air, wensinan stares at Anyan. After a while, she has to admit it.

This woman is far superior to herself in appearance and temperament.

Is this his wife?

No wonder you don't make a show of yourself!

At the critical moment of life and death, wensinan's heart actually passed a trace of sadness.

At this time, little bell began to smile with pity.

"Haha! Good! I didn't expect to have such a beautiful person in such a small bar. It seems that I have gained a lot in this trip

"Kill the queen of scorpion first!" said little bell coldly

At his command, the shadow arbiters rushed up again.Wensinan roared, trying to wipe out the shadows.

But helplessly, although the blow just killed half of the shadow arbiter, but also let her run out of oil, lamp dry.

Now in the face of the fierce impact, she can only hide left and right to dodge the parry, but the more sluggish she is, there are still scars on her body from time to time!

There was despair in wensinan's eyes, and he knew that this was a bad time.

And little Baer watched with pride.

But when he realized that he had the chance.

Xue an smiles to an Yan, "wait for me for a moment!"

"Mm-hmm!" An Yan nods her head cleverly.

Then Xue an got up and walked on.

Wensinan in the air roared: "don't come here, this is not what you can interfere with!"

Little bell looked at it with pride, and then pointed, "kill him!"

In the eyes of little Beier, killing this man is a very simple thing, and as long as he is dead, the beautiful woman will be his own!

Thinking of this, little bell's heart can not help but a burst of fire.

Several dark shadows came straight to Xue an.

Even Griffin's face became overcast.

As for the others, they were all pale and believed that Xue an would die.

But when these black shadows rushed to the front, Xue an waved and drank faintly, "get out!"

Known as the most terrifying warrior in the city of sin, the arbiter of shadows that makes people feel scared.

Under xue'an's wave, it was like a mass of garbage, which was blown out directly, and then cried out and disappeared!

A blow!

The arbiter was killed by a few shadows.

In the air, wensinan's mouth was slightly open, and his face was unbelievable.

And little Baer was shocked and looked at the scene in disbelief!

"Why How could it be? "

So understatement kills the shadow arbiter?

Who the hell is this man?

At this time, Xue an looked at little Baer and said with a smile, "it's interesting, but it's just fun! So The game is over

With that, Xue an raised his fist and drank softly: "move heaven and earth!"

All seemed to stop for one of the sounds of light.

After that, Xue an just understated a punch out.


These shadow arbiters, unable to even struggle, turned into fly ash under this blow.

Little bell let out a cry of terror.

But immediately he found that he was all right!

When he was lucky, he heard a loud noise behind him.

When I turned my head, I couldn't help being numb.

Under Xue an's fist!

The walls of the whole bar are gone.

The whole street outside was also blasted out of a huge passage by this fist!

And the shadow that just blocked the whole street has turned into fly ash!

The power of this man's fist is so terrible!

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