Everyone looked at xue'an in horror.

Wensinan, who fell to the ground, was full of amazement.

She knew that Xue Anwu had a good cultivation.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

As for Petit Baer, who is this time recovering from his consternation, he said darkly, "who are you? Don't you know what happened to my bell family? "

Xue an light way: "do not know, also don't want to know!"

Little Beier was not sure, but Xue an just did not kill him, which made him more confident, so he said coldly: "good, you are a strong man, I just didn't see it!"

"The strong deserve the treatment of the strong. I'm sorry for my attitude just now. Now I can leave now

Little Pearl said, and turned to go.

Xue an's voice came from behind, "did I say let you go?"

Little Baer turned around and said grimly, "this is the city of sin. Even if you are a warrior, you should obey the rules here! Do you understand? "

Why didn't you shake your head just now

"Because I want to tell you that the rules are for the weak, and I Only believe in fists

After that, Xue an points his hand.

A sword pierced through time and space in an instant, and directly penetrated little bell's head.

Poof! Brain and blood were sprayed all over the floor.

Little Baer did not expect to die, Xue an will suddenly attack.

It was a moment before his body fell to the ground.

This time, the whole bar was a sensation.

Griffin laughed.

"Your Majesty is really powerful. This guy has been dead for a long time."

Naturally, he was afraid that the world would not be in disorder.

But the rest of them were all shaking with fear.

Little Pearl!

This is the only heir of the bell family, the only son of old bell!

Even those who were hostile to the bell family would not dare to kill him!

After all, no one wants to face a crazy old bell!

Can be such a person, Xue an actually said to kill?

The thought of facing old bell's fury in the next place made many people despair.

At this time, wensinan struggled to get up from the ground. After a moment's hesitation, he said, "I'll send someone to take you out of the city! I'll deal with the rest

Xue an shakes his head. "I don't want to go yet."

Wensinan was a little worried. "I know you are very good. The corbel family has existed in this city for hundreds of years. No one knows what cards he has! You still have your wife and children. If something goes wrong, it's all over! "

Wensinan was really worried at this time.

She is a cruel scorpion queen, but at the same time, she is a woman who loves and dislikes clearly.

Xue an has just made a sudden move. In wensinan's opinion, it is to save himself.

So in order to repay Xue an's kindness, she is going to take the matter down by herself.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly looked into the distance.

Because he felt a strong aura wave.

Wensinan felt it at the moment, and his face changed. He blurted out, "it's not old spring!"

Xue an smiles.

It seems that Griffin's calculation is wrong!

It was said that after three days, only one day later, the spring appeared!

Xue an wanted to kill the bell family directly, but now that young spring was born, he was ready to take the eye spring first!

Thinking of this, Xue an picked up her two daughters, let Griffin be responsible for driving, and took the family to the abandoned mining area where the spring of youth was located.

However, before leaving, Xue an looked at the dispirited wensinan and suddenly said.

"Over the years, you have been overdrawn by your blood. Don't you know that if you go on like this, your blood will collapse and die?"

Hearing Xue an's words, Wensi's face changed greatly.


"How do I see that, don't I?" Xue an faint smile, "this is very simple for me! You can see it at a glance! And... "

"I've learned that although you are cruel, you have protected most of the women in the evil city from bullying. With this, I never thought about dealing with you!"

Wensinan looked dull when he heard it. "You mean..."

Xue an nodded, "yes, I came to the city of sin not only for the sake of youth, but also for this city! So even if the bell family doesn't come, I'll come! "

"As for you What I want to tell you is that kindness is not sin, but weakness is! "

With that, Xue an got in the car and left.

Wensinan looked at the lights in the distance, in a trance.

Xue an's words suddenly reminded her of many things in those years.At that time, she was just a simple girl high school student. She was abducted here just because she believed a so-called friend.

After coming here, she realized that she had been cheated.

At that time, she had a silly fantasy that a hero would come down from the sky and rescue her.

But the cruel reality mercilessly shattered all.

That night, she was forced to receive guests and lost everything in pain and humiliation.

From that day on, she was forced to become a cash cow for many people.

Gradually, she was numb.

But finally one day, when she was abused all night, at the end of the day, the guests were ready to cut her throat with a knife.

She broke out!

Some place deep in the body seems to burst suddenly, the power of the majestic blood makes all the bullying her turn into blood!

Also from that time on, she suddenly understood that a person can't be good, only evil!

She grew up to be one of the big three of darkness, and controlled 90 percent of the flesh and skin business in sin city.

Under her protection, many women are no longer bullied all day at least!

She thought she was doing a good job!

But today Xue an's words, let her suddenly wake up a lot.

She seems to have seen the high school girl with short hair and clean eyes!

All of a sudden, she was in tears!

"Go to hell!" he said

Then he turned and disappeared into the darkness.

In the car, an Yan asked curiously, "husband, who was that woman just now?"

Xue an said with a faint smile, "one People who have lost a lot of things

The car soon arrived at the abandoned mining area, which was heavily guarded with sentries.

So when the car has not arrived in front of the mining area, there is a warning shot.

"Who? Step back

Griffin stopped the car and asked suspiciously, "my Lord, we..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xue an sitting in the back seat and waving his hand!

A huge Half Moon Halo suddenly appeared in front of the car.

"Go!" Xue an has a light drink.

This huge halo is like a sickle, aiming at the guard's camp is a sweep.

First, there was a crackling sound, and sparks were everywhere.

Then all the trees and barbed wire were broken from it.

Finally, these guards, one by one, were cut in two and died on the spot.

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