While talking, he used the magic instrument in his hand to direct the strange beast pulling the cart to turn around, and then rushed to Ren Xing's carriage again.

Ren Xing finally reacted this time, and then screamed, "Ren Ning, are you crazy?"

As she spoke, she frantically slapped the cockpit in the front row and tried to turn the groom.

But it's too late.


There was another loud noise. This time, Ren Xing's carriage was hit with a big hole.

Ren Xing, who has always been arrogant, was also silly at this time, and her friends screamed.

But it's not over yet. Xue an won't save her face, so the carriage retreated again, and then hit it heavily.


With a loud noise, the carriage of Ren Xing's carriage was finally overwhelmed and completely broken.

Ren Xing and her friends were exposed in the air.

At this time, Xue an, the initiator of the terracotta warriors, had driven the carriage and left.

Ren Xing stood in the sky with a pale face. She didn't point to the back of the distant carriage until a long time later.

"Ren... Ren Ning, wait for me! I'm not finished with you!"

Unfortunately, her shouting soon dissipated in the wind, and Ren Ning didn't hear it at all.

At the moment, she is staring at Xue an.

Xue an frowned, "what do you always see me doing?"

"Ah... Ah, nothing!"

Said, Ren Ning flustered away her eyes, but couldn't restrain the rising corners of her mouth or betrayed her real ideas.


That's great!

Ren Ning never thought that she could resist her sister's oppression one day.

In the past, in the face of her sister's provocation, she always chose to give in and endure.

She tried to avoid her sister.

And because her eloquent sister is very popular with her father, she dare not even complain to her parents.

After all, silent, she has always been almost transparent in the eyes of her parents.

Until today, she suddenly found that she could resist like this!

Suddenly, she felt that the young man in white opposite was not such an asshole.

In addition to his poor strength, this guy is very good in all aspects! Ren Ning thought silently in her heart.

After this episode, Ren Ning's team returned to Ren's territory smoothly.

Until then, Xue an found that the planet was so huge that it was even beyond the understanding of the heavens.

If it were in the system of the heavens, such a planet would never exist.

But it seems not uncommon in this high-dimensional world.

At least Xue an looked up and saw that there were many fist sized stars shining in the dark night sky.

Such a world... It's really interesting! Xue an raised her mouth and smiled.

Such a smile makes Ren Ning blush and heartbeat.

Soon the convoy landed on the ground.

This manor covers a vast area, even like a city.

Zhuang Ding guarded the city gate. When he saw Ren Ning's motorcade, someone immediately greeted him.

But there are also many eyes peeping in the dark.

After all, now the whole Ren family knows that the eldest lady who has always had a low sense of existence is about to marry the son of the great general.

However, at the thought of the bad reputation of the son of the great general, many people shook their heads secretly and sympathized with Ren Ning.

Of course, some of them are full of schadenfreude.

In short, under the gaze of countless eyes, the little servant girl Caidie came forward and lifted the curtain of the car.

Then a white figure came down slowly from the inside.

A jade boy dressed in white, clear and handsome, like a pine and cypress, appeared in front of the crowd.

For a moment!

Whether they are secretly concerned or these people in front of the door, they are all petrified.

Because no one expected that a man would come down from the eldest lady's carriage.

Who is he?

What's the relationship with the eldest lady?

These question marks appear in everyone's mind.

At the same time, Xue an looked around the audience and said faintly, "come out!"

Ren Ning stepped out of the carriage trembling, and didn't even dare to lift her eyelids in the whole process.

Because she knows how many eyes are watching her at the moment.

This made her nervous and trembling.

Just then, a figure appeared in front of her, blocking those curious eyes.

"Is this your home?" Xue an said faintly.


"Very big!"


"Come on, go back to you first!"


After a brief conversation, xue'an stepped in, and Ren Ning followed him like a little servant girl.

Wherever they passed, these Zhuang Ding all looked stunned and gave way to a road.

Xue Anru walked into the manor with a swagger.

When his figure had disappeared in the corridor behind the door, a burst of boiling noise broke out in the audience.

"My God, am I right? The always honest and gentle young lady went out and brought back a man?" Someone's face is incredible.

"The key is still at this juncture. I really don't know what the general's house will think after the news is spread!" Someone sighed.

"The young man looks very good, but his strength is too poor. He is only a seven grade Wu Yilang. His ability is average in any family, not to mention the general's house!" Someone sneered.

For a time, opinions varied.

While it was busy, a ragged carriage stumbled forward, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Before someone greeted him, Ren Xing jumped to the ground and asked angrily.

"Where's Ren Ning? Has she come back?"

"I'd like to inform the second lady that the eldest lady has just returned! You..."

Hearing the word "come back", Ren Xing has rushed into the gate and left a group of people standing in place with big eyes and small eyes.

"What's the matter today? Why are the eldest and second ladies strange?"

"Don't talk about that. How can I see that the carriage seems to have been hit!"

"Yes, yes, just now the eldest lady's carriage also has impact marks!"

"Is it their sisters who started?"

"How is it possible that you don't know the temper like a steamed stuffed bun. How can you do that kind of extreme thing!"

"But the key is that there are more men here today!"

"It is estimated that when the master comes back, it will be more lively!"

Hearing the word "master", the faces of the people changed greatly. They didn't dare to speak any more nonsense and scattered one after another.

At the same time, before Ren Xing came to her sister Ren Ning's residence, she just wanted to ask her teacher to apologize, so she heard a bang inside, and then a figure broke through the door and flew out.

Plop, the figure just fell at Ren Xing's feet.

Ren Xing looked down and found that the figure was an old woman in her sister's room, but at the moment, her face was full of blood and had fainted.

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