The dazzling blood scared Ren Xing just wanted to scream. At this time, several figures flew backwards from the broken door and just landed at Ren Xing's feet, splashing a little blood.

Ren Xing jumped so high that he hurried back.

At the same time, Xue an walked across the broken door and came to the outside world.

Ren Ning followed him carefully, like a little daughter-in-law who was angry in her mother-in-law's house and then her brother came to support her.

When she saw Xue an, Ren Xing's eyes widened instantly, which was even more startled than when she saw the woman flying all over the sky.


And a man who came out of his sister's room!

Combined with what had happened on the way before, Ren Xing understood a lot and asked in surprise.

"Who are you and why are you with my sister?"

Xue an ignored her, but turned to Ren Ning, "is this the sister who gives you a headache?"

Ren Ning nodded.

Xue an frowned, "talk!"

"Ah! Yes... Yes!" Ren Ning said cautiously. She didn't dare to look up at Xue an in the whole process.

At the same time, this apricot has rushed to the front.

"Hey, I ask you, who the hell are you? Why are you with my sister? And are you the one who hit me with a carriage on the road?"

At this time, the second miss of the Ren family vividly explained the origin of her name.

Will be that aggressive and unruly performance incisively and vividly.

At least when Ren Ning saw this behind the scenes, she subconsciously shrunk her neck and wanted to shrink back.

But just then, xue'an suddenly raised his hand and slapped her in the face.


Although Xue an controlled his strength, he slapped Ren Xing. He staggered back more than ten steps, then covered his face and stood in place.

"You... Dare you hit me?"

Xue an disagreed. "Why don't I dare to hit you?"

"You... You..." Ren Xing trembled and her eyes were red. She was almost angry.

She had never suffered such humiliation.

From childhood to childhood, she wanted wind and rain. Let alone being beaten, she didn't even say a word to her spoiled parents.

But today, the young man in white who didn't know where to jump out slapped himself in the face.

How could she swallow such humiliation.

Ren Ning was also startled. She didn't expect Xue an to really dare to do it.

But looking at the face of her always arrogant and domineering sister, there was a big slap on her face, but Ren Ning had a kind of indescribable cheerfulness in her heart.

Xue an didn't bother to pay attention to Ren Xing, who was trembling with anger. He turned his head and said to the servants in the broken door.

"Clean this place!"

After hearing xue'an's order, these servant women with trembling faces almost jumped up, and then quickly nodded their heads.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

With that, I saw these women swarming up and began to work hard to clean up the battlefield.

Someone dragged the injured women lying on the ground away, then called clean water and began to clean up the blood.

The efficiency of the whole process is very high, and no one dares to say one more word in the whole process.

Seeing this scene, Ren Ning couldn't help sighing secretly.

In the past, if she had ordered these women to do something, she would either push through three obstacles or say some sour gossip.

She was embarrassed to scold them. In the long run, she even got used to it.

No matter what you can do by yourself, you can do it by yourself. If you can't, let Caidie's little servant girls do it.

So these women became a bully in her room. They were domineering and no one dared to provoke them.

But this time they met the iron plate of Xue an.

When Xue an followed Ren Ning back to the courtyard where she lived, these women were gathering in the courtyard to drink tea and chat.

Seeing Ren Ning coming back, these women didn't even get up, just glanced, and then continued chatting.

Ren Ning didn't care. She didn't point to what these women were doing. In this way, it's good that the well water doesn't invade the river.

But there was one who took the initiative to seek death. When one of the women saw that Ren Ning actually brought back a man, she couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, is our eldest lady going out for incense or meeting a lover? If the master knows this, it may cause much trouble!"

Ren Ning's temper broke out in an instant. Quan should not have heard it and continued to walk in.

But Xue an stopped and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, you dare to question my aunt? Do you know who I am? I'm the eldest lady's nurse. She grew up eating my milk, you..."

The fat woman stood up as if she had beaten chicken blood, and came to xue'an angrily.

In her opinion, the boy who didn't know where to jump out must have never seen anything in the world. He just took this opportunity to establish prestige, so that the eldest lady could understand his importance.

But although she had a good plan in her heart, before and after she came to Xue Anjin, an inexplicable force hit her. Then she flew out like a broken kite and smashed the door. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

This sudden scene frightened many people, but several women who made friends with the fat woman ran over in anger.

"How dare you do it at home!"

"Take him to the master!"

In the rebuke, the women reached out and wanted to catch Xue an.

Then they ended up flying backwards one by one, just like the fat woman before.

This hand shocked everyone.

These arrogant women were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe. They were afraid that they would become kites in the air.

Naturally, I dare not disobey Xue an's orders.

While these people were cleaning up, Xue an turned to look at Ren Ning and said faintly.

"I think the city near your house is good. I happen to be hungry. Why don't you go first?"

"Ah!" Ren Ning, who was staring at these women in a daze, came back to her senses.

"Go shopping?"


"Oh, what do you mean?"


Xue an couldn't help shaking his head, and then didn't talk nonsense. A Guanghua coerced Ren Ning, and then they flew up and disappeared in place.

Although xue'an has left, these women still dare not slack off.

God knows if this murderous young man will come back.

As for Ren Xing.

At the moment, she has been completely ignored.

She stood blankly in the corner, her hands covering her red and swollen cheeks, and her face was suspicious of life.

Just... Just go?

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