After hitting yourself, you didn't even say, so you left?

The key is that sister baozi obeyed this guy and didn't even come to ask herself.

This can not help but make Ren Xing more angry.

She clenched her teeth secretly and stamped her foot heavily.

"You wait for me! I'll show you when my father comes back!"

After that, she hated to leave.

Ren Ning, who had come to the nearby city, sneezed, rubbed her nose and looked around the shops with interest.

As Xue an saw when he came, the city is quite prosperous.

The streets are full of shops and people shuttling back and forth.

Everything makes Ren Ning feel fresh.

"Have you never been here?" Xue an couldn't help asking.

Ren Ning shook her head. "I came here once when I was four years old!"

Xue an: "..."

"Let's go and see what's fun!"

"Uh huh!"

Ren ningtou's point was like a rattle, and his eyes were bent with laughter.

Xue an shook his head.

This guy is really easy to satisfy!

If it weren't for the sacrifices offered by this silly girl, Xue an really didn't want to take care of the bad things among these rich families.

But now there is no way. In order to repay this kindness, Xue an has to act as Ren Ning's bodyguard and guide for the time being.

you 're right!

When playing in Ren Ning's family territory, Xue an has to be a guide.

Seeing this dignified and virtuous looking Ren Ning running around excitedly, she could see nothing new.

This scene also attracted the eyes of many people in the street.

However, after seeing Xue an with a helpless face, many people couldn't help but smile with understanding.

Obviously, this is a little couple out shopping.

As for the expression on Xue an's face.

Have you ever seen a man with a smile when shopping with his girlfriend?

"Hey, do you think this looks good?" Ren Ning picked up a hairpin from the street stall, put it on her head and asked with a smile.

Xue an was speechless and just wanted to talk.

The stall owner's aunt already took over the conversation, "Oh, girl, this hairpin is perfect for you. It's very beautiful. Young man, it's your blessing that you can find such a beautiful girl to be a lady!"

Ren Ning's face turned red. She took off her hairpin and bowed her head.

Xue an tugged at the corners of her mouth a few times and wanted to turn around and leave directly, but she couldn't hold the aunt's chattering words.

In desperation, he simply took out a spirit stone and threw it on the stall.

"Stop talking and buy!"

The world's economic system is similar to the heavens, and all kinds of spiritual stones pass through.

As for how Xue an got the spirit stone.

When he taught Ren Xing a lesson, he took a storage necklace from her neck.

There are a large number of spirit stones stored inside, which can be regarded as a great wealth.

It can also be seen that Ren Xing is favored.

After all, Ren Ningchang didn't save much money.

After buying this hairpin, Ren Ning followed Xue an with a smile. She was in a good mood when she walked.

Xue an didn't bother to talk to her.

They soon came to a theater in the street.

As early as the beginning, Xue an found the world very interesting.

Because the level of civilization here is very close to that of ancient China, and even has a common shadow in many cultures.

For example, this opera garden is an example.

Standing in front of the door, listening to the chirping singing and the cheering voice from time to time, Ren Ning couldn't help being curious.

Naturally, she knew it was a drama garden, and she had seen the story about it more than once in various vernacular novels.

This makes her full of infinite curiosity here.

But timid by nature, if she were alone, she would never dare to step here.

After all, according to the etiquette, a lady like her is not allowed to appear in a place like the opera garden.

But today, she was vaguely moved, so she secretly looked at Xue an.

Xue an took a deep look here, and then walked in.

Ren Ning was delighted and immediately followed up.

In front of the door, there was a boy who checked tickets. Seeing a man and a woman coming in, and both of them had extraordinary bearing and luxurious clothes, he couldn't help but walk up quickly.

"Two adults, I'm really sorry. The box is full. Look..."

"Scattered seats, preferably in the front row, but do you have any?" Xue an said faintly.

The boy was stunned, and then quickly nodded, "that's true, but the front row is chaotic, and you take your wife..."

Xue an didn't say a word and threw a Lingjing directly, "don't worry about the others. Arrange it!"


Seeing that Xue an said so, it was not easy for me to dissuade again, so I immediately withdrew.

A moment later, he came to the door again, "please follow me!"

With that, he led the way, led Xue an and Ren Ning through the curtain to the hall.

For a moment.

A heat wave came to my face.

The huge hall is bustling.

The stage was full of people, but there was not much noise, because everyone's eyes were firmly attracted by the wonderful man on the stage.

The soft singing echoed in the hall, and many people showed an intoxicated look.

Xue an followed the boy to a position on the left in the front row.

After settling down, the boy whispered, "Sir, if there's anything, you can run back!"

With that, the man bowed back.

Ren Ning didn't hear anything. She couldn't help whispering, "what's the matter?"

"It's all right, go to the theatre!" Xue an said faintly.

At this time, the play on the stage has reached a climax. Although I can't understand it, the unique action and singing still let Ren Ning fall into it soon.

But Xue an didn't pay attention to these. He just looked at the woman singing coldly, his eyes twinkled slightly, and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a song was sung, the audience applauded and cheered.

At the same time, all kinds of spirit stone jewelry were thrown onto the stage like rain.

The opera singer stood in the middle of the stage and thanked him again and again.

But just then, I don't know who threw a teapot in the dark.

It crashed on the column with a bang, and the hot hot water splashed, which made several people close scream. Then these people scolded angrily, picked up the teacup in front of them and smashed it back.

There was a moment of chaos in the field.

But people were not afraid at all, but cheered excitedly.

Suddenly, all kinds of things flew around in the air.

The actor took a few steps back and seemed to be waiting for the matter to come to an end.

But just then, a black light mixed in the messy teapots and bowls came straight to the play.

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