Ren Di is not tall, so when Xue an comes near, he almost looks up to see Xue an.

More importantly, Xue an has an invisible deterrent, which makes it difficult for any person to breathe.

This kind of pressure is almost comparable to the general you see!

Ren Di thought of it with fear, but in front of so many people, as the head of the family, he couldn't be too weak, so he sneered.

"Yes, that's what I said, and I still hold this idea! Young man, don't think you can be superior to the heroes if you have some strength. Qipin Wu Yilang is Qipin. No matter how powerful, you can't surpass your own rank!"

Xue an nodded, "well said, but what do you think now?"

With the voice, xue'an's eyes narrowed slightly, and a vast breath suddenly rushed out of his head, shaking the sky, and the wind and cloud thousands of miles around changed color.

"This is..." Someone opened his mouth and looked at the scene in front of him unbelievably

At the same time, he saw Xue an's whole body floating and quickly condensing and introverting. Unexpectedly, he stepped into the six rank cavalry captain from the territory of seven rank Wu Yilang in an instant.

Everyone's mouth is open, boss.

Especially those who practice, they almost stare out their eyes.

As practitioners, they know better than anyone how difficult it is to promote their strength.

It can be said that every time they climb a small realm, they spend countless energy, and many people are unable to take a key step after exhausting their life energy, so they are stuck in a certain stage.

Even those powerful sects and even the destiny in the inheritance of evil things need long preparation to promote to a higher level, and can only be completed under the Dharma protection and blessing of many school elders.

But Xue an's promotion just now seemed as relaxed and natural as eating and drinking water.

Who has seen this before.

"Now?" Xue an asked indifferently.

Ren Di's mouth moved, but he couldn't even say a word.

If he faced Xue Anshi in the territory of seven grade Wu Yilang before, he still had a little clamoring capital.

Well, after Xue an was promoted to the sixth rank of Xiaoqi captain, he didn't even have this capital.

Because no matter where it is, the six rank cavalry captain can not be ignored.

Such a big Ren family has only a few experts of Xiaoqi Wei.

Xue an sneered, then suddenly turned around and said faintly, "let's go! Anyway, there's nothing worth your nostalgia for this family!"

After that, xue'an walked out.

Ren Ning took a look at Ren Di and others with uncertain complexion, looked at Xue an's back, and then quickly followed up as soon as she gritted her teeth.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Xue an smiled and asked without looking back: "is there a feeling of relief now?"

Ren Ning thought carefully, then nodded seriously, "well, I feel a little refreshing anyway!"

Xue an laughed, "that's right!"

In the laughter, a gust of wind blew, and they flew into the sky and disappeared.

The muscles of any different face are shaking constantly, and the eyes are cold and can freeze to death.

All the people around were silent, and even the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

However, Ren Xing, who has always been capricious and reckless, came forward with indignation and said, "father, don't be too angry. I've seen that my sister is not a good person. Although she usually shows no struggle with the world, she actually has ideas in her heart!"

Ren Di turned to look at her, "since you have already seen it, why didn't you say it before?"

Ren Xing was frightened by the never cold expression on her father's face and said in a trembling voice, "I... i... I just said that. Don't be angry, father. If she runs away, she will run away as if she doesn't have this person."

"Just think there's no such person..." Ren Di laughed coldly.

"Do you know how much effort I spent trying to keep up with the general? I finally talked about the marriage, but at this time, the bitch ran away. How can you tell the general?"

Ren Di's harsh voice made Ren Xing's wronged tears spin in her eyes.

"Well... Send someone to chase you now!"

"Of course, chasing is chasing. Does Ren Ning really think she can get rid of everything by finding a man? She forgot that her body is flowing with the blood of the Ren family, so she can't escape, but even if she comes back, the senior general can't explain it!"

"After all, it won't take long for this matter to spread. Even if the bitch is caught back at that time, the son of the general can't want this broken flower and willow again, so there's only one way for today."

Speaking of this, Ren Di looked at Ren Xing with blood red eyes.

Ren Xing's heart clicked and his face became very pale for a moment.

"Father, i... I'm not an adult yet. You can... You can..."

"Even if you're not an adult, it's not a few days away, not to mention the son of the general should be better."

Ren Xing's voice changed, "but father, i... I don't want to marry now."


A crisp sound.

Ren Xing covered her red and swollen face and looked at her father in disbelief.

This is the first time I've been beaten by my father.

At this time, Ren was different, but there was no ordinary kindness at all.

"Don't want to get married? Do you really think I feed you for your prosperity? You're wrong. You're all my chips. I'll finish your tasks when I need them!"

"I didn't think of you before because of your stupid sister, but now she's useless, so you have to replace her, okay? My dear daughter?"

Any different face is distorted by anger and desire.

Ren Xing felt that a heart was falling rapidly.

All kinds of happy memories of the past and good hopes for the future are broken at this moment.

Infinite remorse and jealousy suddenly rose in her heart.

Regretting that she shouldn't have fought against her sister and let her go, she was jealous that she found a man to rely on and took her out of the sea of suffering.

Just then, he saw any different pointing to several women in the distance.

"Come here, drag this guy down and take strict care of him. No one is allowed to get close to her without my order!"


The women dared not have the slightest objection and immediately came forward to drag the lost Ren Xing away.

Ren Di clapped his hands, his eyes uncertain, and then whispered again.

"Immediately send someone to investigate and see what the boy came from!"


"Also, if there is no background..."

"How's it going?"

"Just let his whereabouts out, and then someone will clean him up!"

"I see!"

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