As Ren had expected, this matter could not be concealed at all.

Before the evening, the news about Ren Ning, the eldest daughter of the Ren family, running away from home with a man had spread all over the Lingan territory hundreds of thousands of miles around.

After hearing the news, the reactions of all parties were mixed.

There are Schadenfreude, cynicism and sigh.

But most of them turned their attention to the Lingan general's mansion.

Because everyone knows that the general's mansion has agreed to marry the Ren family under the help of Ren different.

The daughter of the Ren family, Ren Ning, is about to marry the eldest son of the general.

Many forces have been paying close attention to the marriage.

Because once successful, it means that the Ren family will climb to the big tree of the general's military house and upgrade itself from a third rate rich family to a higher level.

But at this juncture, such a thing happened. Isn't it obvious to beat the general's face!

Therefore, many people sneer and watch the development of the situation to see how the senior general will respond to it.

Surprisingly, the general Ling'an's military mansion, which has always been vigorous and resolute, was surprisingly silent this time and did not show any views on this matter.

This does not prohibit many people who secretly expect Ren's family to follow the unlucky ones from being disappointed.

What's going on?

Why is the general's military residence so unconventional that it has become a lot of forbearance and restraint?

While many people were secretly wondering, another news from Ren's family gave the answer.

The Ren family decided to expel Ren Ning, cancel all her inheritance qualifications, and let the second young lady Ren Xing marry into the general's house instead of her sister.

Hearing the news, all parties could not help but be in an uproar.

No, in a small academy, a group of scholars are discussing this matter fiercely.

"What? I actually offered my second daughter? But I remember that the second lady of Ren family is not yet an adult!" A green shirt scholar said with consternation on his face.

"Do you think Ren different will care about this? For him, the most important thing now is how to extinguish the anger of the general's mansion. At this time, let alone give his second daughter. If you ask him to send his wife out, he dare not say anything!" A black faced scholar nearby sneered.

"That's why I said that Ren Di was a cruel man. He didn't hesitate to sacrifice the happiness of his two daughters to conclude an engagement with the general's military house!" Another scholar shook his fan and sighed.

"For such people, it is not surprising that family affection itself is a chip that can be used!" The black faced scholar said.

"It's just a pity that these two beautiful women! One is forced to abandon a rich family and the other is about to jump into the fire pit." The scholar in green shirt choked his wrist.

Hearing this, all the people in the room were silent.

Obviously, for people living in this territory, everyone knows how powerful the general is and how reckless the chief of the general's mansion is.

Just then, a hearty laugh came from outside the house.

"As soon as I entered the hospital, I heard Lao Yao's words of pity for fragrance and jade. It seems that the title of romantic talent in fangwaicheng is really worthy!"

Hearing this sound, the scholars in the room stood up one after another and looked excited.

"It's brother Zhuo!"

"Brother Zhuo is back!"

At the same time, the door opened and a young man in a moon white childe's shirt swaggered into the house.

The boy's appearance brightened the whole room.

In particular, the natural and unrestrained attitude makes many people feel cordial.

"Brother Zhuo, have you finally passed the pass?" The black faced scholar said happily.

"Yes, brother Zhuo, I went to your house once yesterday. As a result, your mother said that you have been studying in the study for several months, and no one has been seen! Such a devout attitude towards learning really makes us ashamed!" The scholar in green shirt sighed.

The young man laughed, "it's just that I feel it occasionally when I'm reading, so I've been closed for a few months to understand it deeply. Thank you for worrying!"

They are all students of fangwaicheng official Academy.

Fangwai city is a city within the territory of hundreds of thousands of kilometers under the general's government. It is not a large scale, but it is where the literary style is prosperous and the people are outstanding.

Speaking of this, I want to briefly introduce what happened to these academies.

As Xue an said before when he broke the origin of the actor in the theater, the world is a special existence composed of duality.

The so-called duality means that the world is the coexistence of evil things and human race.

In fact, the human world is no different from the heavens and the outer heaven. There are also various cultivation methods. Except that the boundary division is different from the outer heaven, the others are basically the same.

The evil world is different.

According to the clues of the world, these evil things first appeared in front of people in the form of gods, and ruled the world for countless years in this way.

Later, for some reason, this rule fell apart, accompanied by the mutual attack and disobedience between these evil things.

But even so, these evil things still have a strong influence on the world. Although they usually sink under the water, no one dares to ignore their existence.

As for the origin of these academies, it is also closely related to the collapse of the rule of these evil things.

At least they appeared almost at the same time, and soon prevailed, becoming a huge force that can not be ignored in the world.

Today, the influence of the academy and these scholars has reached a peak. Even the high-quality and strong should maintain enough respect for them.

In this case, many forces began to set up their own official academies, hoping to expand their influence in this way.

This fangwai academy is one of the countless academies.

This young man is the best of the young generation in fangwaicheng. His name is Zhuo Benzheng.

His family background and talent are bright, so he has become the leader of fangwai Academy.

At the moment, after some greetings, the Zhuo Ben's face was solemn.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you know what's the most important thing about my exit?"

The crowd was silent for a while. Only the scholar who shook the fan whispered, "but is it a literary society for poetry?"

"Sure enough, brother fan knows me. Yes, I'm going out for the poetry club!"

Poetry society!

Hearing these four words, all the scholars present looked carefree and fascinated.

Because this meeting is a brilliant and grand stage for every scholar.

If you have the opportunity to enter it and write popular poems, you will become famous all over the world immediately.

All this is because this poetry society is a grand event attracting the attention of all major forces and even the whole world.

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