Its originator is Kai Si poetry society, which plays an important role in the whole world.

You know, because of the large number of academies, poetry, songs and Fu are popular in the world, and all kinds of vernacular novels are popular in the world. This can be seen from the excitement of the theater that Xue an saw before.

Because only when the context is prosperous, this entertainment will be so popular.

In this context, Kai Si poetry society has become one of the highest halls in the minds of countless students and scholars.

Although it is impossible to verify who founded the club because it is too old, the rules have been handed down.

Every year, local branches hold various cultural meetings from time to time, but these are ordinary literati gatherings, which can not attract much attention.

Only when it comes to the three-year period, Kai Si poetry society will hold the most grand cultural conference.

This is the focus of all students.

This meeting is first held by local branches. If you are shortlisted and write good poems, you are not only qualified to be promoted to the meeting held by the head office, but also can print your poems on the newspaper of Qisi poetry society.

Only then will it be truly famous and known all over the world.

This temptation is fatal to any student.

But soon, the scholar in green shirt couldn't help sighing and said, "just because of your and my literary talent, don't expect to stand out in this meeting. You'd better place all your hopes on brother Zhuo!"

Everyone nodded.

"Yes, in terms of your knowledge and talent, you can barely catch the eye in this small outside city, but I heard that all cities in the whole Lingan territory will participate in this branch cultural meeting. It can be said that talents gather together, so we don't have to expect." The black faced scholar couldn't help saying.

After that, everyone looked forward to Zhuo Benzheng.

Zhuo Ben smiled bitterly, "you don't have to give me great hope. I just got the qualification to enter the meeting. It's still two to say whether I can get results at the meeting!"

"Hey, brother Zhuo, you don't have to be so modest. I think you've been studying hard for so many years for this opportunity to prove yourself. Moreover, I heard that the cultural conference is different!" Xu Yan, the scholar holding the fan, said.

"Oh? What's the difference?"

All the people came to their senses.

All this is because the scholar holding the fan is a child of the Wu family in fangwaicheng. His name is Wu Zizhang.

There is an old man in the Wu family who has been working in the general's house. Naturally, he is more informed than ordinary people.

"The general attached great importance to the conference and intended to make it the most grand gathering in decades. Therefore, he specially invited Miss Yun lingxuan from the building outside!"

"What? But the girl Yun who claims to be the one who startles the world by learning to play the piano?" The man in green shirt exclaimed.

"There are several cloud girls in the world. Naturally, it's her!"

Hearing this, all the people present turned pale.

There is no other reason.

It's really that Miss Yun's fame is so great that even if they live in a corner, their ears are full.

"It's her... If that's the case, the general has paid a lot of money this time, because who doesn't know that Miss Yun is the world-famous Huakui and one of the watchers outside the building!" The black faced scholar muttered to himself.

Zhuo Benzheng's face was thoughtful, "why does the general attach so much importance to this cultural conference?"

"Yes! You know, the general's temper was not like this in the past!"

"The reason is very simple. That is, the eldest childe of the general's mansion will also participate in this cultural conference! He naturally has to try his best to build momentum for his son!"

"What? That Wanxiang and Gaoliang will also participate? Don't be kidding. No one can match this guy in terms of his ability to look for flowers and willows, but if he writes poetry... Who is he?" The black faced scholar sneered.

But all the faces were a little ugly.

"You can't say that. Since the senior general arranged so, he must have his plan. Otherwise, he tried his best and even didn't hesitate to invite Miss Yun to build a momentum. In the end, didn't he make wedding clothes for others?"

"You mean... Stealing poetry?" The black faced scholar asked in surprise.

"I didn't say that. I just think it's possible!"

"No! If you know the title of the poetry club, no one knows it in advance. Instead, when you arrive at the scene, you ask the memorial tablet of the literary saint to divine face to face. In addition, the poetry club can be on the spot to investigate. If someone steals poetry, you will be aware of it on the spot!" The black faced scholar shook his head again and again.

"Hehe, do you think the general will not consider what you said?" The scholar in green shirt suddenly sneered.

"This..." The black faced scholar also felt that what he said was childish and ridiculous.

Because everything has rules, there is the possibility of cheating.

Although it is said that the Qisi poetry society is a huge existence and will not pay attention to a four grade general, after all, it is only a branch literature meeting.

The general is also the host. It is possible to sell him face at that time.

But if this is the case, it will be even more desperate.

While everyone was silent, he saw that Zhuo Ben was suddenly smiling.

"If so, I have to participate in this cultural conference. Not only do I have to participate, but I must also get a good position in it and try to beat the eldest son of the great general's family!"

At last, the Zhuo Benzheng's eyes flashed a color of perseverance.

Seeing this, these scholars were silent for a moment, and then burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm.

"Good! Indeed, he is worthy of being the leader of our academy outside the country. It will be clear by his courage to compete with the son of the general!" The words of the scholar in green shirt.

"I'm going to buy wine now. I have to stay drunk today!" The black faced scholar spoke without hesitation.

Even Wu Zizhang, who was holding a folding fan, was full of praise. "Brother Zhuo has this integrity. Why worry about failing in his studies in the future!"

"Hahaha! You flatter me. I just don't like the wanton behavior of the general's military residence. In the past, he only aimed at various forces. We can't say anything. But this time he actually put his hand into the poetry club. As a student, how can I stand idly by?"

Zhuo Ben is full of heroic words.

"Good!" All the scholars got up and exclaimed in unison.

That is when the group of scholars in fangwaicheng discussed the upcoming Poetry Society meeting.

A low-key and elegant carriage slowly drove into the territory of Lingan general's house.

"Miss, we have entered the Lingan domain now!"


A slender hand gently lifted the curtain of the car. A little servant girl looked out of the window, looked around curiously, and then whispered.

"Miss, would you like to inform the people in general Ling'an's house to pick it up?"

"No, he said it was time to arrive at the cultural meeting. Now there is plenty of time. Let's go slowly!"


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