Different from what many people expected, Xue an did not lead Ren Ning to hide his name and go away.

On the contrary, at the moment, he actually appeared again in ren'an city under the jurisdiction of Ren family.

And swaggering in the street, there is no taboo or hidden meaning in the action.

In contrast, Ren Ning, who followed behind her, was shivering, lowering her head and trying her best to reduce her sense of existence.

But she forgot that although she was wearing a veil, her eyes and slim body showed that she was a rare beauty.

As for Xue an, who was walking in front of him, he had a great bearing.

How can such a combination not attract public attention when walking on the street,

Ren Ning is very sensitive to these curious or obscene peeping eyes, so the more she goes, the more she feels like a needle on pins and needles.

Finally, she couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"I... where are we going?"

"Finally willing to speak! I thought you became mute!" Xue an smiled and said with a smile.

Ren Ning: "(″´)- ω・)”

"Well, well, don't tease you. Let's go and have something to eat now."

When she heard the words "eat", Ren Ning's stomach cooed very well, and the expression on her face became (◍ ◍).

Xue an could not help laughing. He reached out and rubbed her hair, "say, what do you want to eat!"

"No... I don't know! Why don't you... Eat steamed stuffed buns."

"Steamed stuffed bun?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Uh huh!" Ren Ning nodded vigorously, and his eyes were bent into a crescent shape.

"When my mother was still alive, she bought me a drawer of steamed stuffed buns. It felt delicious!"

Xue an was silent for a moment. "What about the back?"

"Later, my mother died, and then my father married an aunt, which gave birth to Ren Xing!" Speaking of this, Ren Ning's tone became very gloomy.

"I mean, just a drawer of steamed stuffed buns has worried you so far. Don't you have enough to eat over the years?" Xue an couldn't help asking.

"I really haven't had enough to eat, because my father said I was a daughter of thousands of gold and couldn't eat those mundane things, so I usually eat some food Linglu and drink wind soup."

Looking at Ren Ning with confused eyes, Xue an suddenly wanted to say dirty words.

Although I haven't seen it, just listening to the name can also imagine what the meal Linglu and drinking wind soup are.

This is usually used by ascetics to replenish aura when they are closed. Most people will never use this as their staple food.

After all, it's hard for everyone to practice at ordinary times. How can they wronged themselves in eating here.

The silly girl has been kept delicately like a canary in a cage for many years in exchange for greater benefits when she grows up.

Thinking of this, Xue an couldn't help patting her on the shoulder.

"We won't eat steamed stuffed buns this time!"

"What do you eat?"

"Eat a big meal, and it's a big meal you've never eaten before."

Due to its geographical location, ren'an city is bustling with customers.

There are innumerable restaurants in such a place.

For example, the restaurant in front of Xue an and Ren Ning is the second to none in ren'an city.

The restaurant covers an area of dozens of Mu and is 100 feet high. There is a big plaque with three big characters on it.


At this time, it was a busy time, and the diners crowded several doors. From time to time, Huaguang flew into the sky and went in and out of the tall buildings directly.

Seeing such extravagance and extravagance, Ren Ning couldn't help but be afraid to fill her social fear skills with the same brain tonic ability.

"Or... We'd better change another one!"

"Change? Why? I think it's good here!"


Before Ren Ning finished, Xue an had already stepped in.

Seeing this, Ren Ning hurriedly followed up, then held Xue an's back skirt with her hand, and didn't even dare to lift her head.

At the same time, a waiter in charge of reception in front of the door has welcomed him.

"My guest, but do you want to eat?"

Xue an nodded.



The waiter was stunned, and then he saw Ren Ning hiding behind Xue an. He couldn't help laughing.

This girl is really interesting. She's like an angry little daughter-in-law.

But he didn't dare to say much, so he let Xue an into an elegant room on the third floor.

"My guest, what do you want? As long as you can tell, we can basically do it."

Xue an has never wronged himself about eating. What's more, at the moment, he has more confidence in holding the storage Necklace robbed from Ren Xing.

"Then start according to your best!"

The waiter was stunned. "You mean all?"

"Of course it's all on. When I say no, I can stop again!"

The waiter was surprised. He couldn't help looking at Xue an and found that they were all dragon and Phoenix like people. He couldn't help thinking.

Is this your son who ran away from some rich family?

For a moment, the waiter also made up an emotional drama.

Of course, he didn't dare to disclose these ideas, so he nodded his head and prepared.


All kinds of rare dishes came up like running water, and a table was filled in an instant.

Not to mention eating, Just smelling the rich aroma is enough to make people move their fingers.

Ren Ning's eyes have been straight.

Xue an said lightly, "eat!"

After saying that, he looked at Ren Ning opposite with a smile.

He doesn't believe that Ning can still wear a veil when eating.

"This... Can I eat all these?" Ren Ning incredibly pointed to the dishes on the table.

"Of course!"

Ren Ning took a deep breath, then without hesitation took off her veil, picked up her chopsticks and ate them.

Xue an was slightly stunned.

Because after taking off the lower yarn, the lower half of Ren Ning's face was still shrouded in a faint mist.

Although the fog was thin, even I couldn't see through a penny.

The power of rules?

These four words suddenly flashed through Xue an's mind, but he didn't ask questions. He just looked at Ren Ning eating with a smile.

Plates of dishes began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye. I don't know how this seemingly weak little girl can hold her stomach so much.

After a while, the full table of dishes was cleaned up.

The waiter looked silly.

Until Xue an nodded at him, "continue!"

The waiter just came back and nodded hurriedly.


In the twinkling of an eye, the dishes began to be presented up again.

Ren Ning uttered a sigh full of happiness, "how delicious! Eh, why don't you eat?"

Xue an smiled and even picked up chopsticks.

"Well, eat."

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