"Shura hall?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, you meddled in the theater before. You saved the actor and hurt our people. You won't forget it so soon!"

Xue an suddenly smiled coldly, "Oh, who should I be? It's you snake and mouse curfews who hide in the dark and dare not see anyone!"

There was an angry hum in the darkness, and then I saw the darkness begin to roll and surge.

Suddenly, a figure began to appear.

When the man appeared in front of and behind xue'an, Ren Ning, hiding behind xue'an, couldn't help shouting.

He was dressed in black and wore a white mask without facial features. Only two holes were dug in his eyes, revealing two green eyes like ghost fire.

In this dark background, it's like a ghost climbing out of the depths of hell.

Such a powerful picture naturally made Ren Ning, who was timid by nature, fear it and couldn't stop shaking.

Seeing this, Xue an quietly moved her position and blocked her behind her.

At this time, the masked man made a harsh and strange laugh.

"Boy, you're not old, but you're not young. You dare to be so arrogant when you're dying! It seems that you don't know the power of my Shura hall!"

Xue an also smiled, but the smile was full of ridicule.

"Oh? Then I really need to experience it."

"Jie Jie, now you are deeply trapped in the dark border of our Shura hall. Even if the four rank generals can't escape, let alone your little six rank cavalry captain, i..."

The masked man was telling the horror of the border in an excited and crazy tone. Xue an's voice suddenly came from Ren Ning's ear.

"Hold on!"

Almost subconsciously, Ren Ning grasped Xue an's back skirt, the next second the scene changed, and then Xue an cut it off.

This palm cut off the back of the head and directly cut the masked man in half from the back.

The shadow dissipated, and then Xue an said coldly.

"It's really noisy. If you want to fight, why do you waste so much words? Do you seem to be able to speak well?"

There was a silence in the darkness, and then came the angry roar of the masked man.

"This is your own death. You can't blame others! It's extremely evil!"


Numerous vines suddenly grew in the dark and spread wildly.

In the blink of an eye, these vines like strange snakes surrounded Xue an and Ren Ning and launched an attack.

As soon as Xue an raised her eyebrows, countless sword Qi rushed out.

Boo, boo, boo!

With a crisp sound like leather cutting paper, the sword turned and chopped all the vines stretched out.

But these vines were just broken, and before they landed, they agglomerated into new and launched an attack again.

This feeling is like Xue an blocking the surging dark tide with sword Qi as the wall.

"Jie Jie, boy, your sword Qi is good, but your sword Qi can't last long under this severe consumption. Once your sword Qi is exhausted, these vines bred from evil will wrap you layer by layer!"

"At that time, your mouth, nose and five orifices will be completely blocked by endless vines, and then you will slowly suffocate to death. This will be the most painful way to die in the world, because you can even feel the feeling that these vines climb into your throat, pass through your trachea, come to your lungs, and then explode them!"

The masked man spoke in an excited and almost abnormal tone.

Ren Ning was almost scared to cry, and the hand that grabbed Xue an's skirt also loosened.

"Run away quickly. If you're alone, you may leave here. Don't worry about me."

Xue an just smiled coldly, "listen to him frighten you. I don't pay attention to these bastards!"

With that, Xue an took a step forward, a long sword took shape in an instant, and then cut it straight down.


The rolling sea of vines was forcibly cut out of a path.

But this passage only existed for a few fingers, even if it was submerged by crazy vines.

But that's enough. In the time that the sword won, Xue Anmei suddenly burned a flame.

The flame was pure white in color, and burned more and more vigorously, and soon reached an almost transparent state.

As soon as the flame appeared, the vines retreated like snakes and mice in the light.

But how could Xue an let them go.


A ray of fire flew out of the flame.

In an instant, the endless sea of vines was completely ignited.

In the blazing fire, these vines twisted and struggled painfully, and then turned into fly ash.

At the same time, a scream came from the darkness.

"What fire is this?"

"The fire that will kill you!"

Xue an said slowly. The flame in his eyebrows burned more and more fiercely, and faintly condensed into a lotus.

Under the fire, the dark border began to shake violently.

But just then, a cold and joking voice came from a distance.

"Old seven, it seems that you can't do it either. You can't deal with such a child. You were almost killed by him. It really humiliated our Shura hall."

As soon as he said this, the angry hum of the masked man came from the darkness.

"Third, don't be sarcastic there. Who knows that this boy has such a strange fire and doesn't come to help quickly. Otherwise, if he really escapes, we don't have to go back. We can suffer less by committing suicide directly."

"Ha ha!" With a sneer, another man appeared in the dark.

The man was also dressed in black and wearing a mask, but the mask was different from the previous man. It was an indigo color and matched with white patterns, which was more strange and terrible.

When he appeared, the dark border, which was on the verge of collapse, became stable again.

Even Xue Anmei's flame was dimmed by an inexplicable power.

Then he saw the man looking at Xue an with leisure. After looking at Xue an for a moment, he sighed: "tut Tut, it's true that heroes are young. It's awesome to have such accomplishments at a young age."

Xue an didn't say a word, but looked coldly at the green faced man who appeared later.

He could clearly perceive that this man was far more powerful than the white faced man before.

"Hehe, I have a little personality. No wonder I can hurt old eight in the theater and almost kill old seven. I... Like this alone!"

The green faced man joked, but his tone was full of unspeakable evil.

"Now I give you a choice. Kneel down and surrender. In this way, I can collect you in my harem and make you a collection of mine. How about it?"

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