"Not much!"

After that, xue'an rushed into the sky like a shell and hit the green faced man with a fist.

This is a blow without any fancy. There is only endless power and destruction.

But in the face of such a punch, the green faced man didn't even hide. Instead, he stood in place and smiled.

He didn't grin until his fist had come.

This smile, together with his mask, grinned to the back of his ears and showed his white teeth.

"Well come!"

After talking, he suddenly opened his mouth, which immediately became a bloody mouth, and even occupied his whole cheek.

Then, a long scarlet tongue catapulted out of the big mouth and right against the roaring fist.

There was no sound, only countless splashes.

Then Xue an hurried back, and a strange look appeared on her face.

There is disgust, but more dignified.

He just felt that his fist was as slippery and muddy as if it had been hammered on a meat wall.

Even if Xue an's heart is as hard as iron, he can't help but stand up all over.

Because it's disgusting.

Not only did he have no focus, but he was swallowed and absorbed by this strange feeling.

Not only that, Xue an also felt a stabbing pain from his fist,

You know, Xue an hasn't felt pain for a long time.

This made him make a quick decision and immediately chose to step back.

When he stood still, there was a curl of black smoke on his fist, and the smelly saliva was still eroding the skin of his fist.

Ren Ning, who had been clinging to Xue an's back, couldn't help sticking out her head and exclaimed, "you're hurt!"


Xue an's face sank like water, his palm opened, and then shook it violently.

With a bang, the fire rose up from the fist and evaporated all the saliva.

However, those corroded wounds did not recover so quickly. Some deep wounds can even see the bones inside.

The green faced man smiled strangely, then his scarlet tongue retracted into his mouth and licked his lips with satisfaction.

"It's really a beautiful taste. It's actually a rare body of mind, which makes me want to put you in my bag more!"

Xue an was not moved, but looked at the green faced man coldly.

"Yes, yes, that's the expression with a little anger in this indifference. Ah ~ I really want to take you down now!" The green faced man murmured in an almost groaning tone.

If you look closer at this time, you must find that the corners of xue'an's eyes are beating.

It was a sign of extreme anger.

But the more this time, the more calm Xue an is.

He took a deep breath, "Ren Ning!"


"Do you believe me?"

Ren Ning nodded immediately, "believe it!"

"Well, now open your heart and don't take any precautions against me!"

Ren Ning is lying on Xue an's back. She has already been dizzy by Xue an's body temperature and the strong juvenile breath.

Therefore, after hearing Xue an's words, Ren Ning, who has read countless vernacular novels and is proficient in various routines, is only slightly surprised.

What does he want?

Do you have to make love to me at this moment of life and death?

Shall I refuse her?

But immediately these thoughts disappeared, because at this time, her body had made a decision.

Her eyes were suddenly lax and she completely opened her heart to Xue an.

But then, all kinds of pictures in her fantasy didn't appear at all.

When she opened her heart, Xue an immediately occupied her mind, and then... Put it into her sea space.

After all this, Xue an slowly raised his fist, his whole body was like fire, and a little brilliance was burning in his eyes.


With a cold deep drink, Xue an directly split the darkness in front of him and came in front of the green faced man.

The green faced man laughed, "come on, fight! Use up all your strength! The more you struggle, the more fun I will have!"

In words, xue'an has already punched out countless punches.

But without exception, they were easily avoided by the green faced man.

But xue'an was not discouraged at all. On the contrary, the light in his eyes became more and more intense, and his boxing became more and more frightening.

"Yes, that's the feeling. Come and ravage me with all your strength! See if it's your fist or my tongue!"

The green faced man said almost excitedly, and then he opened his mouth again. His long scarlet tongue was like a whip waving and tangled with Xue an's fist.

Their attack was so fast that they couldn't see clearly.

But soon, the two figures were separated by touch.

Xue an withdrew hundreds of feet away and stood in the void with curling black smoke in his hands.

The green faced man waved his long tongue. Jie said with a strange smile, "fight, why don't you fight?"

Xue an's face was cold, and his sword spirit appeared, and then surged down around his arm.

For a moment, the flesh and skin on his hands were gone and turned into thick bones.

Nevertheless, Xue an didn't even blink her eyelids. Instead, she said coldly, "I'm really curious!"

"Curious about what?"

"How do you talk when you spit out this disgusting tongue?"

"Haha, do you think I have only one tongue like this? You're wrong. I have countless tongues like this!"

Then, the scarlet tongue is easy to split quickly in the air.

In the blink of an eye, countless long tongues crisscross in the dark, emitting a sticky and disgusting luster.

"Honey, welcome to long tongue hell!" The green faced man spoke politely.

The white faced man standing behind him looked at Xue an like a dead man.

Because different from the dark enchantment you have mastered, this long tongue hell is one of the ten secret skills of the Shura hall.

Through this secret skill, the three Hall Lord did not know how many amazing people he had hanged over the years.

The young man in white obviously couldn't escape.

But just then, Xue an also laughed.

There was no fear in the smile, but it was full of fierce fighting like fire.

"I will pull out your tongue one by one and weave it into a rope to hang you! Do you believe it?"

"Listen to your teachings, dear!" The green faced man laughed wildly.

But the next second, his laughter stopped suddenly, because just then, Xue an's clothes burst and showed the lifelike full back tattoo below.

"This is..." The green faced man never dreamed of seeing this picture in Xue an, which only appears in the deepest nightmare. He is frightened.

The clattering of horses' hoofs suddenly crushed the silence in the border, and then listened to a naive female voice.

"Ah, miss, how many tongues!"

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