Although he said so, his words were full of praise.

"Who would have done that?" The man frowned and said.

They fell into a moment of silence, then looked at each other and said one person in one voice.

"The young man in white in the theater?"

The actor nodded, "it should be him. There are few experts in ren'an city who can kill green old three and white old seven so crisp. Except this childe, others can't do it!"

The man frowned and asked, "but the question is why did he do it?"

The actor smiled, "it's very simple. The people in the Shura hall have always been vindictive. They attacked me in the theater before. As a result, they were stopped by the young man in white. It must be because of this that they felt resentment, so they took the initiative to come to the door!"

The man nodded, "this should be the reason, but these guys never thought that this seemingly weak young man would be so powerful. Instead of being killed by him, they deserved it."

The actor didn't speak, but turned around and took out a piece of black paper from the table and covered the green old three's cheek.

Then he stretched out his two fingers and hung them on the paper. He stippled out of thin air. With each stroke, a gold seal would appear on the paper out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, a dragon flying phoenix dancing, extremely complex seal character appeared on the black paper.

As soon as the seal characters became, the black paper immediately turned into a thick black fog, and then penetrated into the body of the young old three.

The body of the young old three trembled as if he were going to fake it.

At this time, the actor pointed at the middle of the young man's eyebrows, then slowly raised it, and a wisp of black fog pulled out.

The actor looked solemn, "this is all the memory left in his mind before he died. I hope there will be the information we want!"

After that, the actor flicked his fingers.

The wisp of black fog immediately turned into a black mirror, and then a chaotic image appeared in the mirror.

At first, the image was blurred, but it soon became clear.

What is presented inside is the picture of the young and old three fighting with Xue an before they die.

When they saw Xue an with his bare upper body and the tattoos on his whole back, they both screamed.

"White bone saint!"

Soon they looked at each other and saw the dignified color in each other's eyes.

The great white bone saint is an ancient god. It is said that he has the ability to destroy the sky and the earth. He even has a close match with those ancient evil things. Only later, he was attacked secretly. However, his belief has not been broken over the years.

Looking at the tattoo on Xue an, it is obvious that he has obtained the orthodox inheritance of the great sage of bones.

"No wonder he has such great strength at his age!" The man muttered to himself.

But the next picture shocked them even more.

The carriage itself suddenly broke into revealed mystery and strangeness. When the small round mirror appeared, they were shocked together.

"Outside the building!"

Then the actor smiled bitterly, "it should be the flower Kui Yun lingxuan. It is estimated that she should arrive in the future, but she didn't expect to be against the people in the Shura hall!"

The next picture is very bloody and violent. Xue an cleanly killed them, and then the picture fell into darkness, and then the black fog collapsed.

The body of the young old three also collapsed together.

There was silence in the room, only the slight sound made by the flashing flame of the oil lamp.

After a long time, the man sighed.

"The great sage of bones, Shura hall and people outside the building all appeared. This cultural meeting is really... Lively!"

The actor said slowly, "no matter who appears, our action will not change this time, and we can only succeed, not fail!"

When he said this, the look on the actor's face was very complex, with perseverance and enthusiasm, but it was more of a relief.

The man also nodded solemnly, "understand!"

"Go ahead and leave these two bodies to me!"


The man turned back and dived into the vast night.

The actor stood in place for a while, and his thin figure looked very lonely in the light of the oil lamp.

A moment later, he chuckled, "master, don't worry. Soon we can cut the enemy for you!"

As he said this, tears twinkled in his eyes.

But he soon took a deep breath, pressed back his tears, and then stretched out his hand to draw a few times in the air. A flame symbol appeared and burned the two bodies on the ground to ashes.

After the flame went out, the actor put the ashes away and buried them in a flower pot on the windowsill.

A sunflower is planted in the flowerpot, which is a very common flower in the world. However, the flowerpot grows surprisingly bright and looks like a blooming flame.

After all this, the actor checked carefully and confirmed that there was nothing missing before he sat back at his desk.

There are unfinished manuscripts on the desk. The font is beautiful and fine, and the color is nearly bright red. It is actually a Scripture.

The actor folded his hands to the Scriptures as a gift, then picked up the brush on the table and plunged it into his chest without hesitation.


The brush went deep into the chest, but there was no blood overflow, but there was blood flashing all the time.

The actor's face turned pale with the naked eye, but he didn't have any pain, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

A moment later, after the brush became as red as blood, he pulled it out.

The big hole in the chest is exposed, and you can even see the beating heart.

But the actor bent down piously and continued to write the scriptures with the pen in his hand.

Every bright red font is full of infinite forbearance and anger.

In a trance, he seemed to be back in the same year.

At that time, master was still around, so he stood aside and stared at himself.

Whenever she wanted to be lazy, she would stretch out her hand, flick her head, and then laugh and scold.

"Boy, if you don't take it seriously, be careful not to let you eat!"

Now I'm serious that I won't be lazy anymore, but master will never come back.

Tears fell on the Scripture and soaked it.

At the same time, in an inn, Xue an closed the window facing the street.

Just now, the scream of the watchman had caused a burst of noise, which xue'an heard, but he didn't care.

Although he didn't go to see it, he believed that the body in the alley must have disappeared at the moment.

At this time, he felt a palpitation inexplicably, couldn't help smiling, and then let go of his bondage.

Suddenly, an Yan appeared in the room.

"Yan'er, you..."

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