Before the words fell, an Yan rushed up and bit Xue an on the shoulder.

However, she forgot that Xue an was the embodiment of divine knowledge at the moment, and she didn't feel any pain at all.

So no matter how hard she bit, it was in vain.

But Xue an tried his best to put on a painful expression in order to take care of an Yan's mood, and then whispered: "hiss... Yan'er, what's the matter with you? Can you open your mouth first and then talk!"

"Hum! I don't know, I just want to kill you!" An Yan's vague words.

Although she said so, she still released her mouth with great pain.

But the next second, she saw the narrow smile on Xue an's face, and suddenly she was cheated.

"You big villain, woo woo..."

After a long time, an Yan rubs her mouth with a red face and looks at Xue an, who is laughing very happily, so she is angry.

"Hum, bad man, bad man, I hate you!" An Yan murmured.

Xue an put his hand around her waist.

An Yan wanted to struggle, but just then, Xue an came to an Yan's ear and said softly, "what's the matter, Yan'er? Why are you so angry about being a husband?"

"You also said, what's the matter with the girl who just entered the divine knowledge space?"

Xue an blinked, "isn't that because she's fighting with a strong enemy? In order not to hurt the innocent, I let her hide in the divine knowledge space temporarily!"

"Hum, I'll find a reason. Don't think I don't know what happened these days. I still touch someone's head. Do you think she's young and beautiful, so you dislike me!"

Speaking of this, an Yan's eyes are already red.

Xue an was very distressed and quickly hugged an Yan's shoulder. "Good Yan'er, how can I have that kind of mind? I just can't bear it, so I'm just doing it! Besides, who in the world can be as young and beautiful as Yan'er!"

Anyan still pouted angrily, "what you said is the same as true. Who knows what you think in your heart, and this girl is so simple and lovely, so you are moved!"

Xue an could hardly cry or laugh. Knowing what had happened these days, an Yan, who had always been generous, was jealous, so he stretched out his hand and said it solemnly.

"I swear, I have no second thoughts. As for why I do this to Ren Ning, there is a reason!"

"Why?" An Yan looked at Xue an seriously and waited for his answer.

Xue an smiled, then reached out and pinched an Yan's angry face.

"What a silly girl!"

An Yan opened Xue an's hand and said, "come on, tell me!"

Xue an smiled, "Yan'er, what do you think of the world?"

An Yan frowned at the speech and hesitated for a moment before saying, "it doesn't feel much different from the heavens!"

Xue an nodded, "yes, this is my feeling, but the world is real, and I can feel that its law of heaven is much stronger than the heavens!"

An Yan wondered, "does this have anything to do with what you want to say?"

"Of course! Yan'er, how did I enter the world?"

"Because... The worship of Ren Ning?"

Xue an smiled, "Yan Er is really smart. Yes, after I got the inheritance of Xing Tian, I actually took his cause and effect, and Ren Ning's worship of Xing Tian's incarnation of the great sage of white bones just gave me a wisp of wish!"

"Under the guidance of this wish, I came to this world smoothly!"

Anyan still didn't quite understand, but she didn't ask questions, but looked at Xue an quietly.

"In this case, I find that my connection with the world is actually very strange!"


"That's right!" Xue an stood up and went to the table. There were two apples, one big and one small.

Xue an picked up the big apple. "This is the world we live in now!"

Then he put the little apple aside, "this is the heavens!"

"Just as these evil things will be excluded from entering the heavens from this so-called high-dimensional world, I will also be excluded from the Tao of heaven when I come to this world from the heavens!"

"Because compared with the rules here, I am an outsider. In this case, my existence is intolerable to the heaven here, but the strange thing is..."

Xue an looked at an Yan seriously, "none of this has happened!"

An Yan thinks.

Xue an took a bite of the apple and then said, "at the beginning, I was skeptical, and even thought it was because I abandoned the flesh and came here as a Divine Incarnation, but later I found that it was not like that!"

"The law of heaven in this world is far more powerful than the heavens. It cannot be blinded by a Divine Incarnation, so there is only one real reason, that is, it comes from Ren Ning!"

Xue an threw away the stone. "The incarnation of Xingtian, that is, the great sage of bones, has actually disappeared for a long time, but the faith still exists. Many people have worshipped it over the years. In this case, there is nowhere to go, so it is scattered between heaven and earth!"

"Just at this time, Ren Ning's worship in the white bone Temple dragged me out of the black hole. Because of the contamination of willing power, the law of heaven thought that I was the embodiment of these willing power, and the law of willing power to become God was the law of high and low dimensions, so the law of heaven was perfectly concealed!"

At this time, an Yan had figured out the key, "that is to say, this is your cause and effect in this world?"

Xue an shook her head. "It's not cause and effect, but my protection. Because of her existence, the law of heaven will default that I am the embodiment of willing force, and if she's gone..."

"No one knows what the law of heaven will do when I know the truth. Although I am not afraid of it, it will also bring great trouble to my actions. In this case, of course, I should protect this lemon." Xue an said faintly.

At this point, an Yan finally understood everything and couldn't help feeling ashamed of his previous thoughts.

"Yes... Sorry, husband, I wronged you!"

Xue an wanted to scold an Yan, but when she saw an Yan who was obedient like a kitten, she couldn't get up anyway.

"Well, well, as long as you're not angry, it's easy to say anything."

At this time, an Yan suddenly thought of something and said in a surprised voice: "Oh, husband, since the law of heaven is so cunning, will it overhear the conversation you and me just now?"

Hearing this, Xue an couldn't help turning pale. "Oh, I really ignored this! What can I do?"

Ann Yan's tears are coming out.

"Blame me, blame me, I shouldn't doubt you, this..."

Just then, she saw the bad smile on xue'an's face, and suddenly she was cheated and couldn't help being coquettish and angry.

"Husband, you bad silver, I ignore you!"

After that, she turned around and wanted to know space, but it was a long night. How could Xue an let her go back?

After all... The incarnation of divine knowledge is also a body!


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