The sudden appearance of the two broke the dignified atmosphere of the scene.

Even these people in black stopped and looked at the two people coming with strange eyes.

Because they were also surprised that they had blocked the street before they started!

Besides, there are so many people, but anyone who is more normal can see something wrong!

At this time, Yao Yachao of the four reacted the fastest and shouted immediately.

"Help! This fellow, help! We are all students. These people are bad people. They want to plot against us!"

In a hurry, Yao Yachao didn't know what to say. He even jumped out of this idiom.

Hearing this, the veiled woman noticed that there were so many people in the street. She hid behind the boy with great fear.

The young man in white slowly raised his eyes, looked at Zhuo Benzheng, Yao Yachao and other four people, and immediately turned his eyes to these people in black.

At this time, one of these people in black shouted in a deep voice: "do things in the Shura hall. Leave quickly, or there will be no amnesty."

The boy smiled, "Shura Hall... I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get out!" The man in black scolded.

The young man ignored it, but looked up at the Wanhua building with its closed door.

"Ren Ning, is this what you call the Wanhua building? Why didn't you open the door!"

you 're right!

It was Xue an and Ren Ning who came here.

They came from ren'an city and walked and stopped all the way. They were not in a hurry, so they didn't get to Ling'an city until today.

As soon as she entered Lingan City, Ren Ning became excited.

When she was at home, she was extremely addicted to vernacular novels because of her depressed life.

After reading more, she also had the idea of writing, so she contributed to several anthologies.

As a result, one of them was really published.

When she received the sample publication of her novel, Ren Ning was ecstatic and got out of control.

After serializing several novels in succession, she gained a large number of fans with her fresh and sad style, one of which attracted her attention from the Wanhua building of Ling'an city.

Because this letter also recorded a woman's tragic life experience.

Since childhood, my mother died early and lived with my father. As a result, when I was ten years old, my father was killed by his enemy, and then he lived in a brothel and became a dusty woman.

This tragic experience deeply moved Ren Ning. Combined with her past, she couldn't help feeling pity for each other, so she wrote a reply.

As soon as she came and went, she made friends with the girl from Wanhua building.

So when she came to Ling'an city with Xue an today, Ren Ning was very excited and had to meet her pen pal.

But unexpectedly, the flourishing Wanhua building depicted in the pen pal's heart is now closed and empty.

Ren Ning poked her head out from behind Xue an, and her eyes were confused.

"Yes, what's going on? She told me it was very busy here!"

Just then, these people in black looked at each other, and then one of them stepped forward and shouted coldly.

"Didn't we hear you? Get out of here, or..."

Before he finished, xue'an suddenly dropped his head and gave him a cold glance.


It was an understatement. The man in black flew out like he was hit on his chest by a heavy hammer, and then collapsed a wall on the street without a sound.

This earth shattering blow made the rest of the people in black frighten.

Because no one could see how the young man in white shot.

It was as if just a glance would blow the man in black out.

Zhuo Benzheng's four people trapped in it were very happy.

Yao Yachao shouted: "young master, don't let these guys go. The reason why the Wanhua building is closed is also related to them!"

Yao Yachao heard Ren Ning's previous conversation with Xue an and knew that they were looking for someone in Wanhua building, so he immediately shouted.

At the same time, the remaining people in black also know that the young man in white is by no means easy, but the Lord of the second hall has ordered that Zhuo Ben must be arrested tonight.

The rules of Shura hall are strict. If you can't complete the order, you will worry about your life.

Therefore, instead of flinching, they rushed up in a swarm to prepare for the group war against the white boy.

Xue an sneered and was about to take action.

But just then, a bright light came from the eastern sky and came over Lingan city in an instant.


When the light stopped over Ling'an City, a vast sea of positive Qi came and enveloped the whole city in an instant.

Where the healthy qi covers, the evil Qi disappears into the invisible.

Even these people in black who had planned to do it were surprised that the attack they had prepared could not be sent out.

Just when I was stunned, I heard a very dignified voice falling from the sky.

"The memorial tablet of Wensheng is here, and all evils retreat!"

All of a sudden, the brilliant light burst out, which made people look at it.

Accompanied by deep coercion and awe.

Just as this glory can wash people's inner sins, people can't afford the slightest sense of war.

The men in black stood shivering.

Xue an looked at the sky with great interest.

His eyes were not affected by the bright light. He could clearly see that what fell over Ling'an city was a black thing similar to a stone tablet.

There is no decoration on it, only a big character is written in the middle.


Xue an's pupils are tiny.

Because this font is impressively square regular script, and each stroke contains supreme authority.

Wen Sheng memorial tablet?

I little interesting!

Xue an's mouth slightly raised a smile.

He can clearly feel that when this Wen Sheng memorial tablet appears over Ling'an City, the whole Ling'an city is suppressed by it.

No, the word repression is not appropriate, but it forms a place similar to the field.

In this field, the memorial tablet of Wensheng occupies an absolute advantage, and everyone's cultivation and mind are affected by it.

This is why these people in black can't even attack just now.

Even Xue an was inevitably affected, which also shows the domineering and tyranny of this memorial tablet of Wensheng.

Just then, I saw a figure flying from the city and coming to the memorial tablet of Wensheng in an instant. First, I bowed respectfully, and then turned to the East with a loud smile.

"But I don't know which great Confucian from the poetry society came personally. Xu Lingan greeted him here!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a green cow winding in the eastern sky.

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