The green cow is pure green without a hair, and is tall and strong. Although it walks slowly, it is very fast.

It was just far away, and the next moment it came over Ling'an city.

Then he saw the young Confucian scholar sitting at the top of the green bull smiling and saying, "Lord Xu, you're welcome. Tang Zheng is not talented. I'm here to attend this Ling'an cultural meeting!"

When he saw this gentle and handsome Confucian scholar who looked like a fairy, Xu Lingan couldn't help but be stunned. Immediately, a look of awe appeared on his face.

"It's master Tang, a great scholar of qingniu. It's really lucky for Lingan students that you can come to Lingan city to preside over this cultural meeting!"

At this time, Tang Zheng patted the green cow under his crotch, and the green cow turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated.

Then Tang Zheng gave a gift.

"I'm ashamed!"

"Master Tang, please!" Xu Lingan greeted with enthusiasm.

Tang Zheng nodded and walked to the city master's house. Just before he left, he seemed to feel it and looked sideways at the street where the Wanhua building was located.

At this moment, these people in black in Shura hall have already dispersed.

How can they face this Wen Sheng memorial tablet with the dark skill they have learned.

In addition, under the repression of this towering culture, it has become a delusion to start, so he hurriedly ran away.

Xue an didn't pursue, but stood still and watched quietly.

Not only did he look at the new qingniu scholar, but he also looked at Xu Ling'an who looked like a member of the foreign Lang.

Just then, Tang Zheng's eyes came.

Xue an bowed his head first and said faintly, "let's go. Since the Wanhua building has been closed, let's find another place to live!"

With that, xue'an walked away.

Ren Ning naturally has no objection.

Although she was a little disappointed that she couldn't see her former fans and pen pal, she skillfully followed Xue an and refused to stay away.

At the same moment when Xue an lowered his head to leave, Tang Zheng in the sky moved slightly.

"Master Tang, what's the matter?" Xu Ling'an behind him asked when he saw that Tang Zheng suddenly stopped walking.

Tang Zheng shook his head. "It's all right. I just feel it occasionally."

Although he said so, Tang Zheng still had some doubts in his heart.


I just felt that there was a breath of pure and expensive in this area. Why did it suddenly disappear?

Xu Ling'an also turned his head thoughtfully to look at the area of Wanhua building and smiled.

"Master Tang, if there's nothing else, I'd better go back as soon as possible. After all, Miss Yun has been waiting in the house!"

"Oh? Miss Yun? But Yun lingxuan, the flower leader outside the building? She's here too?"


"I want to see you!"

They returned to the city master's house with a smile.

At the same time, xue'an was about to leave, but there was an anxious cry behind him.

"Young master, please stay!"

Xue an turned his head and saw Zhuo Benzheng, Wu Zizhang and Yao Yachao catching up.

When they were near, the four men bowed to Xue an.

"Thank you for saving me!"

Xue an smiled. "Look, you are all students. How can you provoke such people?"

Before Zhuo Ben was talking, the black faced scholar Han Bochao said dejectedly, "it's not because he provoked Xu Gaotian?"

"Xu Gaotian? The eldest son of the general's house?" Xue an was slightly stunned.

"Who else but him?" Han Bochao hated.

The expression on Xue an's face suddenly became very wonderful, because he suddenly wanted to understand something.

The reason why the Shura Temple annoyed itself was that he had ruined them when he was in the theater.

After he killed the young old three and the white old seven, the actor in the theater soon disappeared.

When he disappeared, the theater lit a big fire.

It's worth pondering.

Because the current events clearly show that the Shura hall has something to do with Xu Gaotian, the eldest son of the Lingan general's house.

So why would the Shura hall kill a performer?

Especially this actor is still a... Evil thing?

These intricate clues were summarized in Xue an's mind, and finally formed a huge question mark. The goal was directed at Xu Gaotian.


When Xue an felt that his trip was worthwhile, he heard a timid voice coming from the darkness.

"Yes... Is it Mr. Zhuo?"

When they looked back, they saw a little servant girl sticking out her head at the entrance of an alley and looking here with fear on her face.

After confirming that it was Zhuo Benzheng, the little servant girl showed a happy face, and then ran over quickly.

"Childe Zhuo, miss qian'er asked me to come here to find you and said you would come back. Sure enough, I waited!"

Zhuo Ben is very blind. He can't remember who this little servant girl is.

On the contrary, Wu Zizhang beside him had a good memory. At a glance, he recognized that the little servant girl was the person in the Wanhua building. He couldn't help asking.

"You are a servant girl in the Wanhua building. What about your people? Why is there no one in the Wanhua building?"

The little servant girl said sadly, "we all ran away, because miss Ying said that Xu Gao was naturally cruel and would never easily let go of the Wanhua building, so she let us all go out and hide for a few days!"

"That girl!" Zhuo Ben was taking a step forward and asked anxiously.

The little servant girl shook her head. "I don't know. Miss Ying left after saying this. She hasn't come back yet. We are all worried about her!"

Zhuo Ben's face turned white. What he was most worried about happened.

However, Ren Ning suddenly leaned out his head and asked, "is the girl you said Ying Weilan?"

The little servant girl nodded, "there is only one Ying girl in the Wanhua building. Naturally, it's Ying Weilan!"

Ren Ning looked at Xue an, "she is my fan and pen pal!"

Although the latter words were not said, the meaning was already obvious.

She wants Xue an to help Ying Weilan and finally find out her whereabouts.

As for whether Xue an can do it.

If anyone in the world trusts Xue an most now, it belongs to her except an Yan.

Zhuo Benzheng four people also thought of this. Knowing that the young man in white must be capable, they couldn't help looking forward to him.

Xue an smiled. "It's not impossible, but I don't know this girl. I don't even know what she looks like. How can I find her?"

Everyone fell into silence.


Even if the young man in white has great skills, it is impossible to find a person he has never seen!

At this time, Zhuo Ben suddenly raised his head and said firmly, "I think I have a way!"

"Oh? What can I do?" Xue an looked at Zhuo Benzheng with a smile.

He had a very good impression of these students. After all, it was enough to show their nature to dare to stand up to such a dandy as Xu Gaotian with his bare hands.

"When I was a child, I learned the painting method for a few days. Maybe I can describe its image!"

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