Wanhua building is located in the middle of this fireworks lane. Based on this, it is a busy intersection only 100 feet West.

But at the moment, the intersection is deserted. After all, those people in black have just searched and arrested, making the whole city stormy and panic.

In addition, the great Confucianism of the poetry society came with the memorial tablet of the literary saint, which made people stay at home honestly. Where was the mood to have fun.

Even those students whose eyes are usually higher than the top dare not make a chance at the moment.

After all, the great scholar of the poetry society is now in the city. If he knows anything absurd, wouldn't he ruin his future?

In this case, the whole fireworks lane is deserted.

Xue an and his party followed the little servant girl and turned south at the intersection. They didn't go far and turned into an alley on the left.

Different from the magnificent street, this alley is very dilapidated, and the ground is covered with sewage and garbage.

Those who live here are the lowest people in Lingan city.

But at the moment, these slum like places are also deserted, without half a person.

After a long walk along the alley, Xue an and his party finally came to a dilapidated courtyard.

The little servant girl came forward and knocked on the door, and it was a very rhythmic short two long sound.

A moment later, there was a messy sound of footsteps inside the door, and then I heard a slightly flustered female voice.

"Who is it?"

"Girl, it's me!" The little servant girl replied.

The door opened with a squeak, and then a pale woman's face appeared.

When she saw the little servant girl and the four Zhuo Benzheng behind her, the woman looked happy.

"Young master Zhuo, it's really you. Thank God, I finally found you!"

With that, she immediately got out of the way, turned back and shouted in the yard, "sisters, come out quickly. It's childe Zhuo!"

With a cry, many beautiful shadows appeared in the not spacious courtyard.

It is the girls in the Wanhua building!

It turned out that they didn't leave Lingan city after they withdrew from Wanhua building after listening to Ying Weilan's advice.

In fact, with the strength of these weak women, it is impossible to escape Ling'an city in such a short time.

But fortunately, these girls usually have a good relationship with the surrounding residents.

In this case, they took advantage of the situation and hid in this slum.

Because this is an almost forgotten corner, their safety has been temporarily guaranteed.

But even so, the girls still remember Ying Weilan and Zhuo Benzheng, who spoke out, so they sent a little servant girl out to inquire about the news.

Unexpectedly, the little servant girl brought Zhuo Benzheng and others back directly.

"Young master Zhuo!"

"How many CHILDES have you met?"

These girls saluted Zhuo Benzheng one after another, which made Zhuo Benzheng blush and dare not.

They did not expect that they had only done a trivial thing, but caused such a great response among these girls, and they could not help sighing in their hearts.

The people of this world are sinister. On the contrary, these girls have the most simple and simple feelings.

They are good to whoever is good to them!

At this time, these girls also noticed Xue an and Ren Ning who came in later.

"These two are..." A girl with a bandage on her forehead hesitated.

It was the qian'er girl who was almost taken away by Xu Gaotian.

Zhuo Benzheng hurriedly introduced: "this childe is the benefactor who saved us. If it weren't for him, we might have fallen into Xu Gaotian's hands now!"

Then Zhuo Ben simply introduced the situation again.

After hearing this, the faces of these girls also changed.

"May I ask if this girl is the author of the runaway bride, the overbearing Regent falling in love with me, which was serialized in the Huaben anthology?" The qian'er asked.

Ren Ning blushed and nodded slightly, "it's me. Do you know me?"


Hearing Ren Ning admit, the girls present were in a great uproar.

The qian'er was full of admiring words: "not only know, you are the idol in our hearts! Sister Ying has mentioned you to us more than once before. When we see your works, we will be deeply trapped and unable to extricate ourselves!"

"Yes, rain girl, sign for me!"

"Rain God, can you tell me if the last female Lord is with the Regent!"

These women crowded up and looked at Ren Ning with bright eyes. It was like eating her.

Ren Ning was startled and hurriedly hid behind Xue an.

This kind of occasion is what the girl who is full of social fear talents fears most.

Xue an smiled and immediately looked at Zhuo Benzheng.

"Don't you want to draw a portrait of Ying Weilan? Let's start!"

Hearing Xue an's reminder, people remembered the business.

Especially when they knew that Xue an came here to help find Ying Weilan, these girls were more motivated and gathered together the four treasures of study very quickly.

But Zhuo Benzheng was not in a hurry to write, but smiled embarrassed.

"There's something else to prepare, otherwise this kind of portrait can't be drawn!"

"What?" Qian'er asked immediately.

Zhuo Ben was even more embarrassed. He blushed and said, "I have to find a thing for Miss Ying, and the closer it is, the better. In this way, I can show her portrait at all!"

Hearing this, the girls present were stunned at first, and immediately all showed understanding smiles.

The smile made Zhuo Ben even more flustered.

"No... it's not what you think. I really need this for my painting skills!"

Qian'er forced herself to smile. "You don't have to explain, childe Zhuo. We all know, but what are you blushing? There are things close to miss Ying, but you don't have to blush!"

Then she turned back and whispered to a little servant girl.

The little servant girl went away with a smile and soon ran over with a hairpin.

"Here, this is a hairpin that Miss Ying often wears. Is that ok?"

With that, qian'er handed over the hairpin.

This Zhuo Ben was relieved to breathe, "of course!"

But I don't know what happened. In addition to being relieved, he was vaguely disappointed.

Of course, all these ideas disappeared after he held the hairpin.

He took a deep breath, held the hairpin in one hand and the brush in the other hand, and began to walk slowly towards a piece of rice paper.

The crowd did not dare to disturb, but watched quietly.

Zhuo Ben is writing very fast without thinking at all.

Soon, the outline of a woman appeared on the rice paper.

In the following details, Zhuo Ben didn't hesitate to write at once.

However, in the light of tea, a portrait of Ying Weilan appeared in front of everyone.

Then Zhuo Ben put down his pen with trembling fingers and stepped back pale.

"Fortunately, I didn't lose my life!"

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