In this chaos, the time finally came to the day when the cultural conference was held.

At this time, the inns in Lingan city were already full. Not only the students attending the cultural conference, but also the idle people who came to watch the excitement.

Therefore, before the dawn, the specially built Wen Hui pavilion was already crowded with people.

Speaking of it, this fake Xu Lingan, that is, Shi Chang, took great pains to expand the momentum of the cultural conference.

This pavilion was specially built for this cultural conference. It has a magnificent momentum. Needless to say, the key is that its location is very important. It is located on the open space on the side of the city master's residence.

The main building is a building with a height of 100 feet, which is magnificent and luxurious, and several huge water mirrors are hung on the square in front of the building.

At that time, after the cultural conference is opened, a special person will be responsible for these water mirrors to broadcast the situation of the cultural conference in real time.

At the moment, the huge square was crowded with people who came to see the excitement.

The crowd was bustling and boisterous, and all the discussion was about the cultural conference.

"Tut Tut, it's said that we haven't held such a grand event in Ling'an for a long time. It's said that even miss Yun lingxuan from Zhongzhou Da Yu has been invited this time!"

"What's more, don't you see the memorial tablet of the literary Saint floating in the sky? This time, even Qisi poetry society has sent a top Confucian, which shows the high standard of this literary society!"

"I really didn't expect that our remote state could hold such a high-standard cultural meeting one day, or it would have to be the old city Lord. Although the young city Lord is a little dandy, the old city Lord is not confused about major events!"

Hearing this, someone nearby sneered, "well, who doesn't know what's going on in this Wen Hui? The old city Lord made it clear that he wanted to hold his son up. The so-called Wen Hui is just a passing ceremony!"

"I don't think so. There are great Confucians of Qisi Poetry Society guarding here. Even if the old city Lord is powerful, he can't do tricks secretly!"

"Hehe, look at it. Anyway, I don't believe the old city owner will take great pains to create such a great momentum for a cultural meeting!"

People talk and say everything.

At this time, the water mirrors hanging on the square showed a hazy brilliance.

As soon as the brilliance came out, the scene became quiet.

Because people all know that this means that the conference will begin soon.

Sure enough.

Originally, the hazy brilliance began to clear quickly, and then the scene in the Wenhui Pavilion appeared in the water mirror.

At this time, the venue has already been arranged, and the students who are qualified to participate in the cultural conference are the first to enter.

Seeing these students from all over the Lingan area, everyone's face was full of high spirits.

Because anyway, their group of people are showing their faces today.

Even if he didn't get any good ranking in the next cultural conference, he showed his face in front of so many people, which is the biggest incentive for these students with a burst of vanity.

At least at the moment, they know that water mirrors are broadcasting their every move, so they all try their best to show their good side.

Everyone's speech and behavior are polite, showing a gentle student style.

After all, no one knows who is watching under the water mirror. If he performs well, he may be liked by any girl.

In this hypocritical atmosphere, several people quietly entered the venue.

Zhuo Benzheng was nervous when he saw such a big scene for the first time.

The woman next to him disguised as a man and covered her face with a big scribe hat. Most of Ying Weilan seemed to be aware of his tension and couldn't help shaking his hand gently.

Zhuo Ben was turning his head to look, and Ying Weilan smiled at him.

Somehow, when he saw the bright smile on Ying Weilan's face, Zhuo Ben was determined. The previous tension and panic were cleared away, and he resolutely went to the corner of the venue.

In fact, before today, he was not sure whether he would attend the conference.

After all, I have offended Xu Gaotian.

In this Lingan City, you can offend anyone, but you can't offend this Wanxiang Gaoliang.

What's more, Ying Weilan assassinated him.

Under the superposition of the two, their wisest choice should be to leave the city as soon as possible, rather than participate in any cultural conference.

Yao Yachao, the most mature and prudent of the four, thought so.

But soon, all four of them changed their minds.

Because what Xue an said woke them up.

"Do you think you can rest easy when you escape from Lingan city? As the little Lord of the whole Lingan region, Xu Gaotian can't escape his control as long as you are still in the Lingan region!"

"Now there is the suppression of Wensheng memorial tablet in Lingan city. He doesn't dare to be too presumptuous, but if you dare to leave Lingan City, believe it or not, someone will hunt you down at the back when you step out?"

These words made Zhuo Benzheng and others look a little ugly.

"What's your opinion, Mr. Xue?"

At that time, Xue an smiled faintly and just said a very simple sentence.

"Sometimes if the problem is very difficult and can't be solved, then directly solve the person who caused the problem!"

It was with a few words of persuasion that the four of them finally decided to participate in the cultural conference.

As for Ying Weilan, he was really worried about the lover he had just found, so he deliberately disguised himself and came with him.

In fact, she also had an idea in her mind that she really wanted to see how Xue an solved the problem caused by Xu Gaotian and his son.

After the five of them entered the venue, they sat very low-key in the corner of the venue and did not attract the attention of the people around them.

But someone noticed them at the meeting.

Similarly, Wu Jun, an actor who was dormant and invisible in the corner, looked coldly at Zhuo Benzheng in the opposite corner.

"These people are weird!"

Duanmu Guang nodded, "I can see that the man next to the leading man should be a woman dressed as a man!"

"That's not what I'm talking about!" Wu Jun shook his head.

"Women are not prohibited from participating in this cultural conference, so she doesn't need women to dress up as men at all. What's more, she is wearing a hat that covers most of her face. It can be seen that she doesn't want to be seen at all!"

"You mean... These people also have plans?" Duanmu light hesitated.

"I don't know. It's just that the status of these people is not quite right. We should pay more attention to them later to prevent hindering our actions! After all..."

Wu Jun paused, his face showing a decisive color, "we have only one chance, so we should make sure we are safe!"

"I see!" The light and sound of Duanmu should be heard.

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