At this time, there was a loud noise at the entrance of the venue, and then he saw "Xu Lingan" and Xu Gaotian, father and son, coming in one after another.

Seeing the father and son, Wu Jun, who was lurking in the corner, flashed a touch of deep-seated hatred in his eyes.

But the light of hatred disappeared very quickly, and then Wu Jun lowered his head deeply.

At the same time, Xu Ling'an, who was originally smiling, turned around and looked at the corner where Wu Jun was.

Just now he suddenly felt a biting chill. Although the feeling was fleeting, he still keenly felt what kind of person he was.

But when I looked at the past, I saw that there was peace and harmony here.

Xu Lingan or Shi Changwei frowned imperceptibly. Xu Gaotian behind him noticed something wrong and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Father, what's the matter?"

Shi Chang shook his head. "It's all right! Let's go!"

With that, Shi Chang led his son to the high platform of the meeting.

This is a specially set VIP seat, so there are few people here at the moment.

When Shi Chang and his son arrived, all the people here bowed down and left their seats to show welcome.


"I've seen the city Lord!"

Shi Chang pressed his hand down with a gentle smile, "don't be polite, everyone sit down!"

Then they returned to their seats.

At this time, the venue became more and more hot and noisy.

When it was determined that the terrible pressure had completely disappeared, Wu Jun took a deep breath and slowly raised his head.

"What a powerful pressure and keen perception. If I hadn't just seen the opportunity, I might have been exposed now." He whispered.

Duanmu Guang's face was also a little pale, "yes, just a trivial idea can be detected by him. The old thief hasn't seen him for so many years, and he has improved his strength!"

"Are you afraid?" Wu Jun said faintly.

Hearing this, Duan muguang's face suddenly flushed with anger and said in a low voice: "from the moment I set foot on the road of avenging my master with you, I have put life and death aside. What's the word fear?"

"I'm just worried that the old thief's perception is so sharp that he will escape when he will do it later!"

Wu Jun glanced at the angry Duanmu and smiled, "don't worry, I'm well prepared. Even if the old thief is slippery than the loach, I can't escape today!"

At this time, there was a sudden roar and tsunami like noise in the field.

Many people leaned out of their seats and looked inside on tiptoe.

The reason why we are so excited is entirely because we are the goddess in the hearts of countless students all over the world.

It is Yun lingxuan, who was born outside the building and shocked the world with her superb piano skills. She is known as the female leader.

At the moment, Yun lingxuan, dressed in white clothes that are not stained with fine dust, comes in a graceful way. The quiet and elegant temperament in the action room makes all the people who see hold their breath and concentrate, for fear of being rude again.

Behind her was Tang Zheng, the great scholar of qingniu in Qisi poetry society.

Seeing him at the moment, a trance color flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Because today's Yun lingxuan is radiant and more elegant than ever before.

This makes Tang Zheng, who is deeply rooted in his love, even more intoxicated.

This kind of trance was not relieved until he ascended the high platform.

At the same time, Shi Chang stood up with a smile on his face.

"Miss Yun's dress today is really gorgeous and amazing. She really deserves to be a family member outside the building!"

Yun lingxuan just bowed slightly, "Mayor Xu praised falsely!"

"Please sit down!" Shi Chang sidled to give up his seat.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The position he gave was right next to Xu Gaotian.

Today, Xu Gaotian, who is also dressed up as a scholar, smiled.

It's just how chilling the smile looks.

Yun lingxuan hesitated.

Just then, Tang Zhengshen said, "Miss Yun, you'd better sit on my side!"

With that, Tang Zheng turned sideways and gave way to a position.

Yun lingxuan looked at Tang Zheng and nodded slightly, "OK!"

Then she sat down beside Tang Zheng.

Seeing this scene, Shi Chang's smile remained unchanged.

On the contrary, Xu Gaotian's eyes were getting colder, but at this moment, even if he had a big temper, he couldn't say anything, so he had to bear it secretly.

Just then, he saw a man in the distance looking at this side with eager eyes.

When he came into contact with Xu Gaotian's sight, the man was overjoyed and immediately stood up and waved his hand again and again.

Seeing this, Xu Gaotian's heart moved, even if he stood up and walked down the platform to the man.

"Little city Lord!" The man bowed respectfully.

Xu Gaotian didn't even blink his eyelids. He said faintly, "Lord Ren is coming too. Who is this?"

With that, he looked at the girl standing behind the man with great interest.

At the moment, the girl was pale and shaking like chaff.

But the more she was like this, the more interesting Xu Gaotian felt.

At this time, the man came forward and said with flattery on his face: "return to the young city master, this is my little daughter, named Ren Xing!"

Then he looked back and stared at Ren Xing, "don't give a gift to the young city Lord!"

you 're right.

This man is the owner of Ren's family, that is, Ren Ning's father.

He came all the way from ren'an city to naturally cling to the relationship of Xu Gaotian.

But Ren Ning has defected from home, so he contributes his little daughter Ren Xing to him.

Ren Xing trembled and saluted, "see... I've seen the little city Lord!"

But Xu Gaotian frowned slightly, "Ren, I remember what you said to me was your eldest daughter Ren Ning. Why did you change into such a suckling yellow haired girl in a twinkling of an eye?"

Ren Di turned pale and hurriedly explained, "back to the young city master, this is not a small intention to deceive you. It's really a last resort!"

"Oh? What's inside?"

Ren Di sighed, "my unlucky eldest daughter was overjoyed when she heard that she was going to marry you, the young city leader. As a result, she provoked a hidden disease and died of a violent illness!"

Ren Xing opened her eyes.

She never dreamed that these words would come out of her father's mouth.

Xu Gaotian took a deep look at Ren different, "dead?"

"Yes, those who have died can't die any more. That's why I offered my little daughter. What do you think?" Any different flattery.

Xu Gaotian smiled, "look up!"

Ren Xing looked up with humiliation on his face.

"Well, it looks good. Although it's younger, it's also fresh and delicious. Send it to my room after the meeting!"

After that, Xu Gaotian turned and left.

Ren Di was overjoyed and quickly nodded and said, "yes! I will do it!"

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