That servile ugliness is disgusting.

At least Ren Xing was trembling.

In any case, she couldn't understand how her father, who was always kind to herself, could suddenly become like this.

Selling women for glory did not say, but also shamelessly claimed to be below.

It was this sentence that mercilessly shattered all Ren Xing's fantasies.

Before she came to Ling'an City, she comforted herself that although she was not a good person, at least it was also the words of her parents. It was good to marry in Ling'an general's house.

But look at Ren's different performance now, where is he looking like Dongshan's father-in-law? Instead, he looks like a despicable villain who sells his daughter to get a future.

At this point, she could not help feeling nauseous, and her face became as white as snow.

Seeing her, she was filled with resentment. She felt that her young lady Ren Ning chose to abandon her family because of her exclusion. Caidie, a little servant girl, suddenly felt pity for her.

"Miss!" She gently pulled Ren Xing's skirt, "sit down and have a cup of tea!"

Ren Xing sat down trembling.

Caidie handed over a cup of hot tea. Ren Xing took only one sip, and then burst into tears.

No woman can keep calm when she knows that she will be sent to the mouth of the tiger for slaughter.

Ren Xing, who has been indulged since childhood, is even more so.

"Picking butterflies!"

She gave a low cry.

Caidie leaned down and leaned close to her ear. "What's the matter, miss?"

"Now I understand that my previous attitude towards sister Ren Ning was outrageous. It's too late to say anything. Sister Ning was lucky to meet a man to help her escape from the house. Seriously, I envy her!"

The butterfly was silent for a long time, and finally sighed slightly.

She is a kind girl. Although she complained a lot about Ren Xing's practice before, she can't help comforting Ren Xing now because of her poor appearance.

But she didn't know what words to comfort. After all, her future was uncertain. After Ren Ning left, she was assigned to Ren Xing. If Ren Xing was sent to the general's house, how would she deal with herself?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help being a little crazy.

At this time, with a crisp Gong, both inside and outside the field were quiet, and then everyone focused on the high platform.

Shi Chang walked to the stage with a smile on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to invite Tang Daru from Qisi Poetry Society and miss Yun from the building outside. At the same time, talented people from all over the world gather together. It's an unprecedented event!"

"I don't have much nonsense. Next, the cultural meeting will officially begin. Please ask Tang Daru to divine the title of the article in front of the memorial tablet of Wensheng!"

Tang Zheng calmed down, walked to the stage, and then nodded to the people under the stage.

"Wait a minute, students."

When he finished, he saw that with a wave of his hand, the memorial tablet of Wensheng, which was originally suspended over the city, came to the venue.

Then he saw that Tang Zheng was taking a step forward and said softly, "please write a question!"


The memorial tablet of Wensheng is very glorious, and then there are countless words with different brilliance.

These words were tossing and turning over the venue. At first glance, they looked like a galaxy pouring down.

The faces of these students present showed an intoxicated look.

Because these words are transformed by the Wen Qi in the Wen Sheng memorial tablet, when they spread, they naturally make the students bathed in them rejoice.

But Wu Jun and Duanmu, who are hiding in the corner, are very ugly.

Because they are not students, this scene does not bring them the feeling of beauty, but only infinite prestige.

This pressure made their accomplishments freeze. Fortunately, this situation lasted less than a few seconds, and then these words quickly gathered in Tang Zheng's hands.

In the blink of an eye, there was no star in the sky. Only Tang Zheng had a character in his hand that was constantly changing.

The speed of change gradually slowed down and finally turned into a big empty word.

The audience was quiet.

Then Tang Zheng said slowly, "the divination result of this text question has been given, which is an empty word!"

For a moment, the crowd was boiling.

"Empty? What the hell is this?" A student said with consternation on his face.

"Who says not? I've been studying and practicing hard for so many years in order to make a splash at this conference, but such a tricky topic came out. Haven't my years of efforts been wasted?" The old scholar with white beard beat his chest.

Some students frown and think hard, searching for poems related to empty words.

But this empty word is really tricky. Even these students who are familiar with the ancient books of ancient sages of previous dynasties are at a loss.

Wu Zizhang frowned and thought hard for a long time. When he found nothing, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"I'm still a shallow scholar. Brother Han and brother Yao, do you have any eyebrows?"

Han Bochao and Yao Yachao also shook their heads, and then they all looked at Zhuo Benzheng with inquiring eyes.

"How's it going, brother Zhuo? Have you got anything?"

Zhuo Ben nodded quietly, "a little gain!"

"Sure enough, it must be brother Zhuo!" The three sighed together.

As for Ying Weilan, he looked at his lover with adoring eyes.

At this time, Shi Chang came up and laughed and said, "you students must have got something, but if you start step by step, it's a little boring. Miss Yun is here today, so I'd like to make a suggestion."

"The winner of this cultural meeting can get a song from Miss Yun, which can also be regarded as leaving a good story. What does Miss Yun think?"

As soon as he said this, there was a commotion. Many people looked excited and looked at Xiang Yun lingxuan.

Yun lingxuan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "if there is a good work, why not?"

In an instant, the whole pavilion, including those outside, was boiling with excitement.

Originally, this cultural conference has been a rare prosperous time in Ling'an region.

If the Huakui of the outer building gave music to commemorate it, it would definitely spread and become the most praiseworthy glory of a literati.

For a time, the students' eyes were green.

Before Shi Chang announced the beginning, some students stood up first and spoke loudly.

"In that case, if I'm not talented, I'll throw a brick and attract jade!"

"You are..."

"Silent light City Tan Ziheng!" The student said proudly.

This name also shocked many people.

"It's him!"

"Tut Tut, I've heard that there is a gifted and intelligent talent in Jingguang city. He can speak freely when he was young. I didn't expect him to come!"

These comments made Tan Ziheng more and more proud, but his eyes floated to Yun lingxuan on the platform from time to time.

In this regard, Shi Chang just smiled faintly, "if so, please invite Mr. Tan!"

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