"When Shi last month, the theory of relativity is carefree... Good sentence, really rare good sentence!" Someone exclaimed with admiration on his face.

"The most important thing is the leisurely and comfortable beauty contained in this poem. It makes people feel clean when they just hear it!" Some people agree.

"Up to now, there is no doubt that this is the best in the audience! I didn't expect such talents in ren'an City, powerful, powerful!" Someone scratched his ears and cheeks.

As for Tang Zheng on the stage, he leaned slightly, looked at the Zhuo Ben and said, "did you improvise this poem?"


"Very good!"

Although Tang Zheng's evaluation is only a simple word, its significance is extraordinary.

Because this is the affirmation from the top Confucianism of Kai Si poetry society!

Wu Zizhang, Yao Yachao and others all showed an excited color, as for Ying Weilan.

At the moment, where did she still have the bold and unrestrained state before, and directly turned into Zhuo Benzheng's little fan sister.

Even Yun lingxuan on the stage could not help nodding slightly, and a look of appreciation appeared in her eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Gao suddenly stood up and said faintly.

"Poetry is good, but it's far from being the best in the audience!"

Hearing this, the audience's eyes suddenly focused on Xu Gaotian.

In fact, everyone who attended the cultural meeting knew that the reason why the Lingan general took great pains to make such a great momentum was to praise his son.

But the problem is that Xu Gaotian has always been famous for his ruthlessness. He has never heard of his literary talent. Therefore, even if many people have this doubt in their hearts, they don't know what Xu Gaotian plans to do.

Until now, Xu Gaotian got up directly, and people inside and outside the field couldn't help tightening their hearts.

Sure enough!

At this time, Xu Gaotian glanced at the audience, and then spoke slowly.

"I'm not talented. I just had a feeling. I'd like to recite a poem for you to see whether it's his or mine!"

There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

Many people have a look of disbelief on their faces.

But this is what Xu Gaotian pursued.

He suddenly hit the folding fan and whispered that Han Bochao was even more angry, "I must say it must have been copied!"

"But this article was written by Tang just in front of everyone. How can he cheat?" Yao Yachao frowned.

"Hehe, what's the difficulty? As long as the Tang guru is willing to cooperate, the so-called divination is just a formality!" Han Bochao sneered.

Compared with them, Zhuo Ben is more calm.

He just looked at Xu Gaotian on the stage quietly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ying Weilan was worried about him and gently pulled his hand.

"Ben Zheng!"

Zhuo Ben was lowering his head and smiling at her, "I'm fine. I just had some doubts!"

In fact, he was far from alone with the same doubts in his heart, and Yun lingxuan on the stage was even more shocked.

She first took a deep look at Xu Gaotian's back, and immediately turned her eyes to Tang Zheng sitting aside.

Just now Tang is sitting there quietly, his face is indifferent, and he can't see any happiness or anger.

At this time, Xu Gaotian rushed arrogantly to Zhuo Ben in the far corner and smiled.

"How's it going? What else do you have to say now?"

Zhuo Ben was lowering his head, "lamenting that Furu, I lost!"

Then he sat back in his chair.

Xu Gaotian laughed. "Now who else is not satisfied?"

The whole audience look at me and I look at you, but even the most arrogant student can't say a refutation at the moment.

Because Xu Gaotian's poem is here. If you don't accept it, you can make a better one, but it's obviously impossible.

In this case, everyone bowed their heads to show their submission.

Xu Gaotian looked at Tang Zheng triumphantly.

"Master Tang, announce the result! I can't wait to hear miss Yun's song for me!"

At last, he stared at Yun lingxuan greedily and almost swallowed her.

Yun lingxuan frowned imperceptibly. At the same time, Tang Zheng stood up, motionless blocked her behind him, and then said faintly.

"This poem can be regarded as the best in the audience both in terms of intention and sentence, so I announce that the leader of today's cultural conference is..."

Just as he was about to shout the words Xu Gaotian, a lazy and slightly cynical voice suddenly came from the entrance of the Wenhui Pavilion.

"Wait a minute, if such poems can be the leader, I won't accept it!"


The eyes of the whole audience immediately gathered at the entrance.

At the same time, a young man in white walked into the entrance with his head held high, followed by a girl wearing a veil behind him.

After seeing them, there was a commotion. Many people looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

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