Because none of them knew the boy in white.

But they don't know, but someone knows.

The pupil of Yun lingxuan on the stage shrunk, and the little servant girl tuan'er standing behind her said happily.

"Miss! It's the handsome young master!"

Yun lingxuan was silent, but unconsciously clenched her hands into fists.

But if anyone in the audience is the most shocked, it must be this apricot.

She never dreamed of seeing her sister in this place today.

Especially when she saw her sister following behind Xue an, her heart seemed to be hurt by something.

Why did she come here suddenly?

Doesn't she know it's dangerous?

Originally sitting in a chair and drinking tea leisurely, Ren Di puffed out all the tea in his mouth.

Then he looked at Ren Ning with a murderous face.

Ren Di hates his daughter to the bone.

Because if it hadn't been for her sudden defection, it wouldn't have been like this!

Now she dares to come to Ling'an city. What is it?

Also shocked are Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang, who have been hiding in the corner waiting for an opportunity to do it.

"It's him! Why did he come suddenly?" Duanmu light whispered.

Wu Jun said in a deep voice: "anyway, he helped us clean up the people in the Shura hall. That's even our friend. If things change later, he will do it in advance!"

Although Xu Gaotian didn't know Xue an, he heard everything he just said.

Especially when he found that the young man in white was still so handsome, his jealousy expanded more and more, he said with a cold smile.

"What did you just say?"

Xue an first smiled at Zhuo Benzheng and others in the corner, then turned his head to look at Xu Gaotian and said with a smile.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? It seems that you are not only bad in character, but also hard to use your ears!"

As soon as this remark was made, the whole audience was in an uproar.

No one expected that the young man in white would be so just and dare to talk to Xu Gaotian like this.

Thinking of Xu Gaotian's past fame, many people can't help feeling numb.

Sure enough.

Xu Gaotian's face suddenly showed a very fierce intention to kill.

If he hadn't been worried that there was still a great Confucian of Kai Si poetry club in the field, he really wanted to rush over and run over this sudden boy to death.

He let out a gloomy laugh that made his heart hair.

"Good! Good, this is the first time someone dares to talk to me in this tone!"

In the face of the threat, Xue an just smiled faintly, "it's okay. Do you have the first time in everything? You'll get used to it slowly in the future!"

As soon as he said this, the little servant girl puffed and laughed. Even if she was surprised that it was wrong, she quickly covered her mouth.

Xu Gaotian was almost furious.

He had never been so angry since he was young, so he wanted to kill the boy directly.

At this time, Shi Chang stepped forward to stop Xu Gaotian, who was about to flee, and then said to Xue an with a smile.

"Young people don't talk too vigorously."

Xue an smiled, "don't you call young people?"


The audience was dead quiet.

Even the brave Xiao Lan could not help shrinking his neck and whispering in his mouth.

"Young master Xue is really powerful. He dares to talk to general Ling'an like this!"

Zhuo Benzheng didn't speak, but looked at Xue an with worried eyes.

At the same time, Ren Di calmed down, then sat comfortably in a chair and looked at Xue an with the eyes of the dead.

In his opinion, the young man in white is either crazy or just born. He doesn't know heaven and earth. He speaks to the city master in this tone in Lingan city. He won't want to go out of this Wenhui Pavilion today.

And as soon as he dies, he will catch the little bitch back! Let's calculate in the middle.

In this case, everyone looked at Shi Chang.

He was silent for a moment and seemed to be surprised by Xue an's words. Then he was very angry and smiled.

"OK! What a young man! He's not energetic. He's really brave. But young man, this is the Cultural Association. Isn't it inappropriate for you to come here to make noise?"

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't say it. It used to be a cultural society!"

Speaking of this, Xue an looked at Tang Zheng, who was carved in wood and clay, and said with a slight sneer, "I thought this was a big play garden. Otherwise, how could I show such a wonderful play just now?"

These words were ironic. Tang Zheng still had no expression, but his eyes were bright and dark.

Shi Chang looked even more sluggish and said in a murderous way: "come on, blow out the boy who stirred up the meeting!"

At the command, countless guards rushed out from every corner to take Xue an away.

But before they rushed near, Xue an drank a word faintly.

"Get out!"

At the command, these people in front of him and behind him were directly hit and flew out as if they had been hit by lightning.

Xu Gaotian was furious, "boy, you want to die!"

Then he wanted to do it.

But just then, Xue an said faintly, "who said I came to stir up the meeting? Isn't it the literature meeting? Well, I'll write you one today and let you see what poetry is!"

Writing poetry?

On and off the stage, on and off the court, everyone didn't expect that the boy would suddenly say such a sentence.

Even the little servant girl tuan'er, who was very fond of him, was a little silly. She couldn't help whispering, "Miss, do you really want to write poetry? Can he do it?"

Yun lingxuan didn't speak, but looked at the bright and independent young man who was burning like a ball of snow.

"You still write poetry? Die for me!"

Where would Xu Gaotian listen to these? His eyes were red and rushed forward, raising his hand was a fist.

Under the cold fist wind, Xue an's body floated back like dead leaves in the wind, and then sang the first sentence in the air.

"In spring, there is no human territory, and the void cannot live in the sky!"

As soon as he said this, a mighty righteous spirit rose into the sky, and the memorial tablets of the literary Saint suspended above the Wen Hui Pavilion trembled.

Xu Gaotian, who was ready to blow out his second fist, was also knocked back by this great spirit.

At the same time, Xue an stood high in the sky, hunting in white.

"Yinghua follows the world, and the pavilion sends it to the top of the mountain."

As soon as these two poems came out, the memorial tablet of the literary saint was in full bloom and flew over Xue an's head in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zheng jumped up and looked at it in disbelief.

"This... This..."

At the same time, Xue an then recited the next two poems.

"What do you get at dusk? You are at a loss. Who can solve the golden seal and calm the Zen together."

When the words fell, the whole audience was full of civility. Only Xue an stood high in the sky, just like God only came to the world.

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