Even Xu Gaotian, who hated Xue an to the bone and wanted to kill him quickly, couldn't help being distracted at this moment, not to mention the others present.

In the field, whether men or women, or always less, almost all stood up and looked at the white boy in the air.

Tang Zheng on the stage whispered with a shocked face.

"Wen Sheng's memorial tablet actually took the initiative to choose him. How is it possible that his context has become so strong?"

The little servant girl tuan'er was so happy that she almost jumped up.

"Miss, this beautiful young master is really powerful."

Yun lingxuan looked at the figure standing in the air and answered gently.

"Yes! It's really powerful!"

This poem just mentioned by Xue an can be regarded as the best choice both in conception and sentence.

But Yun lingxuan is more concerned about these visions caused by Xue an.

In particular, the memorial tablet of Wensheng, which took the initiative to fly over his head, moved Yun lingxuan.

There seems to be more and more mysteries about the mysterious boy.

Just then, Shi Chang on the stage suddenly sneered.

"Poetry is really good, but you don't think you are qualified to be arrogant just because of this. What's more, I don't think this poem is much better than my son's poetry!"

As a general who has been in charge of the spiritual security domain for many years, he will not be easily disturbed by external visions.

Hearing his words, Xu Gaotian quickly woke up, "yes! This poem can only be called good. It's far from winning me!"

Facing the sophistry of the father and son, Xue an sneered.

"Isn't it enough? Well, I'll let you lose today!"

Then he stretched out a finger and said faintly, "listen!"

Xu Gaotian sneered, "listen, what? Can you make ten or eight poems?"

But as soon as his voice fell, he heard Xue an sing aloud.

"When people are idle, osmanthus flowers fall, the night is quiet, and the spring mountains are empty. The moon startles mountain birds, and when it comes out, it sounds in the spring stream!"

Xu Gaotian's smile froze.

Shi Chang, who has been standing on the stage with the old God, finally changed his face after hearing this poem. Huoran opened his eyes and stared at Xue an.

But it was far from over. Xue an stretched out his hand. Even Yun lingxuan, who had been sitting in the chair, did not know when he had stood up and came to the stage. He looked at the young man in white in the air.

Wu Zizhang in the corner suddenly sighed.

"Today we know what a real talent is. Sometimes the gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs!"

Although these words were crude, Han Bochao, Yao Yachao and others on one side were deeply convinced.

At the same time, after reading the ten songs, Xue an shook her hands and punched. She looked at Shi Chang and Xu Gaotian, who were already numb.

"Now, is that enough?"

The whole audience was quiet, and some people could hear their teeth trembling because they were too excited.

Many students blushed with excitement.

Because they know that although they failed to become famous at this cultural meeting, they can also be regarded as witnessing history.

This scene will be recorded in history books, and I can be proud to say that I have personally witnessed this shocking scene.

Looking at Shi Chang and Xu Gaotian, both father and son, their faces were pale.

No matter how unreasonable they are, they all know when Xue an reads ten poems with an almost crushing advantage.

I lost!

And lost completely.

But after a while, Shi Chang took the lead in responding.

The expression on his face was changeable, and finally changed into an expression of skin smiling and flesh not smiling.

"Ha ha ha, you are really a rare talent. I didn't expect to witness such a good story in my Lingan city master's house!"

This sudden change in attitude puzzled many people.

Especially Xu Gaotian, he shouted impatiently.


Shi Chang glared at him, and then continued to say.

"Young master, there is no doubt that you won the meeting. I was just a routine just now. I hope you don't mind!"

After saying that, he bowed to Xue an in a serious manner.

Not to mention anything else, by virtue of the seamless connection and transformation between the front and the back, we can see that Shi Chang is definitely a very deep man in the city.

But I have to say that his performance successfully deceived many people present.

People breathed in secret, and the expression on their faces became active.

After all, no one hopes that a good cultural conference will eventually become a battlefield to meet each other by force.

Although it is said that the general really wanted to praise his eldest son at the beginning, it is also human nature.

Now that he knows his mistakes and can correct his attitude in time, he is good.

To everyone's surprise, Xue an, standing high in the sky, didn't accept his apology at all.

On the contrary, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Routine? Hehe, it's really a good excuse!"

As soon as he said this, Shi Chang's face became gloomy again.

Many people are even more inexplicable. They don't know what Xue an is going to do?

Why refuse the goodwill of the general?

Although he did go too far before, he has apologized now, but the young man in white still refuses to accept it, which is a little unkind!

Moreover, whenever he accepted the apology of the general, his reputation and status were readily available.

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