Yun lingxuan was stunned.

The regiment standing behind her was even more stunned.

"Miss, it's him. He..." Tuan'er said excitedly.

Yun lingxuan took a deep breath, "don't talk nonsense, and look at it first!"

Tuan'er closed her mouth when she heard the speech, but even so, her cheeks were still flushed with excessive excitement.

No wonder she would be so rude. It's really too important.

It's important to know whether the young lady's past enmity can be solved and whether she will be happy in the future.

In contrast, Yun lingxuan was very calm.

She just glanced at Xue an in the distance and an idea came to her mind.

The sigh at the party that day turned out to be him!

No wonder I heard that sentence at that time, why give myself so much pressure? I will feel very familiar.

But why did he say that?

Did he really hear what was on his mind through the sound of the piano, or... What did he know?

Thinking of this, Yun lingxuan was a little confused.

On the one hand, he found the person who broke his string, but at the same time, he remembered the tone when he said that sentence.

With a little sigh of compassion.

Yun lingxuan clenched her fist unconsciously.

At the same time, Shi Chang looked at Xu Ling'an and Wu Ji beside him.

"Wu Ji, you are indeed a running dog planted by Xu Lingan. It's hard for you to hide from me over the years!"

In the face of Shi Chang's sarcasm, Wu Ji just smiled faintly.

"Yes, I am indeed a running dog planted by the old city Lord, but it's better than you, a scum who kills teachers and seizes power!"

"Yes, what if I kill the master and seize power? Because this old man is not worthy to be the master of this domain. Only me, I am the real master of destiny." Shi Chang's face twisted.

Hearing this, the whole audience was in a great uproar.

Because only then did people figure out what had happened.

It turned out that the Lingan general who had been in charge of the Lingan domain for many years was not the real Xu Lingan at all.

The real Xu Lingan is actually the old man, and according to the title, Shi Chang seems to be his apprentice!

This series of changes stunned many people.

Even Xu Gaotian, who was strangled by xue'an, temporarily forgot his fear of being controlled by others and looked at his father in shock.

If all this is true, doesn't it mean that he doesn't have a surname of Xu at all?

It seemed that he was aware of his amazement and confusion. Xue an smiled at him.

"Don't worry, you'll soon find that what you're struggling with is not a problem at all."

Xu Gaotian didn't understand what Xue an meant, but it didn't prevent him from glaring at Xue an.

But the next second, his anger was pinched back again.

Xue an made a fierce effort with his five fingers, and then Xu Gaotian felt the interruption of Qi and blood, and even the movement of Reiki was hindered. He blacked in front of him and nearly fainted.

There was a deep fear in his eyes.

Xue an said faintly: "people should always remember their position and then make actions in line with their position. This is the way to survive."

"So if I find you dare to be a little disrespectful to me again, I don't mind pinching your neck with my hand, letting your head fly out by the blood splashed from your chest, and being a free landing at the end of your life!"

Xu Gaotian clenched his teeth secretly, but a flattering smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, he felt infinite humiliation in his heart.

Wait for me. If I find a chance, I will make you die.

But the next second, Xue an's other hand suddenly raised, shook his palm into a fist, and hit him heavily on the chest.

A crisp click.

The ribs broke, but Xue an's fist stopped before touching Xu Gaotian's beating heart.

Nevertheless, Xu Gaotian's heart still kisses Xue an's fist when it beats.

The extreme oppression and pain left Xu Gaotian's brain blank,

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. What I think counts. And don't try to hide it. I can easily feel the deepest thoughts in your heart!"

"So from now on, as long as I detect any disrespectful thoughts in your heart, you have to die! Do you understand?"

Xu Gaotian was silent and nodded with fear.

He always likes to play with people's hearts. At this moment, he finally understands what cruelty and hegemony are.

If I beat you, you can't have any displeasure, or you'll die!

Where can we find such unreasonable people?

But Xue an did it, and it was done in front of his father and all the people in Lingan.

Xu Gaotian had only one thought in his mind at the moment.

This good-looking, smiling young man in white is a devil at all.

It seemed that he was aware of his thoughts, and Xue an smiled at him.

"This is the devil? You are too untroubled. I still have a lot of ways to play like this. Do you want to try?"

Xu Gaotian suddenly remembered his mother who had died for many years.

If she were still alive, Xu Gaotian would jump into her arms and cry without hesitation.

He doesn't want to play anymore!


He's scared!

And his advice of being completely scared to pee his pants was also seen by the people present.

Ying Weilan sitting in the corner is elated.

"See, this guy who is arrogant in Wanhua building will be afraid!" Xiao Weilan sneered.

She has never been a gentle woman, and the so-called good for evil is bullshit.

Now she just wants to laugh, and then point to Xu Gaotian's face and scold him for today.

Zhuo Benzheng and Wu Zizhang thought so.

Only Yao Yachao's eyes showed a worried look.

It is true that Xue an is very strong, but the key is that he is now in Ling'an city.

There is Shi Chang, a big man who has not yet shot.

Especially now there are more Wu Ji and this sudden appearance of Zhenxu Lingan, and the situation has become more and more complex.

At the same time, Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang have quietly come to the forefront of the venue.

In the sky, Xue an saw what Xu Gaotian had done.

They were amazed by the grace, cruelty and calm violence.

"I really don't know which force trained this little childe. He has such a mind at a young age. How wonderful!" Duanmu light sighed softly.

Wu Jun took a deep breath. "Don't worry about it first. Now things have changed. The suppression of the Wensheng memorial tablet has obviously been effective, which is bad news for us. After all, the sneak attack we took great pains to prepare has lost its meaning."

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