"But this is also good news. After all, Xu Lingan or Shi Chang has been in a mess at the moment, so we need to wait for an opportunity!"

"A chance to cut him!"


As Wu Jun said, Shi Chang has indeed been in a mess at the moment.

Because this meeting seems to have been out of his control and slid into the abyss of unknowability.

Now even the former teacher, the real Lord of peace, has come out.

In addition, the young man in white who controls his son's eyes.

All this made Shi Chang feel a crisis.

But he did deserve Yao Yachao's evaluation. He soon calmed down and smiled.

"Xu Lingan, do you think you have the confidence to clamp me down when you return to the ground with Wu Ji and this Xue?"

"To tell you the truth, now I don't care about the so-called name at all! After all, everything is false, only strength is true!"

With the voice, Shi Chang's body broke out a bright brilliance, and the huge prestige spread throughout the audience.

That is the power and pressure from the territory of the great general.


To be exact, it should be the peak of the great general. It is only one step away from the strength and prestige of the general.

The whole audience was shocked when this momentum came out.

Even Tang Zheng, a great scholar of qingniu, who has been staying out of the matter, can't help but change his face at the moment.

Because, let alone in this isolated Lingan City, Shi Chang's strength can be called first-class even in the central areas where heroes compete for hegemony.

But Xu Lingan didn't look frightened. Instead, he looked at Shi Chang calmly.

"You are still the same. You always like to oppress others!"

"Hum!" Shi Chang snorted coldly, "you are the same. You always like to put on a preaching face."

Xu Lingan shook his head and looked sad. "I didn't want to preach, but I felt a little sad. I thought more than once in the years when I was trapped underground, why did things become like this!"

"You said you wanted power, but I have clearly announced that you will be the next Lingan general and passed all the Magic Secrets to you. Why should you do this?"

Shi Chang sneered, "that's enough. Don't talk about how merciful and innocent you seem. You did say you want to pass the Lingan domain to me, but with your strength, if there is no accident, you have to live to thousands of years, which means I have to wait for thousands of years. I can't wait that long!"

"What belongs to me, I must hold it in my hand as soon as possible. What's more, your words are just a carrot tied in front of me to lure me into doing things for you!"

"Trick me into doing things for you..." Xu Lingan whispered, and the sad color on his face was heavier.

"How could this happen? You were not like this before! I still remember that you were so kind and simple. Why..."

"Enough! I don't want to listen to your bullshit. In those days, you, Wu Ji and this Xue have to die today!"

Shi Chang was crazy. He stepped on the space under his feet, and then the whole man rushed to Xu Ling'an like a shell.

Xu Lingan didn't dodge, because he also knew that dodging was meaningless.

After so many years of being trapped underground by the spirit pulse cage, his strength has already disappeared. He can't escape Shi Chang's attack.

But Shi Chang's blow didn't work, because Wu Ji suddenly moved.

Once the fat eunuch moved his hand, he was so fast that he appeared in front of Xu Lingan. Then he raised his hand and fought with Shi Chang for countless palms.

However, after a few breaths, hundreds of loud sounds like firecrackers broke out in the Wen Hui Pavilion.

Then Wu gave a dull hum and staggered back.

Looking at his arm, it was already scarred and fell down powerlessly. It was obvious that he had been seriously injured.

"Ha ha, Wu Ji, although you have good strength, how can you be my opponent? Now your hands are useless, and it's impossible to be a dog in the future!"

Shi Chang laughed and rushed to Xu Lingan again.

Xu Lingan sighed, "Shi Chang, my old bone has long died, but you refused to kill me. Instead, you locked me in an underground cage for so many years. Why on earth?"

"Hum, why go down and ask the king of hell!"

Shi Chang is too lazy to talk nonsense. Raising his hand will result in Xu Lingan's life.

At this time, Wu Jun and Duanmu rushed out of the crowd, one left and one right, attacking Shi Chang in the middle.

The surprise attack stunned the whole audience.

Shi Chang seemed to have expected, "Gaga, two little mice hiding in the dark dare to attack me?"

With that, Shi Chang waved two palms to repel Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang.

But just then, Wu Jun's body avoided his blow with a strange turn back.

Then a ray of fire flew out of his hand and attacked Shi Chang.

Shi Chang sneered. His whole body soared in prestige. He broke the light of fire without any action at all.

"Mole ants in general, dare to be presumptuous!"

While talking, Duanmu light flew backward from the void like a kite with a broken line.

Just now he sneaked into the void to assassinate Shi Chang, but he didn't expect to be found by him before he got close.

But just then, Wu Jun moved.

He suddenly took out a book from his arms, tore open the cover and threw it at Shi Chang.

The book disintegrated in mid air and turned into countless golden page cages to Shi Chang.

Shi Chang never dreamed of such a move. Unexpectedly, he was hit by the page.

Strange to say, these seemingly light and effortless pages hit Shi Chang like a boulder, which made him cry violently.

"Ah, it's Guangming Sutra! Boy, are you from Guangming palace?"

"I'm not anywhere. I just want your life!" Wu Jun said coldly, his eyes full of deep-rooted hatred.

But as soon as the voice fell, I saw that the pages of these books were broken together. At the same time, a big hand suddenly leaned out, grabbed Wu Jun and lifted him into the air.

"Jie Jie, do you really think you can defeat me with these? If the high priest of Guangming palace wrote the scripture himself, I would be afraid. It would be good if your life essence could make me feel pain!"

Shi Changhua was a god several feet high. Holding Wu Jun's neck, Jie smiled strangely.

Wu Jun has no power to fight again. His last card is the scripture written by his own life blood essence.

But I didn't expect that even in this way, I couldn't get this Shi Chang.

Sure enough!

The gap in strength is still too big!

Wu Jun sighed, then closed his eyes and waited for death.

But just then, I heard a slightly playful voice coming from the side.

"Hey, old man, if you dare to kill him, I'll kill your son and let your years of efforts go to waste."

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