This sentence is far more useful than any threat. Shi Chang immediately lost Wu Jun, dispersed the FA Xiang, and said in horror: "no!"

"Don't what?" Xue an spoke slowly. At the same time, his men made another effort. Xu Gaotian's throat giggled and rolled his eyes.

"Don't kill my son!" Shi Chang's voice was hoarse and his eyes were full of fear.

Xue an smiled.

The smile is slightly ironic.

"Your son? Are you sure he's really your son?"

Wu Ji, who was wounded, was shocked. He thought of something and looked at Xue an with burning eyes.

Shi Chang's face didn't look any different. He just stared at Xue an's hand holding Xu Gaotian's neck. Whenever Xue an's finger moved, his eyelids would beat once.

The father son friendship of licking calves is enough to move people.

At least an idea flashed in the heart of Ying Weilan sitting in the corner.

Although this guy is not a good man, he is still very good to his son.

As for this, Xu Gaotian earned a word from his throat.

"Father saved..."

But the next moment, his words were strangled by Xue Ansheng.

Then Xue an smiled faintly, "what a beautiful scene of loving father and son and filial piety. I can't bear it!"

Shi Chang was almost crazy. He looked up at Xue an and said, "come on, what conditions do you want to let go of my son?"

"You seem to care about your son." Xue an's answer was not what he asked.

"Nonsense, how can I not care about my son? He is my blood!" Shi Chang hissed.

"Enough!" Xue an gave a scold, and then a sneer came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Shi Chang, you played too much."

Many people have a blank face and can't understand the current situation.

In fact, from the beginning of the two people's dialogue, many people were confused.

Xue an holds Xu Gaotian hostage. Shi Chang pleads repeatedly to save his son, but the words from Xue an's mouth are very strange.

Especially that sentence, are you sure this is your son? It makes many people think.

Isn't this Xu Gao naive Shi Chang's blood descendant?

But his extremely worried look doesn't look like hypocrisy. What's going on?

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to save my son, so make an offer!" Shi Chang said very seriously.

Xue an didn't pay attention to him, but stretched out a finger, "there are two doubts. First, when the cultivation reaches your level, you should have been indifferent to the world. Even if he is your blood relative, you shouldn't be so anxious."

Shi Chang was expressionless and still stared at Xu Gaotian. It seemed as if he hadn't heard Xue an's words.

Seeing this, Xue an snorted coldly and stretched out his second finger.

"This second... In fact, I smelled a smell from the first time I saw Xu Gaotian."

"A terrible smell!"

As soon as he said this, Shi Chang finally changed his face.


"How do I know?" Xue an's tone is lazy.

"In fact, I wasn't sure at the beginning. Until I saw that you valued him so much and even paid everything for him, I finally realized that he was not your son at all!"

"Joke, he's not my son. What's that?" Shi Changqiang said with a smile, but his face was no longer calm, but a trace of fear.

Xue an didn't answer him, but whispered: "there was a secret method in the past, which can condense the foetus and refine and separate the body. When it is mature, swallow it up, and you can directly rise to a great realm!"

Every time Xue an said a word, Shi Chang's face would be pale. When he finished, it was like paper like snow.

In fact, not only him, but everyone in the field was stunned.

Even Wu Jun, who had just been thrown out and stood panting in the corner, was shocked at the moment.

Because he once heard master talk about this secret method.

However, this secret method is generally popular in the evil camp of evil things. It is difficult for outsiders to know, and even if they know it, it is rarely used.

Because this method is too time-consuming and God consuming. First of all, you should form an evil foetus, which requires you to gather enough evil thoughts. This prerequisite alone can make most people retreat.

And even if you gather up the necessary amount of evil thoughts and successfully conceive, this is only the beginning.

Because later, you have to carefully cultivate this evil fetus and bring it up. At the same time, you should also pay attention to constantly inducing evil thoughts in his heart in the process of growing up.

Only in this way can we ensure that we can swallow it smoothly in the future.

It is troublesome enough to say these things one by one, let alone implement them.

Moreover, any slight variable in the whole process may put all the previous efforts into water.

For example, in the process of training, if this evil fetus is found, it is very likely to turn against each other and become the enemy of life and death.

Under this kind of restriction, this extremely evil secret law was gradually lost.

Unexpectedly, it will reappear in Lingan city today in the hands of Shi Chang.

"Am I right? Shi Chang?" Xue an said faintly.

The expression on Shi Chang's face was changeable, and finally he sneered with Yin pity.

"I didn't expect that there was only a young man, but the strength of the five grade Xiaoqi captain can know this. That's right! He is really a bad fetus I carefully cultivated."

Hearing his admission, Tang Zheng on the stage snorted, shook his body several times and nearly fell to the ground.

Because he was afraid and regretting.

Later, I was afraid that I should cooperate with such a person with sinister intentions. I regretted that I didn't find it until this time.

If he really helped Shi Chang to let Xu Gaotian win the leader of the conference, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At the thought of this, Tang Zheng couldn't help sweating through his clothes, and the brilliance in his eyes became much darker.

With this thought alone, although there was no direct confrontation with the enemy, Tang Zheng's strength fell by more than 30%.

This is because as a great Confucian who entered Taoism with literature, his most important way of practice is to have a clear mind and act without regret.

Only in this way can we maintain the stability of our own context.

But now, just because of a thought difference, he and Shi Changda have become private cooperation, which almost led to great disaster.

This has seriously damaged his cultural foundation.

It seemed that she felt his abnormality. Yun lingxuan came forward and sighed: "in fact, it's hard for me to understand. What did Shi Chang give you to impress you and let you cooperate with him?"

Tang Zheng vomited the blood stasis in his exit and said with a bitter smile: "he said he would help me find the fragments of the ancient mirror when things are done. I know you've been looking for this thing, Miss Yun, so..."

"So you promised him?"

Tang Zheng was silent.

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