Yun lingxuan looked at the sky with a complicated expression and said in a faint tone, "do you know why I came here?"

Tang Zheng was stunned, "could it be..."

"Yes! He invited me for the same reason, so the most likely thing is... You and I were cheated by this man!"

They were silent.

"Just admit it!" Xue an said faintly.

"Hehe, even if I admit it, what can you do to me? Let him go quickly, otherwise you won't want to go out here today!"

Shi Chang seems to have stepped out now, and the language belt threatens.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly. "Aren't you afraid that I'll kill the evil fetus you carefully cultivated first?"

"You dare not, because he is in your hands now. You still have the right to bargain with me. If he dies, you have to die!" Shi Chang said coldly.

"Oh? Really?"

Xue an smiled at Xu Gaotian in his hand and said faintly.

"Did you hear that? Your father, who is regarded as your backer, has abandoned you now. You are just a bargaining chip in his eyes."

Xu Gaotian trembled and looked as pale as death.

Although he could not witness what had just happened because he was strangled by xue'an, he heard everything he said.

Xu Gaotian collapsed when he heard that he was only an evil fetus cultivated by his father in a secret way and would be swallowed and absorbed by him in the future.

Over the years, under the deliberate connivance and guidance of Shi Chang, he has done all kinds of evil.

But no matter what happens, Shi Chang will wipe his ass.

Under all this, he became more and more unscrupulous.

But all this was based on his belief that his father really loved him.

Until now, Xue an's words mercilessly broke his psychological defense.

He realized that the reason why he was so connived at was that Shi Chang regarded himself as a pill that could be used to devour and improve his skills from the beginning.

At this point, he suddenly realized why Xue an told himself that the problem he was struggling with would not be a problem soon.

Because now it's not a matter of surname Xu, but whether it's personal or not.

Now, Shi Chang's statement makes Xu gaotianru fall from the clouds.

His eyes were filled with a mixture of prayer and anger.

He wants to pray Xue an to let him go, then escape here and wait for revenge in the future.

But his wishful thinking failed.

Because when Xue an saw the look on his face, he couldn't help laughing.

"Do you think I should let you go? After all, you are also a poor man who is being used from beginning to end!"

Xu Gaotian nodded vigorously.

"You think too much! Everyone should pay for their actions. Although you are used, what you have done over the years still makes you die!"

With the voice, Xue an's palm gradually forced.

Xu Gaotian's eyes protruded and looked at Xue an unbelievably. He didn't seem to believe that Xue an really dared to kill himself.

Xue an just looked at it with an expressionless face, "what grievances do you have? Go down and tell those souls who have been mutilated by you!"

Words fall.

Xue an's five fingers were fastened, and Xu Gaotian's neck was directly broken. Blood gushed out and rushed his head far away.

A light curtain blocked the blood. Then Xue Ansong opened his hand and the headless corpse fell to the ground.

Xue an clapped his hands and looked at Shi Chang opposite.

"Well, didn't you say I didn't dare to kill him? Now he's dead!"

Shi Chang roared hysterically, "ah, you really dare to kill him. I'll break you into pieces!"

But as soon as the voice fell, Shi Chang was forcibly pulled out by Xue an who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then Xue an stood in place and said faintly, "if you want to fight, you can fight. There's so much nonsense!"

All this happened very quickly. It took only a few seconds from Xue an to pinch Xu Gaotian's neck to take Shi Chang out.

Many people's eyes almost stared out.

Oh, my God!

You're right!

That's the peak cultivation of the great four grade general!

But he was pulled out by a five-level cavalry captain?

Shi Chang was even more shocked than these people.

He didn't expect Xue an to be so domineering and direct.

He fanned himself out without even saying hello.

However, his reaction was extremely fast. The man turned back in mid air and appeared above Xue an's head.


Shi Chang smashed down angrily.

In anger, it was a near fatal blow

But just then, something suddenly appeared on Xue an's head and blocked Shi Chang's blow.

Not only that, Shi Chang was forced to fly out. After standing still, half of his arms became numb, as if he had been injured.

Looking over Xue an's head, the memorial tablet of Wensheng is quietly suspended.

Shi Chang's pupil contracted in an instant and hissed, "how is it possible! You are not a man of the Wen Tao. Why does this Wen Sheng memorial tablet take the initiative to protect you?"

Xue an raised his hand slowly and gently stroked the Wen Sheng memorial tablet on his head.

The memorial tablet of Wensheng glitters and seems to enjoy it very much.

Even Tang Zheng looked silly.

What else?

I have been a great Confucian in Kai Si poetry club for so many years, and I have never heard of anyone who can communicate with Wen Sheng memorial tablet like this.

"There are many things you don't know. Can I explain them to you, young master?" Xue an spoke slowly.

Shi Chang's face was gloomy. "Don't think you can do anything with the protection of Wensheng memorial tablet. You still have to die today!"

With that, Shi Chang took a step forward, and then showed up a gold body of Dharma phase up to several Zhang again, bombarding Xue an.

Xue an smiled coldly, "it seems that only you can do it!"

After that, a vast breath rose from behind Xue an, turned into a headless giant and welcomed him.

Seeing the giant behind Xue an, Shi Chang screamed again like a cat stepping on its tail.

"The white bone giant! Are you the inheritance of the white bone giant?"

Xue an was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. With the help of the Xingtian FA Xiang behind him, he punched and was bombarding Shi Chang's body.


Shi Chang was hit and flew out, but before he landed, Xue an rushed to his foothold again and punched again.

Bang bang!

Shi Changfa, who was several feet tall, turned into a huge ball and was slapped by Xue an, just like Xu Gaotian before.

The whole audience's eyes turned with Shi Chang who rushed left and right.

But no matter what the impact, he could not get out of Xue an's control.

So a scene that had never appeared in the world appeared.

A strong man at the peak of a four grade general was chased everywhere by a five grade cavalry captain.

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