Sheng Hongxi suddenly realized, "so it is. I always thought Daniel and Xiao Zhang were really powerful before!"

"Third sister, who are Daniel and Xiao Zhang?" The fifth asked.

Sheng Hongxi patted him on the head, "it's your big brother and second brother!"

Old five suddenly realized, "Oh, it's big brother and second brother!"

At this point, he suddenly realized something and quickly closed his mouth.

As for Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang, they are full of embarrassment.

Before, he opened his mouth and shut up and called himself big brother and second brother. Now that he knows the truth, he directly changed his mouth to Daniel and Xiao Zhang. You can imagine the gap between them.

But just then, Sheng Hongxi puffed with joy.

"Look at your expression, teasing you!"

Then she turned her head and said politely, "Sir, when shall we start?"

Xue an ignored her at all, because just then Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang came forward and bowed.

"Thank you for saving me again!" Wu Jun said.

Xue an saved him once before in the theater, so Wu Jun used the word again.

Xue an smiled faintly. "It turns out that you committed yourself to the theater to assassinate Shi Chang! Just don't know how deep hatred Shi Chang has with you, so that you don't hesitate to take risks? Of course, if it's inconvenient, I don't ask."

Wu Jun smiled bitterly, "how can I hide that my Lord saved me several times? The reason why I wanted to assassinate Shi Chang was to avenge the killing of Shi Chang?"

"Oh? Did Shi Chang even kill your teacher?"

"Yes! And it was tortured and killed by extremely fierce means."

It seems that Wu Jun's voice trembled when he recalled those tragic experiences.

Then, through his narration, Xue an knew the general process of the matter.

It turned out that Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang were orphans. They wandered in the street when they were young. They tasted the cold and warm of the world at a young age.

But at that time, their city fought for years, and the people were unable to make a living. Even strong adults could not live, let alone their two children.

Just as they were about to starve to death, their teacher appeared.

Speaking of this, tears appeared in the eyes of Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang.

Wu Jun said in a trembling voice.

"It was a very cold morning. Duan muguang and I were huddled in the corner of the wall. At that time, we were about to die of cold and hunger, but the pedestrians in the street didn't even look at us, because it was nothing new for the city to starve two children."

"Just when we all had hallucinations, in a trance, I felt a figure stop in front of us. I tried my last strength to shout out the word help, and then I was unconscious!"

"After waking up, duanmuguang and I have come to a warm room, even covered with a quilt!"

"I was thinking, is this death? If it's like this after death, it's not terrible at all. That's when footsteps came outside the house. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep!"

"A moment later, a figure came to the bedside. Although I didn't see her, I could recognize that this was the person I saw before I fainted, because she had an extremely pleasant faint fragrance."

"But the more so, the more frightened I was. I closed my eyes tightly and didn't dare to open them. I don't know how long it took, so I listened to the figure puff and laugh, and then said in a mocking tone."

"The little guy woke up very quickly, and he dared to pretend to sleep in front of my mother. It was really interesting! At that time, I was in a panic, and then I opened my eyes. What I saw was a beautiful picture."

"I still clearly remember that the light outside the window cast in and painted a light silver glow on the edge of her outline, and the expression of joy and anger on master's face is an unforgettable memory in my life!"

At this point, Wu Jun's voice choked, and duanmuguang's face was already full of tears.

Xue an understood this feeling, so he patted Wu Jun on the shoulder and sighed, "don't say what you don't want to say!"

Wu Jun shook his head, smiled miserably and said, "it's all right, sir. I'm just a little sad!"

Then he took a deep breath and went on.

"Later, I learned that master was a performer in the troupe. He followed the troupe around the major cities. That time, he was invited by the mayor of the city where we were. After the performance, master went to the street to play. As a result, he happened to meet us!"

"In Shifu's words, it was like picking up two kittens, but we later learned how much pressure Shifu was under. Even the class leader asked her several times to throw us away. As a result, she pushed us back!"

"Because master was the pillar of the troupe at that time, and the troupe leader had to point to her to make money, so he let it go after saying it several times! But the troupe would not bear our food, clothing, housing and transportation. Everything was paid by master himself."

"Since then, we have lived with master. We can eat whatever she eats. At the same time, she has taught us a lot!"

"Like the Scripture that dealt with Shi Chang before?" Xue an suddenly said.

Wu Jun nodded, "yes, the Scripture was really taught to us by master. We didn't know what it was at that time, but since master asked us to learn, we had to learn it even if we worked hard!"

"So, your master should have something to do with the Guangming palace that Shi Chang said?" Xue an said faintly.

Wu Jun was silent for a moment and finally shook his head and said, "we don't know this. Master never mentioned it to us. She just said that since there is the blood of evil things in her body, she should learn this scripture!"

Xue an nodded and did not continue to ask about this question, "then?"

"Then we gradually grew up and learned to do things in the troupe, and did better than others. In this case, the troupe leader also acquiesced to our existence."

Speaking of this, Wu Jun's eyes lit up, "that's the happiest time of my life. When I open my eyes every day, I can see Master and have enough to eat. Although others in the troupe will still point out to us, we don't care as long as master is there!"

"If only life could go on like this! But I never thought that all my happiness would be ruined in Lingan city!"

Speaking of this, Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang's eyes showed deep hatred.

"At that time, we were invited by Shi Chang to perform in Ling'an City, but on this stage, Shi Chang, who had just preached to the general at that time, took a fancy to my master at a glance, and explained his intention to the troupe leader after the performance!"

"So he agreed?" Xue Anqi said strangely.

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