"Yes!" Wu Jun's sad words.

"Just for the small benefits Shi Chang promised him, just because master is getting older, just because she is not disciplined sometimes... The old man betrayed master without hesitation!"

"At that time, he cheated Shifu to Lingan general's house under a despicable excuse, and then Shi Chang..."

At this point, he choked again, but with Shi Chang's temperament, we can imagine what will happen later.

"We both knew the news the next day, and then we went crazy to general Ling'an's house and happened to meet the master who was carried out! At that time, she... At that time, she had been tortured, and her injuries were countless!"

"After seeing us, she smiled and said who let you come! Then she passed out."

"The two of us returned to the troupe behind our master's back. Everyone pointed out to us. Some women who hated my master's appearance and achievements were full of proud smiles! We completely forgot who fed the whole troupe at the beginning."

"But we didn't care about these at that time. We just looked forward to a miracle so that master could live. As long as we could do it, even if we had to die at that time!"

"But the miracle didn't happen in the end. Master's breath weakened after a coma for a day and a night. On her deathbed, she called us to say a word!"

Xue an sighed, "don't you want revenge?"

Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang were stunned, "you..."

"It's not hard to guess. After all, with your strength, if you want to deal with Shi Chang, who has the strength of the fourth general, it's like a fool's dream, and it may even ruin your life!" Xue an said faintly.

Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang were silent for a moment, and then nodded together.

"Yes, that's exactly what master said at that time, and this became the only time we disobeyed her orders!"

"So you have spent all these years in hatred?"

"Yes!" Wu Jun gritted his teeth and said, "in fact, we have killed many enemies before coming to Lingan area!"

"Are they the people in the troupe?"

"That's right!" Wu Jun's face showed deep hatred.

"Shi Chang is the culprit, and these people are accomplices to the tyranny. Of course I won't let them go."

"Over the years, master has taught me a lot to follow Duan muguang. Later, he wandered around in the society and learned a lot of things. It's no problem to kill these selfless actors!"

"I still remember the expression of these guys when they saw our true face before they died. Some people would cry for mercy to us, some people were paralyzed like mud and didn't say a word, and some people confessed to my dead Master with tears on their faces, but no matter what these people did, I didn't let them go!"

"I killed them with the most cruel means, just as they pushed master into the fire."

"What about the troupe leader?" Sheng Hongxi, who has been listening to the whole process, suddenly asked.

"Of course, there's this guy! He's more cunning than others. After hearing that all the people in the troupe died, he immediately changed his name and began to hide everywhere. Duan muguang and I struggled for ten years to find him, and finally found him in a small town!"

"At that time, he had become the richest man in this small town and had a good reputation! Ironically, the guy who sold his men for a small profit did not hesitate to become a great philanthropist praised by the people!"

Wu Jun sneered, "but when the great good man saw our brothers, he immediately knelt down and began to kowtow madly."

"In his words, he knew there would be this day, so he widely practiced merit and repented for what he had done that year, and he also said that he was waiting for this day to commit suicide in front of us and atone for what he had done that year!"

"That guy is also good. At least he can change his mistakes!" Sheng Hongqian said.

"Hehe, can you correct your mistakes? All he said is just to delay time. In fact, he has bought several powerful monks with various means over the years. He is equipped with communication devices at any time. As soon as he sees us, he immediately crushed the communication devices, and then began to delay time until these monks came!"

"What happened?"

"As a result, he died! Because he never dreamed that the friars he found were not our brothers' opponents at all. After being ambushed and wounded, these friars also fled."

"He always thought that we were just ordinary actors and had some Jianghu means at most, but he didn't know that Duan muguang and I have been living through hardships for years in order to avenge Shifu."

"So he died. I cut him three thousand knives before he died, and then he swallowed his last breath!"

When he said these words, Wu Jun's tone was very calm.

Sheng Hongxi couldn't help cheering, "good! Kill well. Such a scum must be treated like this. Unfortunately, I was too straightforward when I killed Shi Chang just now. If I knew these, I should have tortured him to die!"

Wu Jun shook his head. "Shi Chang will die today because of the favorable weather, location and people. Otherwise, he won't die so easily. In fact, I didn't intend to go back to Ling'an city with Duanmu Guang."

"Even with the belief of death, we know that the possibility of successfully killing him is very small, but we really can't wait any longer, because he will only become stronger and stronger over time. Once he enters the third grade general's territory, it is completely beyond our reach!"

"So we are satisfied that he can die today. As for others, we don't want any more!"

Xue an nodded. Suddenly, with a flash of sword light, he cut off Shi Chang's head on the ground and handed it to Wu Jun.

"Take this thing back as a souvenir!"

Such understatement and using her head as a means of human favor made Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyelids jump. Only Sheng Hongxi brightened in front of her eyes.

Wu Jun did not refuse. He solemnly took Shi Chang's head and bowed.

"I don't want to thank you for your kindness. If you can use us in the future, we will be devastated."

Xue an smiled. "Where are you going next?"

"I don't know." Wu Jun said something at a loss.


Where are you going?

Before, they lived to avenge their teachers. Now they have to avenge their teachers. Where else can they go?

"Let me show you the way. Your master must have some connection with Guangming palace, so you might as well go to Guangming palace. Wouldn't it be better to find out why your master fell into the Jianghu and became a dramatist?"

Hearing this, Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang shook together, and then looked at each other.

"OK! As you said, we'll go to Guangming palace now!"

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