Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang left with Shi Chang's head.

When they left, the real Xu Ling'an just wanted to talk to him, but he saw xue'an turning and walking towards the high platform.

At this time, the whole audience focused on Xue an.

Seeing him walking towards the high platform, many people were stunned at first, even with a comprehensible smile.

For example, Wu Zizhang said with a smile, "it seems that master Xue is also a romantic!"

"Nonsense, it's common sense for a young man to admire AI. Besides, how many can control Miss Yun?" Yao Yachao smiled.

Xue an's previous performances have already convinced everyone inside and outside the field, so people don't think Xue an's current practice is wrong.

After all, young people admire AI's talent. Can they be called talents if they are not romantic?

Only Tang Zheng's eyes flashed a dark color, but he didn't say anything, but stepped back a little.

Seeing Xue an coming towards her, Yun lingxuan hasn't done much yet, but the little servant girl tuan'er is very excited.

"Miss, miss, he's coming, he's coming!"

Yun lingxuan didn't pay attention to her little servant girl who was crazy about flowers. She just stood there quietly, only her eyes flickered slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Meanwhile, Xue an came to Yun lingxuan and said with a smile.

"Miss Yun, we meet again!"

Yun lingxuan saluted, "yes! Meet again!"

As soon as this remark was made, many people were slightly surprised.

Do they know each other?

The bitter color in Tang Zheng's eyes could not help but be more intense.

Just then, Xue an smiled, "Miss Yun, where's my composition?"

write music?

Yun lingxuan was slightly stunned. She immediately remembered the gambling appointment before the meeting, and couldn't help laughing.

"You have a good memory. If you don't remind me, I've forgotten."

"Ha ha, although I'm not the leader of any literary Association, it's good to listen to miss Yun compose a song!" Xue an smiled.

Yun lingxuan nodded, "if so, I'll give you a song!"

With that, Yun lingxuan took out the Guqin she carried with her, put it on the table and meditated a little. Then she gently plucked the strings and began to play.

There is no doubt about Yun lingxuan's talent in composition. Even improvised music is amazing.

In particular, the abundant emotion contained in the song is even more moving.

After playing a song, the whole audience was silent. A moment later, Xue an gently applauded and praised.

"Good music, good piano skill!"

Yun lingxuan stroked the strings, rose up and whispered, "young master, I'm praising you!"

"It's not Miao Zan, it's a fact! The girl's talent in music is the highest I've ever seen in my life."

Yun lingxuan didn't know how exaggerated Xue an's compliment was. She just nodded politely.


But before she finished, Xue an bowed his hand gently, "listen to the song, then I'll leave!"

Then Xue an turned and left.

This sudden move made Yun lingxuan a little confused.

What's going on?

How can I just leave?

Is it true that he came to see me on his own initiative just to listen to a song?

Not only Yun lingxuan was a little surprised, but many people in the field were also puzzled.

Han Bochao frowned and said, "what's the matter? How did Mr. Xue leave without saying goodbye after saying two words?"

Instead, Wu Zizhang sighed, "master, a real master, I used to think I was a master of flirting with my younger sister, but I'm still far from this childe Xue!"

"What do you mean?" Han Bochao was puzzled.

Before Wu Zizhang explained, Ying Weilan, sitting on one side, said in a secluded way.

"Playing hard to get first arouses the girl's curiosity, and then pretends to be distant, so that she will be more impressed by you. It's a common means in the happy scene. Unexpectedly, childe Xue is also good at it!"

Han Bochao scratched his scalp, "I don't understand. It's too complicated!"

Wu Zizhang smiled and patted Han Bochao on the shoulder. "Brother Han can understand as long as he regards women as enemies in the art of war!"

Han Bochao suddenly realized, "is it time to lure the enemy into depth after playing hard to get, then encircle Wei and save Zhao, attack the heart, and finally flood the seven armies and make trouble with the Yellow Dragon?"

Zhuo Benzheng four people all fell into silence.

Ying Weilan spat with a reddish cheek, "bah! Smelly man!"

Then he turned his head and ignored it.

Han Bochao didn't know, so, "brother Wu, what's wrong with me?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Why did the girl scold me?"

Wu Zizhang was a little embarrassed, but Yao Yachao explained with a smile.

"That's because these idioms usually sound normal, but at this time, they are full of color and gas, which makes people can't help thinking!"

Han Bochao frowned and thought for a long time. He still didn't understand. He could only mutter to himself, "woman... It's really troublesome!"

At this time, Xue Anye came down from the high platform to Xu Lingan and Wu Ji.

On seeing him, Xu Lingan hurriedly saluted.

"Thank you for helping me to eradicate the villains and recapture Ling'an city."

At this moment, Xue an's status in his mouth has upgraded again, from a young man to an adult.

Xue an just smiled faintly, "thank you. Even without you, I have to kill Shi Chang, so it's just easy!"

"That said, but the little old man is still grateful!"

Xue an didn't continue to entangle on this issue. The front turned and said, "but there's something you have to pay attention to!"

"If you have anything to do, please tell me!"

"Shi Chang's father and son founded an organization called Shura hall. Although it is not a big force that can be on the table, it is also a hidden danger. Now that they are dead, this matter will be handled by you!"

Xu Ling calmed his nerves and said, "I understand that I must do it properly."

Xue an nodded and was about to give some more instructions when a quarrel suddenly came.

Xue an looked around and saw that the director of Ren family was entangled with Ren Ning.

Seeing this, Xue an's face became colder.

Xu Lingan was so smart that he naturally noticed the scene and quickly whispered, "Sir, do you want me to solve it?"

As early as when Xu Ling'an was still the Lord of Ling'an, Ren Di had already taken charge of the Ren family. Because he was a subordinate of Xu Ling'an, he had contact with him several times.

Therefore, Xu Lingan naturally knew how despicable this Ren's different temperament was, so he volunteered to solve the matter.

Xue an shook her head. "No, some things have to be experienced and faced by herself. The help of others is always temporary!"

With that, even Xue an stood in his place and watched quietly without stopping.

He wanted to see what choice Ren Ning would make in the face of her former father.

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