Xue'an shrugged. "I'd love to!"

With that, Xue an walked forward and said calmly, "what do you need me to do?"

Ren Ning took a deep breath and raised her hand to point to Ren Di in front of her.

"Next, I want to ask him a few words, but it is certain that he will never tell the truth, so I need you to use your means to distinguish the truth of his words!"

Hearing this, this different complexion was white at first, and then a lucky color flashed in his eyes.

No matter how powerful the boy is, as long as he resists death, what can he do to me?

Reading this, Ren Di said with a strong smile: "Sir, what I just said is really the truth, you see..."

Xue an didn't talk nonsense to him at all, but nodded directly; "OK! Let's start."

Ren Ning's face is a sentence.

"Did my mother die because of you?"

Ren disagreed and sneered, but his face was full of bitterness and helplessness, "it's not... Ah!"

Not just two words, an unspeakable sharp pain hit in an instant.

Caught off guard, Ren Di screamed and nearly fell to the ground.

Xue an said lightly: "I just planted a mark in the depths of your soul. From now on, if you dare to say half a word, then this mark will tear your soul, so... Take care of yourself!"

Hearing this, the fluke before Ren Di was swept away and replaced by infinite fear and despair.

"No... no!"

Before the words fell, Ren Ning bullied him, looked at him coldly and said, "say, does my mother's death have anything to do with you?"

"Yes!" Let different faces change, and finally dare not lie, replied honestly.

"How did she die?"

"A dignitary passing by ren'an city fell in love with your mother and wanted a happy night. I... I didn't dare to disobey, so I discussed with your mother!"

"As a result, she refused to say anything, but I had to use medicine to dizzy it, and then..."

"Then what?"

"Then he sent it to the powerful man's bed!"


There was an uproar.

Everyone, whether male or female, showed disdain and contempt on their faces.



"Bah, you can even sell your own women. It's really embarrassing for our men!"

These reproaches were heard all the time, making Ren's faces more and more pale.

Ren Ning was already sobbing.

Because Ren's different words really confirmed his memories.

At the thought that her mother had suffered such atrocities, and was betrayed by the closest people around her, Ren Ning couldn't help but feel like a knife.

It seemed that she saw her excitement. Xue an said faintly, "do you need me to help you?"

The understatement of the word "hands-on" fell into any different ears, but it was like a bolt from the blue.

He flopped and knelt to the ground, repeatedly kowtowed and said, "spare your life, spare your life! The little one knows his mistake, and the little one will never dare again!"

Xue an didn't even look at him, but looked at Ren Ning quietly, waiting for her reply.

Ren Ning gradually stopped her grief, and then resolutely shook her head.

"No, I'll avenge my mother myself!"


Xue an threw the fragment of the ancient mirror at random, "use this to avenge you!"

Ren Ning catches the fragments of the ancient mirror and walks towards Ren di.

Ren Di shivers and looks at Ren Ning with begging eyes.

But this can't make Ren Ning's steps even a little slow.

At the moment, Ren Ning's pace is gentle and steady, just like going to a feast. Even the expression on her face is no sorrow or joy.

But it is this extreme calm that makes Ren different feel cold at the bottom of his heart.

"Ning'er, I'm your biological father anyway. I really know I'm wrong. Please let me go... Ah!"

A scream interrupted Ren Di's plea for mercy, and Ren Ning clapped it down with one hand, and the fragments of the ancient mirror directly pierced Ren Di's shoulder.


The blood splashed and let different people cry in pain. At the same time, there was a fierce color in their eyes.

The muscles of his legs suddenly tensed up and wanted to fight back. He took Ren Ning as a hostage and fled here.

He knew very well that this was the only way he could live.

But before he broke out, a magnificent momentum came and directly pressed on any different head.

With two clicks, any different knees were instantly broken and could no longer move.

He opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but at this time, Ren Ning grabbed the fragment of the ancient mirror with both hands and dashed down.


With the crisp sound of cutting leather, the fragments of the ancient mirror scratched obliquely from any different shoulder, cut off all the ribs along the road and broke the chest and abdomen.

The intestines gushed out, but Ren Ning didn't move at all. Instead, she bit the fragment of the ancient mirror with her mouth, then stretched out two slender hands and directly inserted them into Ren Di's chest.

Any different person was shocked.

As a monk, his strong vitality made him not die even if he suffered such a serious injury.

But it also became the root of his pain.

Seeing that Ren Ning's hands were inserted into any different chest, he suddenly scratched on both sides, and the heart hidden in his chest suddenly appeared.

At this time, the bright red heart is still beating.

Ren Ning said coldly, "unexpectedly, your heart is still red!"

With that, she grabbed the jumping heart with her two hands and yanked it out.

Bang bang.

With a burst of sour blood vessel cracking sound, Ren's different hearts were forcibly pulled out by Ren Ning.

Many people's eyelids jumped wildly when they saw this fierce scene.

Especially Ren Xing, who knelt not far behind him, was stunned at the moment.

Is the woman who is covered with blood and holds her heart like a demon in hell really her weak and deceptive sister?

Speaking of this, I have to admire Ren Di's strong vitality. Even if he lost his heart, he still didn't fall down immediately. Instead, he slowly lowered his head and looked at his empty chest.

"Heart... Gone!"

After saying this, he just fell to the ground and died.

Ren Ning stood in place, holding any different heart in her hand, and whispered in her mouth.

"Mom, you see, I avenged you. I killed this bastard. You can rest in peace!"

She burst into tears as she spoke.

Xue an didn't know when she came to her side and said faintly.

"Well done! I thought you didn't dare, but I didn't think you were really good at cutting him!"

Ren Ning sucked her nose and said in a slightly choking voice, "in fact, at the beginning, I thought I didn't dare, but I did it in the end!"

Xue an smiled and then turned away.

"Let's go. Your grudges are over. You don't have to stay here anymore!"

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