Ren Ning didn't hesitate and immediately followed up.

As Xue an said, her gratitude and resentment are over, and there is no need to stay in this Lingan area.

Somehow, she suddenly remembered what her mother had said to herself before she died,

At that time, her mother gave her the treasured scarf and told her.

Once this scarf is worn, there are only two possible ways to be seen. One is to lose your body, the other is to meet someone worthy of love, and then fall in love with each other completely.

At that time, I asked what love was.

I remember my mother was silent for a long time, so long that I even thought my mother was asleep, and then my mother said in a low tone.

Love is willing to look at him from a distance.

Thinking of this, Ren Ning secretly glanced at Xue an's back.

She doesn't know whether her feelings for Xue an are love or not.

It seems to be, and it doesn't seem to be.

It seems that it's because I'm willing to look at him from a distance, even if I don't do anything, just look at him quietly.

It seems not, because she clearly knows that the cold looking young man in white actually has a beloved wife and two lovely daughters.

No matter how much effort he makes, he can't occupy a place in his heart.

She knows that very well.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help sighing slightly, and then put these thoughts behind her temporarily.

In any case, there is always a sense of security around him.

Even for this sense of security, I can't give up.

Ren Ning secretly made up her mind.

Seeing that they were leaving, Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others immediately followed.

But just as they were about to cross the threshold and leave the Wenhui Pavilion, a gentle call came from behind.

"Mr. Xue, please stay!"

Xue an stopped and looked around.

He saw that Yun lingxuan had come.

"What else can I do for you, Miss Yun?" Xue an said faintly.

Seeing Xue an's calm appearance, Yun lingxuan secretly bit her silver teeth, but her face remained unchanged. She smiled and said, "son Xue, can you take a step to talk?"

Xue an took a deep look at Yun lingxuan and finally nodded noncommittally.


Then he walked to the corner.

Yun lingxuan followed her. She had mixed feelings and didn't know what it was like.

She just thought Xue an was playing hard to get.

She's seen this trick a lot. It's just to attract her attention.

So she was very calm. No matter how anxious the regiment was, she didn't come to an end.

But unexpectedly, Xue an really left after finishing everything.

Now Yun lingxuan was really worried. She shouted to Xue an, and then hurried up.

Xue an came to the corner and stopped. "What do you think of Miss Yun?"

Yun lingxuan took a deep breath. "Where are you going, childe Xue?"

"Nature is to go to Longhu stronghold!"

"After going to Longhu stronghold?"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "this... I haven't thought about it yet!"

Yun lingxuan looked solemn. "Mr. Xue, your literary talent is really the only one I have seen in my life. It can be seen that you can produce ten excellent works in a short time, so I sincerely invite you to attend the general meeting of Qisi poetry society!"

"General cultural conference?"

"That's right! This general literature meeting is the biggest literature meeting of Kai Si poetry society, and it is also the leading grand meeting in the whole spiritual realm. At that time, talents in all fields will participate!" Yun lingxuan said solemnly.

Strangely, she didn't see the slightest excitement on Xue an's face, but she looked bored, and then shook her head.


Yun lingxuan was stunned and almost thought she had heard wrong, "what?"

"I said I didn't have to go!"

"Why?" Yun lingxuan asked in surprise.

"No why, just not interested!" Xue an said faintly.

No interest?

What the hell is that?

Yun lingxuan couldn't help laughing or crying. She thought Xue an didn't understand the importance of the meeting, so she couldn't help talking seriously.

"Mr. Xue, you may not quite understand the importance of this cultural meeting. If you can stand out in this cultural meeting, you will be truly famous all over the world!"

But Xue an was still unmoved. "Thank you, but I'm still not interested! If Miss Yun's invitation is just for this matter, I'll go!"

After that, Xue an was ready to leave.

Yun lingxuan has never been treated like this, especially by men.

Since she became famous, the men she met were not respectful to herself.

Even the arrogant Xu Gaotian before took the risk because he was full of greed for himself.

Only Xue an's performance puzzled Yun lingxuan.

It is a kind of head up without any desire, even a little disdain.

This made Yun lingxuan's heart surge into anger for no reason, and she couldn't help shouting at Xue an's back.

"Is childe Xue going to bury his amazing talent?"

Xue an stopped, then turned his head and smiled at Yun lingxuan.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you something. I copied those poems!"

Yun lingxuan opened her eyes. "Copy it?"

"That's right!"

"From which book?"

"Three Hundred Tang poems!"

"Three Hundred Tang poems?"

Yun lingxuan whispered again, and then fell into a daze.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't help laughing, and then strode away.

Looking at his natural and unrestrained back, tuan'er shriveled his mouth and was full of grievances.

Why don't you know to say hello to others before you leave!

Not to mention the sour little servant girl, Tang Zheng walked to Yun lingxuan and whispered.

"How's it going?"

Yun lingxuan suddenly remembered, but did not answer Tang Zheng's words. Instead, she asked, "do you know 300 Tang poems?"

"Three Hundred Tang poems?" Tang Zhengyi frowned, "I haven't written 300 poems, let alone a collection of poems? What's the matter?"

Yun lingxuan shook her head, "it's all right! He refused!"

"Reject?" Tang Zheng was quite stunned.

"Yes! I don't understand why he refused. He even said that all his poems were copied. Isn't it obvious that he has polluted himself?"

Tang Zheng remained silent for a long time and finally shook his head. "I can't guess, but this childe Xue is really a dragon and Phoenix. Even the memorial tablet of the literary Saint took the initiative to protect him and even went with him. This is really unheard of!"

Yun lingxuan turned her head and looked at Tang Zheng. "Speaking of this, how are you going to explain the memorial tablet to the society?"

Tang Zheng smiled bitterly, "how else can I explain? Naturally, to tell the truth, I have lost 30% of my accomplishments because of a wisp of selfishness. If I hide it again, it is estimated that even the remaining 70% of my accomplishments will be difficult to survive!"

Speaking of this, he sighed with emotion.

"When I saw this childe Xue today, Fang knew that there was indeed a genius in the world. It's ridiculous. I used to think of myself as a great Confucian. I was really arrogant. When I went back, I would take the blame myself and shut up at the cliff facing the wall and think about it!"

After that, he bowed to Yun lingxuan.

"Miss Yun, goodbye!"

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