Xue an waited for this moment. He turned his fist into a palm and suddenly inserted it into the crack in front of him.


The space was finally overwhelmed and broken like a mirror.

Xue an's hand went deep into the space, and then suddenly pulled it to his side.

The space was dragged by Xue an like a carpet.

At this moment, the world with a radius of tens of meters shifted.

How to describe this scene!

Imagine that space is a huge plastic film, and Xue Angang's two fists are like a hole in the film.

When he put his hand in and pulled it to his side, the space film within a radius of tens of meters was disturbed and then offset.

You know, space is not just a thin film, it also carries many things.

So when it deviates, even the light in the world with a radius of tens of meters deflects.

From the perspective of onlookers, it is as if the world in this space has been distorted.

But this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that when this space is offset, it is immediately separated from the surrounding space.

For a moment, the extremely sharp space blade cut off all the retreats of this brilliance and trapped it in it.

But even so, this Guanghua still didn't give up, but rushed left and right, making a final struggle like a caught fish.

In this regard, Xue an just said lightly: "if you are not honest, believe it or not, I'll smash this space with a fist and let you smash it together?"

This sentence is more useful than any panacea. This Guanghua immediately calmed down, and then quietly suspended in the air without any movement.

Xue an sneered, "why? Now you don't run away, but you want to play deep for me?"

The brilliance remains the same, but the brilliance on the body is uncertain, just like a person breathing.

Xue an doesn't talk nonsense any more. He controls the space with one hand, raises the other hand and smashes it down with one punch.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

The Guanghua immediately confessed and screamed in horror.

Xue an's fist stopped in front of this space and looked coldly at the brilliance in front of him.

"Should you spread your disguise before you talk to me?"

"Well, you are really a difficult young man!" There was a sigh in the light, and then he saw the light scattered, showing a huge fragment of ancient mirror.

In this regard, xue'an seemed to have expected for a long time, without any surprise. He just said in a cold voice: "how good it is to cooperate so early, and it will save you from suffering from these flesh and blood!"

With that, Xue an loosened his clenched fist.

But a sigh came from the fragments of the ancient mirror.

"I didn't expect that the first Chinese student I met over the years would be so stubborn and arrogant. Don't you know to respect the old and love the young?"

When talking about the four words "Chinese posterity", this voice deliberately accentuated the tone, as if it was reminding Xue an of something.

If the word "Chinese" pops out of other people's mouths, Xue an may be surprised.

But from this piece of ancient mirror, Xue an's face was not surprised, and even sneered.

"Don't rely on the old and sell the old in front of me. You lured me to come and untie the seal for you with a piece of debris. As a result, you wanted to escape from here without even saying hello. Why didn't you say that?"

In the face of Xue an's question, this piece of ancient mirror is obviously guilty, but it is hard to say.

"Nonsense, I didn't try to escape!"

"Oh? What were you doing just now?" Xue an said faintly.

The fragments of the ancient mirror were silent again.

Xue an was not in a hurry, so she looked at it.

After a long time, a bitter smile came from the fragments of the ancient mirror.

"Strange, don't you wonder why I know Chinese?"

"What's strange about this? You have other fragments that belong to the Chinese people. It's not strange to know these, and..."

Xue an's face showed a meaningful smile, "it's estimated that you can only remember some vague outlines. Are other memories lost with the fragments?"

In fact, as early as Xue an saw the fragment of the ancient mirror in Yun lingxuan's hand, he felt the breath of the Chinese nationality.

Later, he tracked all the way here and found that after the suppression of Feng Shui chaos, it confirmed Xue an's previous ideas.

Because apart from the Chinese, few ethnic groups can delve into the secret art of Feng Shui and use it in such a state.

The appearance of this ancient mirror fragment also surprised Xue an with a slight disappointment.

Because he thought what was buried here was all the remaining ancient mirrors, but he didn't expect that it was still only one piece.

Moreover, in terms of power and lethality, although the area of this ancient mirror fragment is much larger than that in Yun lingxuan's hand, it is still much worse.

Of course, these thoughts only flashed through Xue an's heart, and did not appear on the surface.

But his words gave this piece of ancient mirror a great shock.

"You... You..."

You've been for a long time and it hasn't said why.

"How do I know?" Xue an asked with leisure.

"It's very simple. The secrets I know about the Chinese people along the way are far from you can imagine. I not only know that you are an ancient mirror handed down by the Chinese people, but also know where another fragment is!"

"Where is it?"

This topic successfully attracted the attention of this ancient mirror fragment.

Xue an didn't hide it either. As soon as he waved his hand directly, the picture transformed by a divine thought appeared in front of the fragment of the ancient mirror.

When she saw the fragment in Yun lingxuan's hand, the fragment of the ancient mirror almost drooled.

"Yes, it's the fragments lost in those years. It seems that they come from the part responsible for the battle! Tut tut!"

"Want?" Xue an scattered these pictures and said calmly.

"Of course!"

"Well, first tell me why you are here and who sealed you?"

A wry smile came from the fragments of the ancient mirror, "I'd like to ask someone about these two questions you asked. In fact, I've been sealed in this ghost place since the moment I had consciousness. I don't know who sealed me!"

Xue an was not surprised by this answer.

This piece of ancient mirror is obviously born the day after tomorrow, not the original consciousness of ancient mirror.

Even the memories it has are incomplete. Naturally, we can't expect it to provide any clues.

The reason why Xue an asks this is actually to attack the confidence of this ancient mirror fragment.

He will surrender to it.

So after it finished, Xue an said faintly, "since you don't know anything, what's the use of keeping you? Just break you!"

With that, Xue Anyang will fight again.

The fragments of the ancient mirror are really scared.

"Don't fight, don't fight, have something to say!"

Xue an stopped his fist. "What do you want to say?"

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